My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 99: Practicing eighty-nine mysterious skills, the body is extremely powerful

This abundance of Zhoushan's spiritual energy and the strong wind here can happen to practice Bajiu Xuan Gong.

Nagato thought this way, but walked a few steps forward. After all, he could not cast flying spells on the cliff trails more than one foot behind. If he fell under this cliff, he would have to die. A serious injury.

After the long gate walked along the path above the cliff for about a thousand steps, it was seen that there was a wider field in front of it, which could accommodate three or four people to practice at the same time.

Nagato still puts a ban on the surrounding areas during practice, in this way, you can avoid being disturbed by others, and then make your practice cultivation fall, or more seriously, cause backlash.

In short, the practice is to break the original things in the body and then reach a higher level, so it cannot be sloppy at all.

After the ban has been properly placed, Nagato sits in the middle of the ban, and at the same time takes out his own jade butterfly and the thousand-character text. If these two help to enlighten, the speed of enlightenment will be greatly improved.

After everything was ready, Nagato took the Bajiu Xuangong from the ring, and then was ready to begin to enlighten the mysteries. The book about the Bajiu Xuangong's exercises kept entering into Nagato's head, Nagato I gradually felt the power of Bajiu Xuan Gong.

The method of forging the body of the Eighty-nine Xuangong requires the demon to use this violent environment to be able to constantly inspire the power of the Eighty-nine Xuangong.

After the erosion of this wind knife, his flesh and blood were flying and scratched all over the wind, and then using the eight or nine Xuan Gong techniques to make the body continue to progress in this continuous hardening to achieve a tough situation. .

Although the eight-nine xuanong is not as good as the forging physical skills of the Pangu Great God, the nine-turned Xuanong of the Pangu Great God is exactly the same. If you practice in such a harsh environment, you can basically reach the realm of Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, and it is precisely because of the difference between Ba Jiu Xuan Gong and Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, to a certain extent, in Ba Jiu When Xuan Gong practiced to the ninth heavy state, he was able to smoothly transition the Ba Jiu Xuan Gong to the realm of the Ba Jiu Xuan Gong.

Moreover, the difficulty of practicing Ba Jiu Xuan Gong is much smaller than the difference between directly practicing Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong. So many people want to get the practice method of Bajiu Xuan Gong, but they are all in vain.

After reading the introduction, Nagato was also a secret surprise.

Then came the seal of cultivation and began to practice the eighty-nine mystery in response to the strong wind of the knife.

Sure enough, in such an environment, Nagato's progress was very rapid. It didn't take long for Nagato to reach the lower first realm of Bajiu Xuan Gong.

Then the wind knife here seems to be more intense.

Under the ruthless raging of the flesh of the Nagato, the blood and flesh are blurred, and the speed of healing can basically be equal to the speed of the ring break, but occasionally a strong wind comes, cutting the blood and flesh of the Nagato directly to the Seeing the white bones, the long door still showed unsightly lightening, and then frantically absorbed the aura around Zhoushan, making the wound heal quickly.

During this continuous cultivation process, Nagato felt that his body became painless under the ravages of wind knives, and the less intense wind could no longer cause damage to Nagato.

At this time, Nagato sensed that his realm was only in the third realm, and the physical strength of the third realm was probably comparable to that of Dawu.

After only a long time of practice, Nagato slowly felt that the damage of the wind to himself has slowly weakened. Fortunately, in such an environment, although the cultivation of the Bajiu Xuan Gong is slow, but the same The growth is slow.

Nagato remembered the remaining quota of 20 million merits. He took out 10 million merits from the ring, and then put all merits into his body, wanting to further enhance his physical strength.


After the merits entered the body, the speed of the slowly increasing Bajiu Xuan Gong suddenly became irritable, but the proficiency in it gradually increased, and slowly it was about to reach the breakthrough. Fortunately, the merits of the score Sufficient enough, and with the help of Ling Yun's Wind Sword, the realm of Longmen's Bajiu Xuan Gong was successfully promoted to the fourth realm.

Nagato felt that the improvement of his physical body was still very low, and the environment here could not cause damage to Nagato. However, if he went upward, Nagato didn't feel any chance.

At this time, Nagato had an idea to improve his cultivation during battle. The difficulty of these eight or nine mysteries is to put his body in an extremely harsh environment. The more violent the environment, if If you practice in it, if you can persevere, it will be a huge improvement for yourself. At present, the best target for finding abuse is the ancestors under the Zhoushan Mountain.

Now the combat power and physical body of Dawu can't be compared with the four-level realm of Nagamon's eighty-nine profound strength.

After Nagato made up his mind, he never came down from Zhoushan. Although this time for Nagato, he didn't get any better spiritual treasures, but his eighty-nine mysterious power has indeed risen to the fourth level. What would happen in the end?

When Nagato thought of this, he couldn't wait to compare it with an ancestor.

When Nagato descended into the middle of the mountain, I saw that Panda also successfully broke through to the level of fourth-order Warcraft. This is not enough for the aura on Zhoushan and the coercion.

However, if you usually practice on it, if the body has been oppressed by the hand, it will not be conducive to cultivation. If you bite the bottleneck, and then practice on this mountain, you will get unexpected results.

The current state of the panda bear is already regarded as a monk in the Da Luojin fairy realm, and Warcraft itself is a physical body. Without too much attention to the physical body, its physical strength will increase with the improvement of cultivation.

Panda bears have also been greatly improved. At first, panda bears were afraid of the pressure of Zhoushan Mountain, but this time the panda bears benefited from Zhoushan Mountain, and naturally it became more joyful to walk.

The most important thing that Nagato wants to do now is to find a ancestor and wrestle with it, in order to try what level his strength is now. Perhaps it is only in the confrontation that one can comprehend different consciousnesses. ..

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