My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 123: Long gate to the Malay

Nagato, Dian, Zhun Ti, and a group of disciples took more than half of the souls in the Nether Blood Sea. The rest are already integrated with the Nether Blood Sea. It is difficult to separate them from the Nether Blood Sea.

There are hundreds of millions of souls in this ghost sea of ​​blood, and how to place so many souls has indeed become a headache for Nagato.

After all, this spirit mountain is only that big. If you let countless souls roam in the spirit mountain, it will definitely affect everyone's cultivation. These spirits have poor resistance and are easily eroded by evil spirits and evil spirits. These newly rescued souls are also It was eroded by shame, and soon it will fall into a boundless sea of ​​suffering.

When Nagato was entangled, he suddenly thought that he still had a soul flag.

This Soul Banner was originally Luo Ai's thing, but later Luo Ai died, and this Soul Banner was obtained by the Nagato.

The Soul Banner was originally a magic weapon used by Luo Sui to collect the souls in the floods and used to impact the concubine of the congenital Zhuxian. It can store countless souls, which makes Nagato very happy.

Nagato almost forgot that there is still this thing, so he still has troubles, how to bring these countless souls back to Lingshan, and even if he takes it back, it takes a lot of effort to put these souls in place.

After the Nagato took out the Soul Banner, he used his power to drive it.

These souls who have just left the sea of ​​nether blood are swarming into the Soul Banner.

These souls were able to escape from the bitter sea in the overstep of the Dharma, and the body of the soul spirit exudes the light of Taoism. Because of the golden Buddha light flowing into the Soul Banner, the Soul Banner also changes color.

From the original black also slowly turned into golden chess pieces, and the skull in the original soul flag has also become a cross seal of Dharma.

After all the spirits released from this ghost sea of ​​blood were collected, Nagato took a long sigh of relief this time.

Then he handed the Soul Banner to the leading hand.

"Teach the younger brother, the hundreds of thousands of souls in this soul flag will depend on you. But the three realms are not complete in this flood, and I have to go to the Wu people."

The lead is to take the Soul Banner, because the Soul Banner originally contained hundreds of millions of souls collected by Luo Su, and there are some resentments and grievances left in such a Soul Banner. The introduction and quasi mentioning is to always bring the Soul Banner around and recite the Buddhist scriptures, so that the spirits in the Soul Banner will not be trapped by evil spirits.

Then quote and say.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Nagato glanced at the sea of ​​nether blood, with countless emotions in his heart, thinking that only one person in the floods could save these souls who suffered in the floods.

Yes, I went to the Wu people to see if there was a great merit to complete one. This boundless flood is the great dyeing tank where these souls suffer. To rescue them, one person must help.

Zhun Ti asked, who was very surprised.

"Who has such a great ability?"

"Tianji cannot be leaked, and when the time comes, you will naturally know." Then the long door is to guide and associate with the younger brother. After disciples Jin Chanzi and Dizhai and Maitreya said goodbye, they went to the Wu clan themselves.

The picking and quasi mentioning quickly returned to Lingshan.

Then keep chanting Buddhist scriptures, so that these souls will not be eroded by the resentment and resentment remaining in this soul flag.

If it shouldn't be long before, the introduction and quasi mentioning can use the Dharma to wipe out all the evil spirits and grievances in this soul flag.

But before that, we still have to protect these fragile souls that are nowhere to be placed.

After the Nagato arrived at the Wu people, the people of the Wu people were very familiar with the Naga. After all, during the Lich War, all the people of the Wu people saw the Pangu Great God talking to the Nagato, and the Pangu Great God seemed to be very Recognizing the Nagato, this makes the people of the Wu people more respect the Nagato.

After arriving at the Wu clan, Nagato was surrounded by a group of little witches and big witches and entered the ancestral witch's palace.

The ancestors and witches have gained a larger territory since the adjustment of Hongjun, and the demon clan has also converged. I do n’t know how many times. Now it is completely afraid to come back to fight the witch clan.

Many people of the demon clan have seen the terror of the twelve days, and that kind of horror instantly spread to no one among the demon clan.

The East Emperor Taiyi, who is usually high above, the treasure of the owner's flood, the Chaos Clock. The Chaos Clock is basically invincible. The Pangu Great God only broke the defense of the Chaos Clock in one move.

The demonic powers that looked at the destruction of the heavens and the earth were all frightened, and they no longer dared to quietly kill the demons.

The Wu people seem to be satisfied with the cheap ones. The Wu people are also satisfied with their current life, and they have no trouble finding the demon again.

Since then, the two tribes have been in harmony, although the demon clan is actively planning how to deal with the witch clan.

However, the demon clan can never move forward against the witch clan before they are sure.

After the long gate arrived in the Zu Wu Temple and greeted the witch tribes, all the Zu Wu also treated the Naga Gate politely, and this is a figure that the Pangu great gods can see. respect.

Although the twelve ancestors are very irritable, their respect for the Pangu Great God has reached a certain level.

Among the twelve ancestors, Zhu Rong and Gong Gong have successively proposed to fight against the long gate again. After all, as long as they can fight, even if they are beaten up, they are very comfortable. Right.

But Nagato promised them. Because Nagato came to the Wu people and had more important things to do. Now is not the time to challenge. Nagato understands at this time that if he wants the integrity of the Three Realms in this flood, there is only one way, that is Let Hou Tu complete his great cause.

This is also Hou Tu ’s merit, but Hou Tu may not have realized the Tao at this time, but the Long Gate is above the Lingshan Mountain, and there are too many grieved souls in the Nether Blood Sea. They are helpless in the flood. By the way, after the death, a trace of soul wandered between the world and the earth, and it was all alone.

Nagato was unwilling to watch the sufferings of all beings, but decided to help Hou Tu to a certain extent. He realized this way and achieved this achievement.

And such a thing, only after the earth can be completed.

Hou Tu is the ancestor and witch of the central soil, and its owner has unparalleled power, and in this earth, only Hou Tu has such power, or a law. ..


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