My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 31: The first sword array

Through the gossip knowledge of the half-bottle of water he mastered, Nagato stumbled past the Yaeyama in front. If mana is used, how could it be so laborious, Nagato converged his breath very well.

You have to know that it is relatively simple to practice and improve one ’s own skills in the middle of the flood, because the innate spirit is abundant, and the time of this flood is the least valuable. As long as you want to improve yourself, you can gradually improve yourself by practicing slowly. Strength.

But to hide your own breath in this way is especially rare in the continent, because the breath of cultivators emitted by the practitioners is hard to conceal. Just like flowers, you ca n’t make the flowers unscented.

This cultivation practice is like a floral fragrance, and the practitioner can immediately sense that someone with a very high cultivation level can conceal his cultivation practice, but it also requires special effort to achieve it, and this cultivation method Is particularly harsh.

Therefore, there are not many masters who can hide their breath in the flood, and Nagato can rely on the uniqueness of his chaotic Qinglian to achieve the mother of the hidden practice.

But the hidden technique will cause Nagato to use some of the most basic spells that he has begun to learn. He can only rely on his own power. Fortunately, Nagato has safely overcame the difficult Yaeyama of the magic mountain. Now only The last heavy mountain left.

Nagato stopped and took a break.

The peaks in between are not as steep as the outside. Each heavy mountain is a little lower than the heavy mountain outside. This mountain shape leads to the Fengmo Mountain, which is tens of thousands of miles away, like a bowl mouth. The outside is high and the middle Low, but there is a depression in the south of the whole bowl, just like this bowl is missing.

In the beginning, Nagato came along the south side of the mountain. The peaks on the other side towered high into the sky. There was no way to enter. Only the gap in the south could come in.

Nagato locked his eyes on the innermost ninth heavy mountain. This ninth heavy mountain is not as steep as the outside, and it looks very gentle, but this mountain is like a horse honeycomb, with caves like caves everywhere. Leaks, there are many vertical and horizontal cracks.

The mountain is also very wide, like a big bowl with a buckle, and there is a flat ground in the middle. From a distance, it is full of dead trees.

Nagato observes this by himself, looking for the best route to the mountain.

Nagato thought that this place must be Luo Sui's devil's nest. When Nagato took out the exquisite colorful glaze leaves, this area actually didn't have a formation, and Luo Sui was really confident.

Luo Sui is confident that no one can cross this magic mountain, the Nineth Chongshan. If you cross it forcibly, you must have noticed it, so there is no formation method in this ninth Chongshan.

Nagato put away the exquisite colorful colored glass leaves, and then walked towards the top of the ninth heavy mountain step by step. I wanted to see what was on this platform, and the canyon under the mountain was vertical and horizontal. What terrible things will happen, so the long gate did not choose to walk from the valley below the mountain.

Although the road on the mountain is also a ravine, and there are many caves in the bottom, but if you walk along the middle of the ravine and the cave, you can still reach the top of the mountain.

The Nagato is here with strange stones, and there are slowly moving through the dry trees, for fear of making too much movement, after all, there is no anger here, suddenly there is movement, there must be Luo Sui suspicious and come over to see what happened Something.

Nagato sees that there are still many dead bodies of beasts on this mountain. The corpses are rotten, but the fur is indeed intact, and the flesh and blood inside have been eaten and cleaned by something.

It is also strange that after the beast was eaten, the fur of these animals was preserved in such a good condition.

Long Gate traveled one day and one night, and finally reached the top of the mountain.

But standing on the top of the mountain, this platform is not a platform at all, but a huge basin. The platform seems to be pressed down by something in the middle, making this mountain fall neatly. The cracks in this mountain are caused by the fall of the middle ground.

But this is completely invisible, but when the mountain was made into its current state by this force, it seemed that when the world opened up, this mountain already had this shape.

Nagato was secretly surprised.

Long Gate looked at it for a long time, from the appearance of the mountain, and the heavy mountain pass outside. Then I wanted to find a trace of Luo Sui, but nothing was obtained, but the Nagato can be sure that this Luo S must be somewhere in this ninth heavy mountain, but if it is specifically where, the Nagato will not know. .

Nagato can only be cautiously investigating now. After all, Luo Ai is now the strength of Da Luo Jin Xian Pinnacle. His own Taiyi Jin Xian Pinnacle is a whole paragraph worse than Luo Su.

Nagato locked his gaze in the middle of the basin. I saw a place where there was a hint of red light, shaking, but when Nagato looked at it, it disappeared without a trace.

The long door was aware of it, and took out the exquisite colorful colored glass leaves, and the sight in front of him surprised the long door.

"It turned out to be a congenital formation."

Nagato was shocked in his heart. This array of methods seemed ordinary, but it seemed to be all-encompassing and hidden. This formation is very terrifying, and Nagato uses Ye Zhi carefully to look at the arrangement in this formation.

The four swords hung high in the middle of this formation method, which are located in four directions of southeast, northwest, and then a large formation pattern is located below this large formation. The layout of this large formation is designed according to the layout . The mana lines in this large array are intertwined like a net. Even if the long gate is viewed with leaves, it can't see the trend of this array.

"This is the world's first killing array-Zhuxianjian array."

In the heart of Nagato, he was shocked. I didn't expect the Zhuxian sword array to be here. When I saw Luo Sui in the chaotic beads, he wanted to use these four swords to improve his strength.

If this immortal sword formation is to be broken, it will take hundreds of millions of souls to sacrifice the sword to fetch the formation. Fortunately, he successfully organized the battle of the three tribes. Otherwise, if he is taken by Luo Luo, this world will never end. The day of peace.

That Luo Sui now has the World Extinguishing Black Lotus and the Killing Gun. These two are innate treasures, one can make Luo Sui stand in an invincible place, and one is the first weapon in the world. The legend is that it stabbed the saint It will also die. This sharp weapon is the second weapon among the people in this wild world except the mountain axe.

However, the sky axe was broken into pieces because it couldn't withstand the sky's impact. ..


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