My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 17: The gluttonous man is missing and the tribal war begins

After the long gate and gluttonous deliberation, the gluttonous pig returned to the dragon clan, and the long gate blamed him to go to Fengmo Mountain to check the situation.

Because Longmen did not want to see such sadness, he gave up going to Kunlun Mountain to find Sanqing to help, and now what is the situation and what state is Sanqing now, Longmen knows nothing about it.

Moreover, Kunlun Mountain has a long way to go. It takes thousands of years to come back and forth. At present, the blue luan and bluebirds are still in the hands of Luo Ai. I do n’t know what conspiracy and scheming this Luo Ai is planning.

After careful consideration, Nagato still decided not to go. It's better to act by chance here.

Nagato concealed his breath in a mountain near Fengmo Mountain and secretly inspected Luo's every move.

But Luo Luo waited for nothing.

Over the past few months, this Luo Sui had no movements, and did not go out in person. He stayed at home, not knowing what conspiracy he was planning, and what he was waiting for.

Seeing that Luo Sui hadn't moved for a long time, Nagato pinched a formation to envelop his inner and outer three layers, and then began to realize his recent experience.

Nagato has been staying in the late stage of Taiyi Jinxian, and is about to break through to the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, but it has never been able to break through. I always feel that there is an unreachable cliff in front and I cannot cross it.

The spiritual treasure given by the Eastern Vatican Daojun, although chaos Qinglian is very good, but how to cultivate itself is too low, can not exert the power of chaos Qinglian, and this chaos Qinglian will follow the cultivation of the treasure holder Improve grade.

Now Chaolian Qinglian has stayed at the fifteenth grade, no improvement.

"Righteous, extraordinary; famous, extraordinary."


"Mysterious and mysterious, the door of all wonders."

Nagato simply meditated on the moral scriptures of later generations in his mind, intending that this Taoist classic can help him break the barriers and upgrade his cultivation to the realm.

The body of the long door glowed with golden light, colorful clouds above his head, and a circle of colored halos behind him.

Nagato's mind was more condensed, and he passed the Taoist Sutra through his mind.

Finally, Nagato realized, the mystery in this Daojing. Bring your own realm to the level of the peak of Taiyi Jinxian.

His strength has gone a step further, and Nagato is naturally delighted. Although the improvement of his self-cultivation is very slow, it is full of his own step-by-step practice.

"Fortunately, I have read the Tao Te Ching several times. I didn't understand it before. I find it obscure and difficult to understand. Now I can understand some of the mysteries."

This chaotic Qinglian can help him hide his whereabouts, otherwise he has just realized the bottleneck, and shooting the golden light will certainly attract the attention of the deity Luo Zuo. It will be troublesome to provoke this right and wrong.

"This Luo Ai is definitely a great hazard of the flood, and what Luo Suo cultivates is the refining of the resentment and anger of the cultivators in the flood before the death. If this Luo Ai becomes enlightened, then the Honghuang Continent will surely Blood flows into a river. "

Although Nagato knew that Luo Sui would be defeated later, Nagato was still reluctant to see the people suffering and suffering. Moreover, the blue luan and the blue bird were caught by Luo Sui and they didn't know what happened.

In the Dragon Palace of the Dragon Clan.

A little dragon came to report to the dragon patriarch Aotian.

"Your Highness still has no news. We have been searching for several places where His Highness may appear for several months, but so far we have found nothing and there is no trace of His Highness."

"These six children have always been well-behaved. There must have been some trouble in such an accident today. They dare to fight against the Dragon Clan. They must not be able to walk around without food."

Ao Tiantian usually loves this sixth son the most. When he sees six children, he is very anxious in his heart.

At this time, Long Yun beside Aotian knelt in front of Aotian, and had already cried into tears.

"Report to the King, these Six Highnesses privately love each other with the three princesses of the Feng clan, but because of the open battle between the whole Dragon and the Feng clan and the fierce fighting, the Sixth Highness asked me not to tell the king about this matter. It has disappeared for several months, and the subordinates dare not deceive the king, so as not to miss the time to save people. "

Aotian heard Long Yun saying this, and he didn't get angry. I was so angry that Long Yun concealed such an important matter, and I was so angry that the Feng clan was brave enough to dare to move my Sixth Royal Highness of the Dragon clan.

"Well, you Yuanfeng, dare to move me six children, I am really impatient. Xuantian, you quickly set up all the soldiers and horses of the Dragon clan. This time, you must level the mountain without fire."


Xuan Tian thought about it and thought there was something strange in it.

"But the king, if the war starts, it will be a world war. The phoenix and the kirin will definitely join forces against my dragon."

"Then even the Qilin tribe was destroyed together."

Aotian was irritated at this time, and he could not care about that much anymore. Normally, the Qilin and Feng people often had friction on the border, and the three clanes fought against each other openly. Aotian had already become very hot. This time I heard that my beloved son, gluttonous son, was abducted by the three princesses of the phoenix and seized.

At this time a little dragon came to report again.

"The order of Feng Feng, the chief of the Feng clan, Yuan Feng, came to ask the three princesses of the Feng clan for the blue luan. He also said that if the three princesses are not returned intact, then Yuan Feng will use the power of the whole clan to discuss a justice with the dragon clan."

"This Yuanfeng really doesn't need to be skinned. He bound me and wanted to come here to ask him. If the cats and dogs are lost, they will come to my dragon clan. You tell him, I don't have any here."

"Oh, and, you tell that person, and ask Yuan Feng to send back my children with respect and respect as soon as possible, otherwise I will definitely wash the undead volcano."

Xuantian and under the command of Aoyun, secretly dispatched troops to prepare for war.

There are as many as hundreds of billions of children of the Dragon clan, and all of them are excellent. The Qilin and the Feng clan work together and may not be able to fight the Dragon clan.

The Feng and Qilin clan have also secretly noticed the abnormality of the dragon clan, and the border is suddenly calm. The head of the Qilin clan, Mu Yun, and the head of the Feng clan, Yuan Feng, both foresee that the war is about to start.

Yuan Feng went to the Qilin tribe to find Muyun to discuss how to deal with the war.

"That Aotian relied on the power of the Dragon tribe, insulted my tribe, and instructed the tribe to plunder my borders, pressing every step of the way, and now my Qilin tribe has retreated, and there is only a decisive battle."

"Brother Mu Yun, today Yuan Feng is here to discuss this matter with Brother Yun Yun. The Dragon clan has repeatedly invaded the border between my Phoenix clan and the Qilin clan, which made us uneasy. The ambition of the proud old man is obvious. Now his dragon clan Dominance, if it continues to develop in accordance with the times, it won't take long. Where is my phoenix and unicorn clan in this wilderness? "

"People of the Feng clan said that every sentence is reasonable! Now that we only have a battle with the dragon clan, my two clan will have a chance to survive this afternoon."

Mu Yun Yuanfeng negotiated and carefully calculated the detailed plan of the joint crusade against the Dragon clan. The war with the dragon race is inevitable. ..


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