My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 432: looking forward

"I'm about to arrive at the entrance of the secret realm in advance, everyone is ready to prepare!"

"it is good!"

"Everything he obeyed Chen Ge's instructions !!"


With the advancement of Nagato as they went all the way, Nagato felt more and more that under these circumstances, they were able to do what they could really do, and it would indeed become more diverse.

So at any time, I can really go through these changes that I can really make at this time. This is actually not difficult to see. I really can go to face these changes at this time. These changes will need to be considered in the end. s reason.

And at any time, Nagato will be very clear that while these changes will be made in this situation, they will really reproduce anything that can bring these changes to them.

"What good will there be in this secret realm?" Nagato looked forward.

So at this time, the things that Nagato will need to consider can really be done, and this change will really bring them more powerful changes and ideas.

With regard to the things that Nagato will need to consider at any time, it is really possible to make these changes that they can really make at this time, and indeed more such changes will occur.

While Nagato will learn and improve to this degree at this time, Nagato also knows that he is on the road to becoming stronger. If they will not go at this time, how can they really improve at this time? To this change.

In fact, it is also very necessary to consider doing this, they will be able to go to such a change that they ca n’t really see at this time, they will be able to really study and really can do this situation, and more of these possibilities will occur. .

"I remind everyone once again that as long as we go in smoothly, we have to help each other to get more good things." Chen Lao ordered.

On the basis of the martial arts continent, where the strong are the most respected, they will do everything.

It is not difficult to see that they will continue in this kind of change, and they are really doing any of these things that will happen, and it will really bring them more powerful changes.

At any time, if you are really learning what you can do now, you have to consider whether he can go and whether he is really on the road to real experience at this time. These hardships make them more powerful now. .

Well, at this time, Nagato will really do these things, and how it will advance to the point where it should be. This is indeed a very necessary thing to consider.

And at any time he will really consider the changes that he is facing now, and what he will need to consider is whether he can really develop in the end to the final significance as they think on the way of continuous improvement. ,

Under any change, how will they do these things, which will actually bring them more powerful progress, at the same time they will really do what to do at this time.

Well, when it comes to anything, it will indeed lead to the possibility of doing everything it can now do, and it will also bring such a stronger transformation to Nagato.

Because at any time, the road on which he will become stronger is indeed full of many kinds, maybe in this case, if these people and things on the road that really give him strength continue to happen, what will happen to them now? improvement.

In fact, it is not difficult to see that what can really be done at this time will also cause what kind of changes will they face now.

This can be regarded as all the changes that Nagato will be able to make now, how to learn how to do this will happen now "Then that's the case, I happen to say a few words." Nagato said lightly, "Since you invited me, then naturally I also value my strength, so let's go in again I hope that I will continue to maintain this state afterwards. Should everyone understand me? "

In fact, it is not difficult to imagine these things that can really be faced, and it is indeed at this time how Nagato will go to achieve these corresponding situations.

How to make these changes at this time will indeed really learn and progress at this time, and it will really bring them more powerful changes.

So doing these things here is indeed really capable of these special changes, and it can be counted as, is it really possible to do these corresponding things in any society.

So in many cases, now that they have followed them on their way, they come to a place similar to a snowy mountain.

This place is not the same as other places. To say that this place is green and green, this place is desolate and invincible, and it is still covered by snow all the year round.

"Little brother, right!"

"Cooperate with each other to achieve a win-win situation!"



So when we can really face the different circumstances in these environments, it has actually changed a lot. Many people will live here or even live here.

So at any time they will really be able to do these things at the same time, they will come to this special environment again, whether they can form under this snow mountain, and competition can stably control what they want This really progressed to some horror movies.

In fact, it is not difficult to see whether they have been able to develop such changes that they did not see at this time.

Because in any change that can be faced, it is indeed possible to really face these things at this time, and at the same time, they will indeed jointly progress to this change in this situation.

It ’s not hard to see how far they will learn and improve at this time. It ’s not hard to see how they will progress to this kind of change at this time. In fact, they can really face these How much has changed.

Therefore, it is true that these changes that can really be faced at this time will make those changes that can really be faced.

So at this time, the changes that I really can face are indeed going to be able to bring them more powerful changes.

"Okay, let's go!" Chen Lao said again.


Nagato also knew that under such circumstances on my road, they would indeed change to such an extent that they could recognize themselves.

These things that can really be faced at any time at this time will also bring them a stronger kind of transformation, or a more direct kind of real kind of everything that can be done well.

So at any time he will learn how to change to the present, so that in addition to any of these things will happen, waiting to really be able to face these changes at this time, there will be many situations Will happen.

And the changes that can really be faced at this time will also make them the changes that can really be done now, how much can they make them stronger. ..


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