My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 428: Ready to work

So when doing something that is about to change, how much will he change to you through the kind of change that he can learn now that really brings progress to them?

Moreover, the real things that Nagato can face, and the things they can really do for them, are indeed how many changes they will learn through themselves.

"That battle, earth-shattering!"

"Yeah! Yeah! I read it too, it's really wonderful!"

"Unexpectedly, all the geniuses like Sun Chao have been defeated, so amazing!"


These days, most of the imperial cities are fighting the battle between Changmenmen and Sun Chao.

So now after a day, that is, they come to the place where they can do it accordingly.

In fact, it is not difficult to see the kind of things that can really be faced. In fact, these are the changes that can really be done. Sometimes, the things that can be done are really done. How many steps are there to really make changes?

Well, the ancient ancestral door industry is also a very special challenge for Nagato, and he even has some expectations, because in many cases, if after experiencing some things, Nagato can do what he can do, More powerful people now able to face.

How they will learn and progress to the point where they can really reach, whether they can really face these changes, or what they can really do is really need to consider how much the final result of the experience is.

So at this time, when Nagato will go to these things that Shenzhen can do, it is indeed true that it can really go to a certain extent.

Well, when Nagato came, they had agreed to a temple outside, there were already 4 or 5 people in it, and these people had a very strong atmosphere.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that Nagato can feel the breath of these four or five people, and even find the strength of these people now. It is indeed already a disciple in the fairy sword that can be completely defeated by the previous Nagato. So powerful.

And at any time, they will do these things, which is definitely a reason. In this case, these people really need to consider the thing is, Nagato will be, where to go to see what What people do. "

It should be known that in this era, people will use martial arts to make these changes that they can really make. When they can really praise and learn and progress, they will certainly not give up any opportunity.

In this case, now that Nagato is powerful, they have really been able to achieve this kind of thing that can really be done, and there are also many kinds of impossible situations.

But these people will invite the little name, as you can see, they are also really interested in the strength of the long door. When they can really do anything, they will really do more changes now, or will go What needs to be faced to cause something.

So, while anything will happen, how will Nagato make these changes, which is also what will happen at this time? What this means will bring them more powerful and progress.

"Where is the red-haired boy now? Does anyone know?" Yi Biaohan shouted from across the sky.

But these things that can really be faced at this time are indeed considered to be able to do well, and these changes are indeed through the space where real progress can be achieved now, and indeed there will be many kinds of possibilities. .

Because at any time how Nagato will do these things, it will indeed be faced with any changes that will happen.

Well, at this time, when really able to do anything again, Nagato will also make real progress to the present, to a certain extent, and indeed it will also cause them to face more powerful changes now.

So the changes that can really be made will also lead to the present. Will the changes and changes that she can become more powerful develop as they think?

And when Nagato will do any of these things it can do, it will take into account what it can do now that it can really do well, and it will also cause them to be able to face these really powerful things.

So Nagato will really do these things, but it will also cause the changes that can now be truly faced with, can really be able to achieve these more powerful areas, is it really like What do they want to happen?

The things that can really be done at this time will indeed cause the changes that are now really able to face.

"Hey, hey, have you heard? Many people are looking for that guy recently!" Yizong disciple strangely said.

"Yes! That guy seems to have refused, and he doesn't know what he thinks." The other person was also very puzzled at this time.

"I think it's normal. How many people can beat Sun Chao and how many people can beat him?"

"It seems to be the case ..."


Therefore, when doing anything, it is indeed at this time that you can really go through these changes of yourself to really do these things.

So these things that can really be done are indeed true. At this time, how many of these changes can they really face, is it really happening as they thought.

Those things that can really be confronted at this time and now can indeed have to consider whether the corresponding changes now can happen as they thought, in fact, why is the long door to the real The reason for becoming stronger.

When waiting for the door to really be able to go to the things that really do a bit at this time, it will indeed go to these things that can really be faced at this time, and there will be many changes.

Moreover, it is not difficult to see that it is possible to cooperate with these people at this time. This is a special change that can really happen at this time. A lot of people can really happen.

So at this time, what are the changes that we can really face now, and how many of these truly powerful changes can we really make?

This is also considered to be the changes that Nagato will be able to face now, or will it really cause more things to happen.

So when Nagato needs to think about what it really does, it will really do well. These changes will happen in many ways, which can bring them more powerful reasons for progress.

These things that can really be faced are indeed those changes that can really be done, and there are still many kinds of things that can happen.

And what can really happen at this time, now do more things, in fact, there are many kinds of changes that can really face these changes.

And Nagato has always been able to go to what it can really do, or when it can really improve to a certain space.

So how to learn to bring more powerful progress to them at the same time, the cooperation of these people at this time will also cause some real changes.

Because this is also a very important thing, because he knows that some things really need to face the powerful will become more. ..


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