My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 119: Nagato raises nine yuan

Longmen continued to practice Jiu Yuan Yuan Gong and Ba Jiu Xuan Gong above Lingshan.

Now that the Nagato is about to break through the sixth level of the Ninth Yuan Yuan Gong, then when the Nagato's spells are repaired, it will reach a new level and reach a terrifying stage.

If Jiu Yuanyuan Gong reaches the sixth level, its mana is not much different from the saint, although there is a deeper source of mana as there is no saint.

But if you are tough with the saint, Nagato is not losing at all now. The current strength of Nagato, even Hong Jun, is very appreciated, and the chaotic Qinglian in the body can be a baby with red eyes even if Hong Jun, fortunately, Hong Jun is already a fit road, even if it is Respecting these spirit treasures are all things outside of Hong Jun's body.

Hong Jun scattered many of the top-notch innate treasures from the floods he collected for body and road, which also proves that if he fits the road, at least these spirit treasures are not used by him. The chaotic Qinglian of the door, even if it is the treasure in the chaos, Hong Jun has already been in heaven, and he will not be angry with heaven for such a spiritual treasure.

Now Hong Jun has closely linked his own destiny with Heavenly Dao, which makes Hong Jun have inexhaustible mana.

Hongjun is now the only saint with the highest authority, and the six saints appointed by Hongjun, but Hongjun has to open up some authority in order to comply with the heavenly Dao. There is a huge difference.

But Heavenly Path has natural laws and its own unique trajectory, even Hong Jun has no ability to change.

This is precisely the reason why Nagato is unwilling to become a heavenly saint. This heavenly saint has no trace of temptation for Nagato. Such a tool that has been reduced to Nagato is extremely unwilling.

Heaven is selfish, Avenue is selfless. The Nagato has now entered the threshold of the Saints on the Avenue.

Although the current strength of Nagato is not much for Hongjun, the strength of Nagato is destined to be far higher than that of Hongjun.

Nagato is ready to raise its nine-turn strength to the sixth level. In this case, Nagato has super mana. It would also be extremely convenient to walk in the flood.

Nagato has been on the Lingshan Mountain for four thousand years since returning from the first conflict with the Lich.

But in the past four thousand years, the cultivation of Nagato has been very slow. I really do n’t know why. Even the chaotic green lotus and the forged jade dish, and the thousands of words in Honghuang, which can help Nagato realize the Tao, Nagato who did not let him improve his strength faster.

It seems that there is a bottomless hole in the body of Nagato, and it needs the constant mana of Nagato to fill it, and in this practice day after day, Nagato still fills the bottomless hole, which is difficult to fill.

This made Nagato very sad, and Nagato thought of a better way to solve this problem.

Then Nagato knocked all the remaining 10 million merits into his body, and then used mana to operate. All these merits are to fill the hole in the body.

As the breath of the body continued to gather this week, and the 10 million merits were quickly consumed, Nagato felt that the power in his body was constantly filling up.

At this time, with the exhaustion of 10 million merits, the black hole-like vortex inside the Nagato seems to be filled up, and now it is constantly emitting strong energy to the outside.

This energy quickly enveloped Nagato's entire body, and this strongest place was in the empty hole in front of Nagato's head.

This force constantly enriches the soul of Nagato, making Nagato's consciousness extremely powerful.

The little man who made the long gate in the empty cave like a long gate. This villain, the soul of the Nagato, is becoming more and more tyrannical at this moment, and the breath of the whole body is becoming more and more pure and domineering.

Nagato has a hunch.

"Don't these nine Yuan Yuan Gong finally rise to the sixth floor."

Nagato was puzzled, and there was some excitement, that is, following this power, the mana that was running around the body began to cooperate with the power that Dantian gushed out of his body.

"It really is."

Nagato felt the powerful mana in his body, and enveloped the soul of Nagato in it, exuding a light blue light.

The chaotic green lotus in the body is also in that strong breath, slowly raising this, the leaves of the chaotic green lotus become more blue and green.

With this breath, Chaolian Qinglian also slowly raised her rank to seventeen ranks.

The energy of the chaotic green lotus in this sample order is very huge in the flood.

Such strength made the long gates somewhat unprepared. But the inner ecstasy and excitement are really difficult to suppress.

The chaotic green lotus in the current Nagato is much higher in rank than any green lotus in the flood.

After all, this world-famous black lotus is only twelve grades, and the merited Qinglian is also only twelve grades, and the Qingqing's fortune green lotus is also twenty-four grades, but it is already separated.

The lotus, white lotus root, and green lotus leaves are all transformed into the spiritual treasures of the Sanqing.

This lotus flower was obtained by the Taishang Laojun. This white lotus root is naturally the original heavenly venerable, and it became the artifact jade wishing to suppress the luck of the teaching.

And this green lotus leaf has indeed become the Qingping sword of Tongtian, and it has also become the Lingbao Qingping sword of Tongtian's suppression of luck.

This natural green lotus was originally a mature lotus seed of chaotic green lotus, and naturally has a grade of twenty-four grades, while others such as the twelve-grade black lotus, merit green lotus, and pure white lotus, these are all It is because the chaotic green lotus has no mature lotus seeds, so the highest grade is also the twelfth grade.

This chaotic green lotus should also be a mature lotus seed taken out of the lotus seeds of the chaotic green lotus that gave birth to the Pangu Great God in order to make the chaotic green lotus handed down.

Perhaps with the increase of Nagato's mana, the highest rank of this chaotic Qinglian will also change constantly as Nagato's mana is improved.

The energy that Nagato returned from the vortex, forged the soul in his empty hole very well.

And at this moment, the Nine Yuan Yuan Gong of Nagato was a sudden jump.


With a clear voice, the cultivation of Nine Gates' Nine Yuan Yuan Gong has been elevated to the sixth floor, and at this time a voice appeared in Nagato's mind.


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