My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 129: Nagato asked for a drop of blood

However, it was said that this long door became the appearance of Xuan Ming by means of change, and then duel Xuan Ming's identity with Dijiang, and successfully obtained the blood of Dijiang.

Afterwards, Nagato successfully realized the law of space in the blood of Dijiang. The mystery of this space law was inaccessible to Nagato before, so the power of the law is very powerful, so Nagato is also very Happy. In this case, Nagato was only left with the essence and blood of Hou Tu and did not fully realize it.

Nagato quickly understood some of the laws, but this space law is very mysterious. If all the meanings are understood, there will be a lot of cost, but Nagato is not that much. Time to understand the rules.

Then it is how to get the power of the blood of the back earth. After all, the power of the blood of the back earth is also very powerful. Although this back earth has always been an unmatched filling, it does not represent the back earth. The rule of law is weaker. On the contrary, the essence and blood power of Hou Tu is very strong.

If Hou Tu is not strong enough, then she will not be able to incarnate six reincarnations.

Hou Tu is the ancestor of the central soil, and its understanding of the laws of the earth is particularly powerful. As long as one or two of them can be understood, then all of these are easy things to accomplish.

Although the elder ancestors' elite blood of eleven ancestors was all obtained quietly, but the elite blood of Houtu, if they competed with Houtu, Nagato would not be able to bear it in the first place. If you openly compare yourself with Hou Tu, you will reveal your purpose, and if you hurt Hou Tu, it will definitely arouse suspicion from other ancestors.

After all, Hou Tu has always been very gentle, and he is unwilling to be an enemy of other ancestors and witches, so this also makes Hou Tu very protected.

If Nagato is a little bit relentless in injuring the back ground, such consequences are very difficult to explain to Nagato, even if his ability is very outstanding, but for such strength, Nagato is still very Sad.

After all, no one is powerful, everything must be a man with a tail in his hands.

Nagato accelerated the progress. If the blood of the twelve ancestors to go was obtained in front of the reincarnation, otherwise it would be very rare, if not difficult I saw Hou Tu. Then, by that time, you would have obtained a little blood from the back earth, and it would not have the effect now.

But how to get the blood of Hou Tu is also a nerve-wracking thing.

Waiting for the long door to think about things almost.

It was decided that Hou Tu ’s essence and blood were personally requested, and Nagato also knew that the time of the reincarnation of the earth was about the same. If Hou Tu was reincarnate, he wanted to get some of the essence. If it is, it is very difficult.

After this day, the Nagato is ready. Go ahead and let the Nagato prepare these things, then prepare the contents, and then go to the stove to prepare for these problems.

Houtu thought about the sufferings of these beings in his residence, and gradually realized.

When the long gate went to see Hou Tu, Hou Tu said.

"If you can sacrifice me and exchange for world peace, then all this is worthwhile."

Although Nagato was surprised after hearing it, he was not happy.

Happily, Hou Tu finally realized the mystery of it, but what made Hou Tu very worried was that Nagato was very sad. After all, Hou Tu sacrificed his own happiness for the happiness of other people in the entire flood.

But on the whole, Hou Tu has already realized the mystery of it. As long as it takes time, it will certainly be able to complete its great cause.

Nagato knew that the time of Hou Tu's enlightenment was not far away, so he directly spoke to Hou Tu and asked Hou Tu for a drop of essence blood.

Nagato said.

"Hou Tu Daoyou, the words of enlightenment are in no particular order, as long as they can understand the road, they can prove the sanctification. After enlightenment, they are isolated from the world, so these are very simple reasons . "

Hou Tu has now reached a certain level, so Hou Tu also replied.

"The most difficult thing is not Taoism. After Taoism, it is still so firm. Although I have already realized Taoism, I still have not persuaded myself to let go of my brothers and sisters. Do they ignore them?"

Hou Tu said this, but what he said made Nagato have nothing to say. Although Nagato knew the truth, the truth was very profound. Although Nagato could explain Hou Tu Confused, but unable to make choices for the back earth.

Hou Tu has now mastered the method of reincarnation. At this time Hou Tu is just entangled in whether to sacrifice itself, and then become other creatures in the flood.

This choice is tantamount to very difficult, but the leaders did not struggle for too long, but made a choice quickly.

But for Hou Tu, such a choice does have other implications.

Therefore, Hou Tu ’s current decision will affect the future progress of the flooded continent. If the Three Realms are not comprehensive, this flooded continent will collapse sooner or later.

Although Nagato can't make a decision for Hou Tu, but at present Nagato's affairs, or if requested, only Hou Tu can help Nagato accomplish.

Nagato now has some important things to ask Houtu, who then said.

"Hou Tu, I have encountered a difficult thing now, and I have also reached a deadlock. There is no way to get out of it. I really need you to help me."

Hou Tu has benefited a lot from the long gate, so if there is any request from Nagato, Hou Tu must agree without any hesitation.

Hou Tu then said.

"Nagato Daoyou doesn't have to be polite, you and me don't have to be polite, as long as we are both able to complete the task and then benefit Honghuang. I'm clear about what you mean, and I admire your character, no matter what Whatever you do, I will always support you. So if you have anything, do n’t hide it. "

Then Nagato said.

"I really have something to do with the help of the Taoist friends. Now I want to understand the laws of this earth, so that I can benefit the Honghuang Continent in the future, and I can save a lot of grudges in the Honghuang. So I hope to get Houtu Daoyou's blood drop. "


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