My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 62: Hongjun became enlightened

Although this preaching did not receive a large number of apprentices, or enrich the luck gained by inspiring one of the creatures, as long as someone has some insights on this tablet, they can still get luck.

What's more, Zhoushan is the most spiritual treasure in the flood, and the most intense place, so that the scattered repairs of the treasure hunt and the visit here are endless. It is also extremely reasonable for the long gate to place the missionary monument on the circumference. Although there is less luck, it will accumulate slowly and gain a lot.

When the long gate left, Zhou Shan continued to travel among the floods. If there is no Lingbao to suppress the luck in this flood, the luck is really not that.

Under the Mount Zhou, there is a ancestral witch hall with a height of 100 feet. There are twelve ancestral witches in it, and there are many great witches in the shape of the ancestors. Among them, the more famous ones are Houyi, Kuafu and Jiufeng. , Xing Tian. In the blood pool in front of the Zu Wu Temple, there are many big and little witches crawling out of it, and the Wu people's voice gradually grows louder in this flood.

On the sun star, both Dijun and Taiyi have also emerged. They are born together on that sun star. Dijun is embracing the Hetu Luoshu, and Taiyi is embracing the chaotic beads. The pieces are all innate and powerful, and the chaotic clock can not only attack and defend, but also suppress the luck. Emperor Juntai has emerged in pairs, and has now reached the realm of the early Daluo Jinxian. Emperor Junyi has great ambitions. They established the Demon Clan Heaven above the Nine Xiaotian Sky, and the Demon Clan gradually rose after the decline of the three clan and the withdrawal of the flood. Now, it has been a great force.

Emperor Jun is the elder brother who has been called the demon emperor, and Taiyi has been named the emperor of the east emperor. In the wilderness, the power of the demon clan is also growing day by day.

In the Sanqing of Kunlun Mountain, I have been practicing hard, and I did n’t pay much attention to the floods. I have been practicing in Kunlun because of the self-formation, because the three are the Pangu great **** Yuanshen, and they three People are also the market to practice together, and now their power is in the realm of the late Daluo Jinxian.

In the Wuzhuang view, Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun are talking about Taoism, and they are also practicing hard in the Wuzhuang view. This town of Yuanzi is a form of the earth's spirit root bodhi tree. The pieces are innate and the defense is endless.

This earth membrane was after the **** Pangu split the sky and earth, and felt that something caught the sky axe. The **** Pangu wanted to yank it off, but it was unsuccessful. Later it came over two hundred years. After the earth membrane dried, It was taken down by Pangu God and made a defense treasure. This earth's fetal membrane defense is unparalleled, even the **** of heaven has not split it, which shows its defense.

Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun's heels are not bad, one is the innate ten spiritual roots, and the other is the first flower shape of Hongxia. The cultivation speed is not bad. Now it has entered the realm of the early Daluo Jinxian.

Cultivating is fascinating. Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun are no exception. The two have been in Wuzhuangguan for ten thousand years and have never come out.

On Naiji Island, the monastery of the Eastern Emperor, after the long gate left, Dongfan Daojun continued to preach and quasi-promise for thousands of years. Said.

"The two of you have been here with me for four thousand years, and you have learned almost the same. The two of you are talented and smart, and you will be able to make a good breakthrough in the future. Here we will mention your two accompanying spirits The grades of Baogong Deqing Qinglian and Qibao Miaoshu are improved. "

After saying that Dong Fan Daojun waved his sleeves, pinched a spell in his hand, and respectively penetrated into the body of the lead and quasi-lift, purifying the associated spiritual treasures and exercises of the two people once, making their exercises more powerful. Mellow. This makes both the quasi-prompter and the leader touch the threshold of Daluo Jinxian.

The five qi dynasties in the joint and the quasi-lift chest, the five qi circulate in the chest, and slowly there is a seedling that condenses the seeds of three flowers. Even if there is no breakthrough, Dong Fan Dao Jun exerts his power to restrain the opening of the top three flowers, so that the seeds can condense more energy, so that the flowering can obtain a better grade.

This time, Dongfan Daojun released the two people's prohibition, and it was just five hundred years later. Qualifications.

"Thank you, Master."

Zhunti and Nagato quickly thanked Master.

"There is one more thing, Master wants to tell you two, in the wilderness, do n’t say that you have studied under my door, and do n’t say my name. Youmo will become enlightened in another thousand years, and then will Xiao Dian preached, when the two of you must occupy the futon in front of you, this is the chance of sanctification in the future, remember. "

Dongfan Daojun finished his words and waved his sleeves. Both of them were on the East China Sea, and they looked at it, and there was an endless sea everywhere.

Zhunti mentions the two to stare at each other, and then leaves Naiji Island and returns to his own Lingshan.

I am going to raise my realm of the Golden Immortals. I will pick up and quasi-promise what I have learned on Najima this time. I just need to calm down and practice one or two.

Changmen went out of Zhoushan and gathered luck in the flood. For thousands of years, there has been a lot of luck in Buzhoushan, and there are many scattered repairs in Zhoushan. After they saw the preaching monument left by Longmen, More or less, they all got new insights, and after they realized their feelings, the casual practitioners bowed and thanked the preaching monument.

There are so many people who practice in the flood, but they suffer from not practicing the Dharma, or they cannot understand the Dharma, so that they have stayed in a realm and can no longer make progress. The preaching monument of the Nagato is common to them The answers to their questions are very helpful to them.

Nagato is gathering luck in the middle of nowhere, preaching everywhere, setting up a preaching monument, or educating one's souls, and Nagato setting up numerous preaching monuments. This luck is also constantly increasing, and Nagato feels the benefits of luck.

This gathering of luck can not only help improve one's own cultivation practice, but also increase one's chances, that is, one's chance to obtain Lingbao. This kind of benefit makes it impossible for Nagato to refuse.

This day, the Long Gate is on the upper reaches of the mainland. Suddenly, the Long Gate feels the vision of the sky falling, and the Heavenly Path lowers the pressure, so that the creatures in countless floods can't help but kneel, but the Long Gate has not fallen under this pressure.

An ethereal and thick voice resounded through the world.

"My name is Hongjun, and I have already obtained the Tao. I will speak at Zixiao Palace, which is thirty-three days after the millennium, to tell me the avenue. Anyone who is destined can come to listen to the Tao and be taught."


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