My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 50: The Four Saints joined forces to break the Immortal Sword Formation.

When Hongjun entered the Zhuxian Gate, he saw that there were red lights everywhere. This red light showed a murderous light. The Zhuxian sword on the Zhuxian Gate was flashing gently. In that flashing, the structure of the large array was changing rapidly. The saint made a move, and even the long gate that was viewed with the exquisite colorful glass leaves outside the large array could not be seen clearly.

Because the sage uses mana very fast, the Zhuxian sword array is also running at a high speed, and the Zhuxian sword array quickly changes into countless formations.

Nagato can only look at a rough idea. This situation is only a few at the beginning. Luo Ai saw that the changes in the large array could not immediately trap Hong Jun, and immediately driven Zhu Xianjian towards Hong Jun, but not waiting for Zhu Xianjian. Starting, Hongjun took out Dinghai Shenzhu and fixed Zhuxianjian.

Qiankun Taoist enters from the Western Killing Immortal Gate, and sees the blue ghost light among the killing immortals, waiting for a big attack, Qiankun Taoist decisively throws his accompanying spiritual treasure Qiankun Ding, and calms down the four swords of Zhuxian.

The Yin and Yang Taoists entered the Zhuxianjian Formation from the Xianxian Gate in the south. After entering the Zhuxianjian Formation, the Xianxianjian radiated a red light, and suddenly the surroundings of the method constantly changed. Keeping in mind Hongjun ’s words, the Yin-Yang Taoist did n’t think much about it, and directly threw his accompanying spirit treasure Yin-Yang Mirror to calm the trapped fairy sword.

The same upside-down Taoist who entered the Juexian Gate did not want much to directly use his companion Lingbao upside-down fan to calm the Zhuxian Four Swords.

Nagato looked really outside the Dazhen. These were basically as expected by Hongjun. Basically Hongjun, Qiankun Taoist, Yin-Yang Taoist and Upside-down Taoist all entered the Dazhen at the same time, and then fixed Zhuxian Si almost at the same time. sword.

When Hongjun saw that the four swords of Zhuxian could not move, this was the sacrifice of the Taiji figure under his feet. When the long gate saw a golden bridge emerged from this Taiji figure, this bridge directly led to the Zhuxian of Zhuxian sword array. Location of the image.

Behind Hongjun, there are Qingtian clouds, walking on this golden bridge. It's like walking in the court, not at all as dangerous as in the world's largest battle.

Luo Sui saw that Hongjun was approaching himself, and his heart was already quite frightened. When he saw the four swords of Zhuxian again controlled by the four people with magic weapons, he was anxious.

Luo Sui urged the Zhuxian array, the Zhuxian sword array has undergone various changes, and the Zhuxian four swords are in danger of breaking free in this change.

Once the four swords of Zhuxian are freed, they will not be able to control the large formation. With the power of this large formation, Hongjun, Qiankun Taoist, Yin-Yang Taoist, and Taoist Daoist will be trapped in the Zhuxian Sword Formation. They are naturally very clear.

Qiankun Taoist, Yin-Yang Taoist, and inverted Taoist mana urged mana to suppress the four swords of Zhuxian, but under the control of Luo Sui, Zhuxianjian array is infinitely changeable. These four swords will break free.

Yang Mei saw a change in Zhuxian Jianzhen and shouted.

"not good."

Yang Mei entered Zhuxian Gate, and controlled Dinghaizhu with a hollow giant willow of his own body.

The other three great powers of the quasi-saint realm saw Yang Mei enter the large array to stabilize the Zhuxian sword, and they also entered the large array, but these three have no spiritual treasure, and can only rely on mana to control the killing of the fairy sword, the trapping of the fairy sword, Peerless sword.

However, if the mana control directly controls the Zhuxian Four Swords, it will be repulsed by the Zhuxian Four Swords. Hong Jun knows this, but he has not informed everyone about it.

With the joint efforts of the people, the four swords of Zhuxian were reluctantly stopped, and Hongjun stepped on the Golden Bridge to enter the array of Zhuxian Dazheng.

Luo Ai saw that Hongjun came with a Pangu stream, and quickly sacrificed his own world black lotus to stop it. This world black lotus had a strong defense force and bloomed twelve products. Luo Ai sat on the world black lotus. Not invade. But what Luo Sui didn't think of was that Panguwa broke the defense of World Extinguishing Black Lotus with just one blow. The annihilated black lotus was also shot down.

Luo Sui was shocked in his heart, but at this time he simply could not tolerate too much reaction from Luo Sui. Luo Shui directly cut his own innate attack to the treasure, killed the sharp gun, and pierced the gun to Hong Jun.

Hong Jun had already sacrificed his defense treasure Zhutian Qingyun, Luo Suo did not pierce Zhu Tianqing Yun's defense with one shot.

Nagato was outside the big formation, and his heart was also amazed. Hongjun's strength was too strong, and he easily broke the defensive treasures such as the World Extinguishing Helian, and he also resisted the first attack of the Honghuang. attack. Luo Luo saw that the plan had all been lost, and he had no choice in his heart.

Luo Sui had to use his own housekeeping skills to protect his eyes and not to be broken by Hong Jun. He raised his sharp gun and continued to fight with Hong Jun. After all, Hong Jun had many Lingbao, and he was all Lingbao. The famous Lingbao, which was slightly ranked in the flood, was taken away by him early!

In Hongjun, Luo Sui couldn't pick up the cheap. When Hong Jun saw Luo Sui entangled with himself, he trapped Luo Sui with Tai Chi map. Luo Sui was trapped by Tai Chi map and could not get away for a while.

At this time, Hongjun took out the Pangu stream and faced the mana array network outside the Zhuxian array map. The Zhuxian array map came out of position. The Yangmei Taoist and Qiankun Taoist, Yinyang Taoist, Inverted Taoist and other floods The mighty, take out the four swords of Zhuxian.

Luo Sui had already broken away from this Tai Chi picture, but he was very angry when he saw that the Zhuxian sword array he had not known was broken.

Luo Suqi was quickly corrupted, and immediately took out the Soul Banner, and then inhaled all the devil qi refined by the vast hundreds of millions of souls in the War Soul Banner into his body, regardless of whether his body could bear it, he inhaled so much devil qi Inside the body, Luo Su's exercises were immediately greatly improved.

Then Luo released all the devil qi that was not completely absorbed in the War Soul Banner into the wilderness. After the smell of the devil qi, the fierce warrior Warcraft returned to Bu Zhoushan in large numbers and robbed the sky of devil qi. These magical warcrafts have also greatly increased their strength after absorbing a lot of magical energy.

Heeding the orders of the demon ancestor Luo Su again, he attacked the crowds.

Nagato thought that he had already purified these magical soldiers and warcrafts once with the Jade Butterfly, and their magical energy would only be deeper, or their reason had been completely lost. At this time, the method would have very low effectiveness, and it would be like that. Doing is very mana consuming. Long gates cannot be used twice in a short time.

Luo Ai and Hong Jun and others faced off against Mount Zhou. Luo Ai's current strength is not weak, and now he can only fight to death.

Luo Sui was so desperate that he didn't want to say anything more. He took a sharp gun and hurled to Hongjun, Qiankun Taoist, Reverse Taoist, Yin Yang Taoist, Yang Mei Taoist and others. ..


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