My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 85: Emperor Jun Tai hits the prince uaiG.

When Di Jun and Tai Yi saw the figure slowly appearing from the horizon, they were all members of the Eastern Prince, and they were all angry. Di Jun and Tai Yi looked at each other, and in eye contact, both of them knew each other. It seems that the East Prince is also running towards the Hongmeng Ziqi.

When Emperor Jun saw the same prince who was also running towards Hongmeng Ziqi, his heart was full of anger. If there was a group of people looking for it, maybe the prince was really the first to get ahead, so he was in the flood. The cause of Heavenly Court Overlord is only to stop, maybe even the fate of the demon clan will be unknown at that time.

The Emperor Dong led the Honghuang scattered repairing power gathered under his own head, and also hurriedly approached the Red Cloud's Huoyun Palace. The Emperor Dong was worried that Hongyun had realized the monstrous purple energy. There is no chance of sanctification. There is also a point of the East Prince, but Hongmeng Ziqi was taken away by others in the flood.

But when the Emperor Dong came here to see Emperor Jun and his entourage, and Kunpeng, who was aloof and proud, knew that things were not good.

Dongwang Gongxing approached Dijun and Taiyi, and then set out a shelf of the head of a male fairy and said to Dijun and Taiyi.

"This Huoyun Palace is really lively today. I didn't expect Hongyun to have so many guests today."

Then, during the speech of the East Prince, suddenly the words were reversed.

"Huh, you are so brave, you dare to run into the Huoyun Palace to make trouble, and you don't look at who is here. I am the head of the male immortal. If you don't listen to my orders, you don't even need to. Such a presumptuous one. Emperor Jun Tai, your demon clan is simply too rampant, even in the flood, relying on many people to bully others, I will sue the Daozu, and then cure you a crime of oppressing the scattered monks. "

When Tai heard this, it was natural that he could n’t bear his anger in his heart. The heart was originally scorned by the ten thousand princes, the male prince, and the prince said the same, which made Tai one very extraordinary. Anger, and Emperor Jun naturally couldn't swallow this breath.

"Go to you, Prince Duke, what do you count, and you deserve to be the head of the male fairy, why don't you, I haven't said so, but you have taught me first."

Emperor Jun calculated that Hong Jun was preparing to fit the road at this time. Moreover, Hong Jun said that the general situation remains unchanged, the small situation can be changed, the general situation should not be, and Hong Jun cannot come out. That is to say, as long as Emperor Jun and Tai Yi were not too excessive, Hong Jun would not easily go out to punish him, and Hong Jun should now be in the Lingxiao Hall to prepare to fit the road, and certainly there is no time to ask the Eastern Prince.

The Eastern Prince was also ignorant of the current affairs. Even if Hong Jun personally sealed him as the head of a male fairy, it was actually just a name, a mascot in the wilderness, and a banner that was easy to attract the wind. The real power in the flood, the first major force in the flood, is the enemy army and Taiyi's demon heaven, and the East Prince is just a name for the flood to balance the power in the flood.

At this time, if the Emperor Dong was low-key and obscure, he would not be regarded as a target by Emperor Jun and Tai Yi. After all, Emperor Jun and Tai Yi are now known and unknown, while the Eastern Emperor is known. In the middle of the floods, it is natural to respect the strong, and every district has a name. The East Prince took the feather feathers as a command arrow, and wanted to really give orders in the floods. Obviously, the first one to clean him up was Dijun and Taiyi. .

And Hong Jun may have also taken a fancy to the honest character of the Eastern Prince, so he was named the Eastern Prince as the head of the male immortal, but Dao Zu's thoughts are not accurate.

The Emperor Dong heard that Tai Yi even insulted himself in front of him. Naturally, he could n’t do it anyway. Besides, the self-cultivation brought by him here was not weak, and it basically reached the level of Da Luo Jin Xian. In the late period of Daluo Jinxian, the repair of Emperor Juntai was the same.

"Taiyi, don't be too arrogant. I am the head of the male fairy who was sealed by Dao Zuhongjun. If you know the current affairs, you will immediately lead the demon clan to the Penglai Fairy Mountain in the East China Sea. I will naturally not treat you two wrongly. people." When Tai Yi heard the justice of the Eastern Duke, as if he was the king of the wild, he could n’t bear the anger in his heart anymore, he straightened his fists and moved towards the Eastern Duke Smashed.

Dongwang Gongxiu's behavior is not low. Naturally, he will not be afraid of Tai Yi in front of him. He directly raises the leading cane in his hand and blocks it before his body.

And everyone on the East Prince's side saw Tai Yi struck, and also rushed towards Tai Yi.

Naturally, the masters of the demon clan also immediately moved forward, stopped by a group of people brought by the East Prince, and everyone on both sides immediately struggled together.

When Di Jun saw that everyone was fighting together, he also joined the battle and directly attacked the Eastern King.

The strength of Tai Yi and Duke Dong are almost the same, but Emperor Jun ’s Chaos Clock is attackable and defensive, and although Daddy ’s leading cane is attacking powerfully, there is no defensive spirit treasure in his hands. Still can't break Taiyi's defense, and then his defense will be easily broken by others. If this is the case for a long time, if his mana is exhausted, his situation will be very dangerous.

After Emperor Jun joined the battle, the East Prince directly fell below. The East Prince could still cope with Tai Yi, but when faced with the siege of Tai Jun and Tai Yi, he was helpless.

At this time, Tai Yi took advantage of the Eastern Prince, and turned to deal with the Emperor Jun behind him. He stamped his palm fiercely on the back of the Eastern King.

The Emperor Dong ’s back was shot by Tai Yi, and his defense was instantly chaotic. Then Emperor Jun took the opportunity to give him a cruel palm in front of the Emperor. Blood also spewed out of the mouth. east

The Eastern Prince also took advantage of this flying figure and quickly escaped from the battle. At present, he is also seriously injured, and the strength of the demon clan is obviously stronger than the people brought by the Eastern Prince. When the situation is not good, the Eastern Prince screams.


As soon as the East Duke's applause came out, everyone was stunned. Then the East Duke and the monks brought by the East Duke also disappeared into a golden light.

Tai Yi saw that the East Prince wanted to run away and wanted to chase.

But Di Jun quickly intercepted Tai Yi and others.

"Now the East Prince has been seriously injured, but it is still very difficult to kill it with our current strength, and the Hongmeng Ziqi in Hongyun's hands has not yet landed. Now we must first get the Hongmeng Ziqi first. . "

After listening to Di Jun's words, Tai Yi was also awake, and also went away with Di Jun and others chasing the red cloud. ..


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