My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 38: The sacrificed tribe

Under the Mount Zhou, the clan of the three clan shouted, and the momentum was so violent. The children of the three clan all had red eyes during the war, only to desperately fight with the enemy, and no one noticed the black cloud in the sky, that shrouded With the black clouds all over Zhoushan.

As the children of the three tribes fell in the war, a trace of soul floated out of the fallen children, and then with a trace of black gas, they slowly rose and converged into the sky to become a black cloud.

In the air, the black clouds are still coming together.

There are also three Taoist leaders in Longmen who have discovered this strange black cloud on the road, and they have also been invaded by a strong grief. The Taoist people of Qiankun, Yin and Yang, and Taoist people are all those who have just entered the quasi-holy realm. , This kind of wickedness has little effect on them.

Nagato has been constantly invading his body by this shaki, and Nagato has been resisting this shaqi's entry into the body. Fortunately, Nagato has chaotic green lotus protection, otherwise, it may be crazy like other creatures in the flood. It seems to attack others.

They arrived at Mount Zhouzhou in the Long Gate, and in the midair, they found that the people of the three tribes were fighting violently under Mount Zhou. And there were dead and wounded everywhere, and blood flowed into a river. The blood from these three groups slowly flowed into the blood sea Styx. The ancestor of Styx has now slowly emerged from an embryo, and it is now the realm of the early Taiyi Jinxian. If these hundreds of millions of children of the three tribes fight to kill the flowing blood and enter the blood sea, then Styx Patriarch's cultivation for improvement is certainly not a little bit.

Seeing this unfavorable situation, the tragedy of the three clan wars, Nagato was extremely distressed. He blamed himself for not being able to return early, and the tragedy of the three clan wars happened. Now that the three clan wars have started, they can no longer stop them.

Nagato looked at the three masters, hoping that their supernatural powers would help stop the killing.

However, when Nagato sees the upside-down Taoist in the gray robe and the Yin-Yang Taoist in the blue robe, a smile flashes on his face, which is extremely difficult to be noticed by outsiders. Nagato also happened to glance at it, and found that the strange smile leaked on their faces, saying that it was a smile, it was more like a cunning expression, but it looked like a smile.

This made the Nagato a little surprised, and a horror rose from his heart, feeling a little wrong.

"Nagato asked the three elders to stop the tribal war. With the magical power of the three elders, they will definitely be able to stop them."

The three Taoists looked at each other, and did not mean to send troops.

Qiankun Taoist said.

"This is in the middle of the flood, and the tribes should have experienced the tribulation. The tribes have been doing power and blessing in this floodland for so many years. This time it may be that the heaven and earth descended the cause and effect. It will affect the innocent children of the three tribes. The three of us follow the Tao of Heaven, and we must not violate the intention of the Heavenly Tao, otherwise we will be engulfed by karma.

Reverse Taoist said to Yin Yang Taoist. These tribes should be robbed in this way. Now the three of us follow Heaven's Tao to resolve this disaster. Heaven's Tao will surely bring down immeasurable merits. Then we will have hope if we proclaim the sanctification.

Yin Yang Taoist nodded. "Yeah, the three of us have been practicing for tens of thousands of years, just to prove the sanctification, and now this is such a big opportunity, we must not miss it, the current primary task is to Find Luo Ai, and then stop Luo Ai from becoming holy. If he is holy, we will be very small. "

The Taoists were counted upside down. The three Daoist leaders came to this war not to save people, but to take advantage of the opportunity to lower the merits of Heavenly Dao and improve their cultivation after a meal.

The fortunes of the three tribes accounted for more than half of the continent. If the tribes were wiped out during the disaster of Luo Ai ’s sanctification, then the fortunes would be let out, and by that time they would be prone to sanctification. The Qiankun Taoist, the inverted Taoist, and the Yin and Yang Taoist looked at each other, and then their thoughts were surprisingly consistent. They decided not to prevent the three clan fights, and let the three clan deplete, so that the bad luck could fall on themselves.

Long Gate looked at the sneaky eyes of the three people, not knowing what medicine was sold in the gourds of the three people.

Qiankun Taoist said this time.

"The people of these three tribes have been irritated by this, they can't be saved, and one by one, they can't save their eyes. At this time, no one can save them. Let's go to Fengmo Mountain to deal with Luo Ai first. If Luo Ai obtains Zhu Xiansi The strength of Jian will increase greatly, but when the three of us work together, we may not be able to beat Luo Su alone. "

"Yeah, what the Taoist friends of Qiankun said is very important. Let's go to Fengmo Mountain to solve the problem. It's important that the appearance of this robbery cloud is inseparable from Luo Ai. It's just that this robbery cloud can be made. I don't know him. What the realm is now. "

Speaking of reversing Taoism, I am still a bit worried. The black cloud on the surrounding mountains is the robbery cloud. Originally, this robbery cloud was supposed to appear in order to balance the souls in the floods. It is the so-called sky. The cloud appeared only after the heaven and earth checked the balance. Now it appears on top of the heads of the three tribes, I don't think it makes you feel very strange. But what is certain is that this matter has nothing to do with Luo Ai.

This is the Yin-Yang Taoist who is wearing a blue robe.

"The two Daoists said that it is very good for us to go to Fengmo Mountain first to solve the big devil Luo Luo, if we let him become a climate, that's enough."

After all, Qiankun Taoist and the inverted Taoist nodded, and then set off in the direction of Feng Mo Mountain.

Looking at the **** and terrifying tribal war in front of him, Nagato did n’t feel very sad, and in this rich shamanism, Nagato only had the realm of Taiyi Jinxian Peak. Helpless, but the three great Taoists said that there is no way, then there is really no way.

From a distance, I saw the Yuan Feng behind the Feng Clan Formation, the proud sky behind the Dragon Clan Formation, and the Twilight Cloud after the Qilin Clan Formation. His face was full of anger, but he did n’t shoot. His children were fighting **** the battlefield, and Longmen looked helpless, but now the three Taoists made sense. Only by solving Luo Sui first can these three groups be saved, otherwise these three groups will definitely fight for the last one.

Nagato reluctantly turned his head away from Mount Zhou and followed three Taoists behind him to Feng Mo Mountain.

Fengmo Mountain.

Luo Ai sent the evil spirits in the black cloud and the souls of the dead souls in the flood to the Zhuxian sword formation through the soul flag. The four swords of Zhuxian were moistened by the resentment of the flood of souls. , Shining bright light. ..


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