My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 106: Zhen Yuanzi expresses his authority and injures Dijun Taiyi Kunpeng

Zhen Yuanzi and Emperor Jun have a great battle together. The demon soldiers and demon around will not dare to move forward, only ten feet away, armed with sword soldiers ready to join the battle at any time. The courage had been frightened. If the military discipline of Emperor Jun and Tai Yi was strict, they would have lost their helmets and abandoned their armor and fled.

At this time, if the demon soldiers escaped, when Dijun and Taiyi later cleaned up, they would kill the escaped demon soldiers. At this time, the demon soldiers and demon would only be able to support it.

After the two sides fought for so long, although the two sides have not yet scored the victory and defeat, Zhen Yuanzi, Di Jun, and Tai Yi are all a little weak at this time. The fierce battles and the mana consumption of both sides are huge.

When Zhen Yuanzi felt weak, he withdrew.

The demon soldiers surrounded by them were very frightened when they saw the situation in front of them. They feared that they would die by the unknown.

After Zhenyuanzi retreated, Emperor Jundi was a little puzzled, and a Zhenyuanzi wanted to retreat.

After all, the mana cost of the current Emperor Juntai is huge, and now they cannot support the fierce battle.

Now, the best thing is that Zhenyuanzi retreats from difficulties, and quickly returns to Wuzhuang Temple.

Both Dijun and Taiyi knew that it was very difficult to injure Zhenyuanzi or to kill Zhenyuanzi. After all, Zhenyuanzi was a well-known power in the flood, and Zhenyuanzi is currently chopped out With the help of the second corpse, the strength greatly increased, and with the help of the geography book, Zhen Yuanzi was basically invincible.

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi did not mean to retreat. Zhen Yuanzi took out a fruit from his sleeve, and then quickly put it into his mouth, chewing a few bites, which is the fruit of two fists. Eat it down.

Subsequently, some golden light was emitted from Zhen Yuanzi's body, and Zhen Yuanzi's vitality was quickly recovered.

"Fruit of life? How can he recover mana so quickly."

Emperor Jun and Tai Yi both had ugly expressions on their faces, because he also knew that the mana in Zhenyuanzi's body in front of him was restored by half. .

After Zhenyuanzi fully digested the mana of the fruits of life, the current mana in Zhenyuanzi reached 80%, and the current Emperor Jun and Taiyi both have less than half of the mana.

Zhen Yuanzi came again. This time Zhen Yuanzi's goal was not Di Jun and Tai Yi, but the demon masters who participated in the death of the red cloud among the crowd.

Zhenyuanzi's anger can only be spread on them. Now Zhenyuanzi can't kill Dijun and Taiyi.

When Dijun and Taiyi saw Zhenyuanzi in front of them, they immediately ran into the crowd, and they immediately stopped it, but Zhenyuanzi had enough physical strength, and under his anger, Zhenyuanzi killed several demon. Family master.

Emperor Jun and Taiyi were fighting together with Zhenyuanzi, but they fought for about two thousand rounds. Both Emperor Jun and Taiyi were exhausted. At this time, Zhenyuanzi took another fruit of life.

In the eyes of Zhen Yuanzi, who was full of vitality, Emperor Tai Jun lost his advantage.

Then Zhenyuanzi printed a palm on Taiyi's back, and with a blow of dust, he spit out a fine blood from Emperor Jun.

A group of demon soldiers and demon saw that their demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were so embarrassed, at this time they were all ready to escape at any time.

At this time, a golden light flashed quickly from a distance. When Di Jun and Tai Yi saw this golden light, a smile appeared on their faces.

"The demon master Kunpeng is here."

Di Jun said in a low voice.

This voice was also heard by Zhenyuanzi.

"Hum, come on well."

Zhen Yuanzi turned into a golden light and prepared to fight with Kun Peng.

Kun Peng is naturally clear that Zhen Yuanzi has a geography book and his defense is amazing. If he collides with Zhen Yuanzi by virtue of his physical body, he will inevitably be seriously injured and cannot commit himself.

Kun Peng also quickly landed, and then said to Zhen Yuanzi.

"Zhen Yuanzi Taoist, what's your job here?"

"Huh, it's here to get your name."

Kunpeng is also confused, and Zhenyuanzi's attack is already in sight, Kunpeng is hurriedly parrying Zhenyuanzi's rapid attack, and he is not afraid to neglect.

Kunpeng did not fight at this time, but was also a fresh force, and naturally it was not a town for Yuanzi.

Since Kunpeng was seriously injured by Hongyun, he has been concentrating on healing in the Beiming, and Kunpeng has already cut out the corpses at this time. At this time, Kunpeng also wants to continue to help Dijun and Taiyi among the demon clan.

After all, Emperor Jun's appreciation made Kunpeng, who was so lonely and proud, very touched, but he didn't expect that he just met this scene as soon as he returned to the Demon Race.

Emperor Jun and Tai Yi were exhausted at this time, and were also seriously injured. At this time, they were no longer able to fight Zhenyuanzi. When they saw Kun Peng coming, they were very happy, like With the savior, in fact, if Emperor Jun fights with Tai Yi, Zhen Yuanzi will not get any benefit. After all, Zhen Yuanzi ’s life has been exhausted. Zhen Yuanzi just took two life fruits this time. .

If you eat too much, your body will not be able to keep up. After all, the disadvantages of such large supplements, eating too much at one time, are naturally very huge.

Zhenyuanzi and Kunpeng fought for thousands of rounds, all of which were invincible, but the important thing about Zhenyuanzi was that as long as Zhenyuanzi had a little mana, he was invincible. The benefits are naturally self-evident, and Kunpeng can only fight against Zhenyuanzi by relying on his domineering flesh and high mana, but mana is not a fountain, and its violent use must not keep up.

At this time, Kunpeng is now like this, Kunpeng is already about to support a fight that is not strong enough.

Zhenyuanzi didn't want to consume Kunpeng anymore. At this time, there was no mana to add. Zhenyuanzi also knew that if he wanted to kill Kunpeng in front of him, he would have to spend a lot of energy, if his mana was exhausted. , If the demon clan demon soldier demon will hold, he must explain here.

Thinking of Zhenyuanzi here is the accelerated progress, Kunpeng is also just a parry force at this time, and does not have the strength to fight back, after a moment of battle. Zhen Yuanzi printed a fierce palm on Kunpeng's heart, and then a palm was printed on Kunpeng's shoulder.

Zhen Yuanzi slapped Kunpeng's body one by one. Kunpeng's body seemed to be shattered. The body's meridians were all misplaced, and the lungs in the body had been seriously damaged.

Kunpeng's flesh is also very tyrannical, and he is still resisting the attack of Zhenyuanzi. At this time, Zhenyuanzi has not benefited because of the severe decline in mana. Returned to Wu Zhuang Guan. ..


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