My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 47: Nagato Doumen

Nagato called out a panda in a hurry. This panda is not an idle person. He practiced under the aura of the god-level ring. With the daily follower of Nagato, his strength has been greatly improved, plus his own innate It is better with the feet, and natural cultivation will come soon.

When the bear saw the gluttonous horse coming straight to the owner's long door, he got up to protect it, jumped forward, and hugged it with him.

The two fierce beasts fought.

Both panda bears and gluttons rely on their tyrannical flesh to interact with each other, and do not care about the damage to their bodies. After a few rounds, a few deep scratches have appeared on the panda. Fortunately, the panda bears the innate decay of thirst in the god-level ring.

This is in the middle of the flood, so many Luo Jinxian thought about things that they dare not think about, but the panda bears have such treatment, because the panda bears a good chance, and he has the right owner.

The panda bear was nourished by innate guishui, and its recovery ability was amazing. The fuzzy skin of the bacon caught by the gluttons was cured after a while.

But on the other hand, gluttonous horses don't have that strong recovery ability.

The back of the gluttonous was caught by the panda bear with a deep mark, and the bone inside could be seen vaguely.

But the gluttons did not feel the pain and continued to fight with the panda.

Nagato didn't make a shot at this time. Nagato was waiting for the best time. He wanted to take back the jade dish, which contains an endless avenue that must not fall into Luo Ai's hands.

Luo Sui, who is difficult to understand, is unpredictable, but since he used the grievances of the wild billions of spirits and the innate shamanism to practice devil qi, the long door will not be in the same class as him.

At this time, I saw the panda is preparing to get up and fight with the gluttons in the air, the gluttons are preparing to flash the panda's attack.

Seeing that this was a good opportunity, Nagato used his mana to quickly flash to the rear of the gluttonous monk, and there was a palm towards the heart of the gluttonous monk. He was staggered forward by this palm. At this time, the panda also took the opportunity to knock down the gluttons.

Seeing the long door, the front chest of the gluttonous chest was completely exposed to his sight, so he quickly flew to the chest of the gluttonous chest and hit a mana against the chest of the gluttonous chest.

In this tyrannical mana, the gluttonous eyes showed a clear light, but only for a moment, the gluttonous eyes were occupied by the red magic energy again.

Nagato thought that this fortune and Jade Butterfly would have the opportunity to arouse the last conscience in their hearts. The fortune Jade Butterfly is indeed a carrier of the avenue.

When Nagato was so pleased, he quickly took back the chemical jade butterfly into his own hands, taking advantage of the power of Honghuang during the fierce battle, and put the chemical jade butterfly into his sleeve.

Nagato withdrew the Jade Butterfly, which caused the gluttons to be more brutal, just like the pandas are entangled, but the gluttons and the pandas did not make a difference.

There is more and more power in the flood, but Luo Sui's Demon Warriors are steadily declining in sacrifice, because Luo Sui's Demon Warrior is not fully prepared, and is carefully selected in the flood, the number of people Do not dominate.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Luo Sui sacrificed the Soul Banner and released the devil qi that was stored in the Soul Banner and the hundreds of millions of resentful souls were refined.

All the demon soldiers and demon warcraft, smelled the smell of demon qi, more mad, the skill increased greatly, to one enemy ten.

This magic energy is very powerful. If some mana goes underground, and the cultivation is loose with loose roots, under the magic energy, it will be directly infected with the magic energy and die.

And those who died in the demonic energy will also be summoned by Luo Shu, as a meat shield, to resist the powerful attacks in the floods. Although these demon soldiers who have stood up have not much attack power, they bite back like a beast. people.

The people in Honghuang gradually couldn't afford to fight like this.

Suddenly, the great powers of Honghuang gradually resisted. After all, two fists are invincible, even though there are more than ten quasi-sacred ranks in Honghuang, but the Mozu soldiers seem to be afraid of death and rushed up to give people their heads, consuming Honghuang quasi-sanctity mana.

If this continues, sooner or later, it will be consumed by the soldiers of the Demon Ancestor.

Qiankun Taoist talked to Yin Yang Taoist and Reverse Taoist.

"Two Dao friends, the soldiers of this demon ancestor are too magical. We will soon be exhausted in this afternoon, and we still have to act like a better way!"

"The source of this evil energy is the small black flag in Luo Sui's hands. I think we can win only if we win that flag. Otherwise, the constant magic energy of this magical warcraft can supplement and fight fatigue with us. We will be exhausted. "

The upside-down Taoist in a gray robe said,

"It's very light, but now Luo Su's strength, who dares to grab the small black flag!"

None of the three spoke. Although the three had great magical powers and were already quasi-saint-level figures, the five elements of Taoism similar to theirs were in front of Luo He. Luo Ai used only one trick to solve the five elements of Taoism.

This absolute strength crushed them, so that they did not dare to be this early bird.

Yang Mei, who was not far from the Wuxing Taoists, heard the conversation between the Taoists of Qiankun, Yin and Yang, and the Taoists upside down.

Yang Mei turned his heart across.

Using the law of time directly, he came to Luo Sui's side in an instant, ready to **** the black banner.

But Luo Sui had been prepared for a long time, and the two were fighting together, regardless of their superiority.

Upon seeing the long gate, I thought that this chemical jade butterfly has a special effect, which can restore the magic soldier to a temporary devil qi.

Speaking of the Nagato, he lifted up into the air, sacrificed the forged jade butterfly, and then the green spirit of the same driving body merged with his own mana.

Played a trick on the chemical jade butterfly.

For a while, Jade Butterfly issued a verdant green tadpole-like text. The text shone with the cyan light, and covered the entire Zhoushan Mountain for a while.

This natural jade butterfly is worthy of the best innate spirit treasure, as well as the blessings of the law of the Dadao, the power of which can only be known by Luo Sui and Yang Mei who have touched the Dadao.

Those who have not been exposed to the law of Dadao will not understand it.

For a time, the demon soldiers and warcrafts all recovered their sensations in the light of the blue light and the green tadpoles. Most of the body's magical energy dissipated.

Some World of Warcraft took this short soberness to escape immediately, and after a short soberness, they went into battle again.

However, the number of demon soldiers has been reduced by half, and the remaining demon soldiers, Warcraft, have only half of the devil qi in the body, without the invincible majesty that began.

Yang Mei and Luo Ai were too late to have doubts in their hearts. They knew that the Longmen Festival sacrificed the artificial jade butterfly, and the others had no time to care. They continued to struggle together. ..


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