My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 126: Thinking about a drop of essence blood in Dijiang

Although the blood of these twelve ancestors, Nagato has collected the blood of ten ancestors, the remaining two are indeed the most difficult to obtain.

First of all, the thought burden of this big brother of the emperor Jiang could not be put down, and the second was that this emperor Jiang was worried that he would not be able to beat the long door.

However, if Nagato wants to obtain Dijiang's essential blood through other means, it is very difficult. If he wants it himself, it will inevitably make Dijiang feel conspiracy and how to give his own blood to others.

And the monks all know what this blood means to themselves, and it contains a lot of information. If you want to ask for it casually, Nagato is still a little worried that the twelve Wu people would think more.

Although the relationship between Nagato and the Twelve Ancestral Witches is still quite good, at this time, Nagato still felt that he could not ask for blood from the Wu clan. The blood of the ancestors and witches contained the blood of the ancient **** Pangu, so they asked for the ancestor For such things as witch's essence and blood, Nagato can never be so stupid as to ask for it directly.

Hou Tu ’s blood is also very difficult to obtain. Hou Tu does not want to be as warlike as other ancestors, so there is no way for Hou Tu to fight with himself. A gentle woman like Hou Tu, Nagato cannot bear it either. Beat the Hou Tu so much that it makes the Hou Tu bleed.

And this is the time when Hou Tu realized Taoism, Nagato still don't think about the idea of ​​playing Hou Tu Jingxue.

Nagato is now wondering how he can get his essence blood in Dijiang.

Although Nagato is talking with Dijiang every day, this kind of conversation does not give Nagato any good idea. It is necessary to fight other people ’s ideas, and others cannot doubt their motives. This is very difficult.

After several days of pondering, Nagato came up with a solution.

If you want Emperor Jiang to put down his face, that is to ask Emperor Jiang to go crazy first. If you want to get the blood of Dijiang, then you must make Dijiang crazy, so as to let him down, or let him feel his prestige is challenged.

Nagato is talking with other ancestors separately.

Nagato first started with Gong Gong and Zhu Rong. These two have a very straight character and are the best to use.

Naomen called them quietly to a lawn in front of Mount Bu Zhou that day, and then they casually told them other things, casually distracted, and walked.

Then Nagato said.

"Zhu Rong, why are you twelve ancestors so powerful?"

Zhu Rongxiang said without thinking.

"Naturally is the heir to Pangu's bloodline. Natural flesh is strong, and there are few opponents in the flood."

"Well, but can these twelve ancestors have a brother order?

I only know that Dijiang is the eldest brother, and Hou Tu is the younger sister. Are you sorted by birth order or by ability? "

The co-worker on the side is an answer.

"We are ranked according to the order of the metamorphosis. As for the abilities, the ancestors and witches are all the same. I am just a little stronger than them.

Zhu Rong was unhappy after hearing this.

"Co-worker, I have played with you for tens of thousands of years and have not scored a victory or defeat. Why are you better than us?"

Gong Gong was asked at this time, but choked for a while.

"This one" Then the long door said.

"I don't think your abilities are better than that of your eldest brother, Dijiang. After all, Dijiang is a ancestor of space. He usually disdains you with your hands."

"Huh, then I let him let him, don't want to fight him."

"Well, okay. I have never seen the skill of Dijiang, I don't know whether it is strong or not."

Then Zhu Rong said.

"That's not easy, just compare with Dijiang and it's right."

Nagato chuckled.

"If you compete, Dijiang will definitely not agree. Dijiang has always been very rigorous. He should not be able to compete with us."

Then Zhu Rong said.

"This is not easy. If you want to compete with Dijiang, then we are going to help you talk about it."

Zhu Rong and Gong Gong both knew clearly that neither of them could beat Dijiang, and the strength of Dijiang was far above them. And Zhu Rong and Gong Gong also understand that they still have a gap with Nagato. They were beaten up by Nagato last time, and their faces were distorted.

What Zhu Rong thought was that he wanted the Emperor Jiang to avenge the twelve ancestors and witches. The other ten ancestors and witches were all defeated by Nagato. This is also a shame for the twelve ancestors.

Nagato originally intended that the twelve ancestors and witches would all fight for rankings, and then constantly challenge the authority of Dijiang, but the plan could not keep up with the changes. Now if Zhu Rong really can instigate Dijiang to fight himself, Nagato still Those who are confident in getting a drop of essence blood from Dijiang.

Zhu Rong and Gong Gong had no objection to seeing Nagato, so Zhu Rong said it was Gong Gong Gong.

"Okay, this matter has been settled. The two of us went to Dijiang to explain the situation. We are still here to test tomorrow. Then I will find Dijiang and the two of you will discuss with each other."

Nagato nodded and agreed.

If it is really effective, it will save the trouble of the long door.

This Zhurong and Gong Gong returned to the Zu Wu Temple, is to discuss with Dijiang.

Gong Gong said this time.

"Brother, our twelve ancestors and witchmen challenged Nagato before, and they were all beaten with swollen noses and blue faces. In the future, our witch little witch and the big witch would listen to us. Nagato is still here with us, it is better to take this opportunity Please brother to fight him. Let him know the strength of our ancestors. "

Di Jiang did not speak after listening.

At this time Zhu Rong said again.

"Brother, when Naomen Daoyou talked with us today, he actually questioned your ability, saying you did not dare to fight him, and also asked us what ranking is the ranking of our twelve ancestors? , But he said that he was ranked according to the order of birth! It ’s clear that Nagato did n’t believe in his brother ’s strength. "

Zhu Rong and Gong Gong are both aware of Dijiang's ability. By the way, Dijiang can hang both of them. In front of the law of space, they are only beaten, and fighting with Dijiang is very addictive. No one.

Di Jiang's strength is extraordinary, but he is unwilling to lose face and fight with people. After all, his own space law is still a bit of a shady feeling, not directly stiff.

Dijiang Dang even said.

"Nagato, this kid, is too small to see the strength of our ancestors! Okay, then I will meet him, see what she has, and dare to underestimate our twelve ancestors."

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