My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 13: Competing for Lingbao, unexpected gains

Xuan Tian saw that the three black shadows had broken the guardian formation of the Lingbao, and could not suppress the anger in his heart.

"Ignorant Xiaoxiao, dare to steal Lingbao in front of me, today I will teach you to see the old man's majesty."

Xuan Tian did not dare to neglect and hurriedly flew in the direction of Ape Wing Mountain.

"Two brothers, although we have joined forces to break through the formation, but this Lingbao is in the world, it will surely attract a lot of right and wrong. We still find the Lingbao as soon as possible, and hide away early.

"Zun Tie said it well. Now our morals are not enough. If we really encounter the power of floods and abyss, wouldn't we be here to explain today."

I was also worried about the connection. After all, the golden light of Lingbao's present life must have been seen by other powerful people in the flood. Now that it has just been transformed, everything still needs to be cautious.

The breath inside this ape wing mountain is different from the outside. This is the spiritual vein of the innate spirit treasure by the spirit of the heaven and earth. It is cultivated in the heaven and earth. Only those who are related to the spirit treasure can get such a spirit. treasure.

Nagato sensed the pure refinement of the spirit of this ape wing mountain. The spirit here is more conducive to the growth of Lingbao. The three broke the formation and flew towards the golden light.

After the three of them fell, they discovered that there was a small canyon in this mountain. From the canyon, there was a faint wind blowing out, which was very comfortable on the face. A gleam of gold was found in a corner of the valley.

The golden light was shrouded in a cloud of white mist, and there was a golden light. When I got closer, it turned out to be a bunch of bamboo.

I do n’t understand what this is, but my brows are closed. What kind of treasure is this bamboo? I do n’t think there is any difference between this and ordinary bamboo!

"The two Daoists should not be puzzled. This bamboo is the bitter bamboo in the chaos. After the world was opened, the bitter bamboo was here to absorb the essence of the heaven and earth's spirit. Then it became spiritual and turned into a spiritual treasure. It is a powerful magic weapon that can capture the six senses, make people lose hearing, sight, taste, smell, touch, and sensation. They are still mermaid like dolls. At the same time, they help the owner to better control the six senses. "

The quasi mention and lead the two heard, they all sighed the wonder of bamboo.

There are about seven bamboos, but now only two have matured, and the remaining bamboos have not yet matured.

Nagato took out two mature methods, and took out the bamboo and sent it to the quasi-lift.

"Probably mention the Taoist friends, you must first take these six pure bamboos. Your bodhicitta spirit is matched with these six pure bamboo spirits. You can use them to refine these six pure bamboos, which will become a powerful magic weapon in the future."

Nagato knew that these six pure bamboos were the quasi-raising spirit treasures, and in conjunction with the quasi-raising, he sent the Lingbao to the quasi-raising.

"Where is the evil spirit, dare to steal my Lingbao here."

A loud roar sounded, and a Tsing Yi Taoist, who punished Bi Guan himself, appeared menacingly in front of the three men.

Nagato is not weak either.

"It's ridiculous, why does this Taoist friend say that this chaotic bamboo is your treasure. Honghuang's search for Lingbao is about a chance. The three of me traveled nearby and saw this Lingbao, of course, first come first served."

"I do n’t think so. I clearly saw this spirit treasure first, but it was preempted by you waiting for the Xiaoxiao people. I am the dragon clan division, Xuantian is also, if you are interested, you will quickly hand over the spirit treasure. You may consider spare your surname. "

"Smelly shameless, robbed is robbed, and also took out the dragon clan to press us." Zhuo mentioning this man is so arrogant, but also angry.

"Then blame me for bullying."

Xuantian is already the peak state of Taiyi Jinxian, which is higher than the long gate Taiyi Jinxian in the late period. Even in the highlands, it is not in the same order of magnitude, which is equivalent to a small one. Children fight with adults.

But Hong Huang has so many rules. As long as he has strength, he can be high, and it is reasonable to say anything.

Where did Nagato endure this anger?

"It depends on whether you have the ability."

This ushered in and Xuantian did a game.

Nagato is jealous and hatred. Where can he tolerate such arrogant people? He also moved to suppress people. Nagato was very sick of this bullying dog. When he met him, he must educate him.

Nagato and Xuan Tiandou were inseparable, regardless of victory or defeat. Nagato fought with a palm, and was hidden by Xuan Tian. Xuan Tian also gave him a return. Nagato's body is flexible and he easily hides. .

Although Nagato and Xuantian differed a bit in their cultivation practices, they did not fall behind in the fight against Xuantian. Nagato has long been in harmony with Chaos Treasure and Chaos Qinglian, and this Chaos Qinglian can provide a constant flow of mana.

Both the introduction and the quasi- mentioning were not rigid for a long time. They were only the Taixi Jinxian's early cultivation practices. Although they were not too busy, the two still sacrificed virtue Qinglian, and Qibao seconds tree came forward to help .

Nothing can lose the momentum, the brothers work together to break the gold. The three men battled with Xuan Tian.

Although the merit of Jinlian has only nine grades, the merit of Jinlian is still very powerful, but it is the most valuable defense. Sitting on the lotus platform at the end, there is no way for Xuantian ’s current practice. I haven't entered the refining and chemical industry to show my full strength, but I have to mention Xuan Tian a few times, but I still can't hold Xuan Tian's weapon training.

After thousands of rounds, the three players of Nagato, Junti and Reach finally gained the upper hand. Xuan Tian saw that the three were powerful and could not resist themselves.

"Okay, today you are bullying me because there are so many people. I don't have any dragons. Don't ask me to touch it next time, otherwise you won't be able to walk around."

Xuan Tian let go of the cruel words, and then fled the smoke and fled outside, and disappeared without a trace after a while.

"This Long Xuantian is too arrogant, but the big things matter, and I will worry about this in the future."

Nagato summoned the quasi-lift and pick-up that was preparing to fight.


"Vaguely feel that there is not only this piece of spirit treasure in this ape wing mountain, but there are other spirit treasures, and this spirit treasure is very unusual."

"Bringing in my brother, why didn't I feel that there are other spirit treasures! There are no other spirit treasures besides these six pure bamboos, but there are only some precious spirit grasses, and we will pick up some points to refine the panacea. "

Ask to be busy.

"It may be that this piece of spiritual treasure has an affinity with you. You can calm down and feel the breath of this piece of spiritual treasure. When people seek the piece of spiritual treasure, this piece of spiritual treasure should also be recognized by the Lord. No matter how high, you can't find the chance of others. "

Nagato said.

"You are here to find this Lingbao, and you can find it as soon as possible to return to Lingtai Fangcun Mountain to practice, and there will be even bigger things waiting for you in the future. I will leave if I have anything else."


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