My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 132: Emperor Jun's tenth son Jin Wuyou Honghuang

But it said that on this spiritual mountain, the long gate, the lead, the quasi-mention and a group of apprentices were busy, and kept surpassing the soul in the soul flag. After the soul in the spirit flag was finished, the long The door, connection, and quasi mentioning are also one by one the soul around Lingshan.

This is a very hard thing for all sentient beings. It is easy to say, but it is indeed very difficult to do. It is sad and difficult. If it is not done in person, how can it be understood?

All the people above the Lingshan Mountain did not stop, and they were prepared to save some people who need to be spent for them.

But compared with the soul in the wilderness, the soul near this Lingshan Mountain is almost insignificant.

Nagato did not give up here, but insisted.

And among the demon clan, with the help of Fu Xi, the marriage of heaven was established, and the fate of the sun star and the lunar star was connected together.

After Emperor Jun and Tai Yi took Xihe and Huanxi together, Emperor Jun was very fond of Xihe. Xihe was originally a quasi-saint power, and its mana is naturally very strong, although Huanxi is slightly weak A little bit, but it can be regarded as the power level in the flood.

This Emperor Jun is paired with Xi, Tai Yi is paired with Chang Xi. This lunar star is matched with the sun star, which is a perfect match.

After the marriage was established on this day, the luck of the demon clan has risen a lot, and with the assistance of Fuxi and Kunpeng, the current momentum of the demon clan has reached another new height.

Although the demon clan lost a lot of land in the first conflict, the demon clan is still the strongest, and the witch clan can not be compared.

After the Matriarchs have acquired huge territory, they are contented with pride and do not think of progress. They only think about how to enjoy it, and they do not have good soldiers. This is one of the reasons why the Matriarchs were eliminated by him.

However, after the marriage was established that day, Di Jun loved his wife Xi and Xihe very much.

For thousands of years, Xihe gave birth to ten princes for Emperor Jun. These princes, like Emperor Jun, were all three-legged golden black, but their realm of cultivation was indeed not as high as that of Emperor Jun and Tai Yi, so They exude flames of the sun all over their bodies, and their temperature is extremely high, and it is difficult for ordinary people to get close to them.

The words of Emperor Jun and Tai Yi, because they do not know how many years they have practiced on the sun star, they can already fully withdraw the flames of the sun in their bodies.

It will not happen that it is not possible to clean up the flames of the sun and then hurt people.

These ten princes are already grown-up. If they stay in the heavenly court, they will emit huge high temperature. If these ten princes travel together, ordinary monsters in the surrounding thousands of miles cannot survive.

Therefore, Emperor Jun and Tai Yi arranged the ten princes to live at the end of the world, where there is a huge towering tree, called hibiscus.

This hibiscus wood is so huge that it can connect the world with the earth, and its root is also directly connected to the underworld.

The hibiscus tree is also one of the ten congenital spiritual roots. The hibiscus tree is not afraid of the sun's flames. If these ten golden blackbirds stop on it, it will have no effect on the hibiscus tree.

On the contrary, the breath of the hibiscus tree can help these ten princes to better condense their mana, and they can free the flames of the sun.

The ten Jinwu princes practiced on the hibiscus tree, and gradually it took another hundred years. Cultivation also has some achievements, but if this powerful flame of converging the sun's flames, the ten princes cannot really do it.

The ten princes were originally a bit playful, and God Jun was also negligent in their discipline.

Emperor Jun's affairs were very busy, and he had to deal with the big and small things of the demon clan. Emperor Jun did not usually manage these ten princes. If they committed any major incidents among the demon races, they also had Tai Yi supporting them, so when they were among the demon races, they were rampant and no one dared to mess with them. Emperor Jun has no way, so let these ten princes live on the hibiscus tree and practice well.

This was originally for their good, but how could these ten princes live idle.

So they are going to play in the flood, because they are very hot all over, so they can not play in the flood.

Every time they went to a Jinwu, but if a Jinwu went, it would still make the hot land unbearable.

Because they are all so hot, and the earth is full of Wu people, and there are many other creatures, such as human beings.

Emperor Jun also ordered that they only take turns to play one by one.

It was the youngest Jinwu Youmin ’s turn to go out to play this day. The youngest Jinwu was spoiled by nine brothers, and was indulged by Tai Yi, Emperor Jun, and Xihe and Changxi arrogant.

Usually in the demon clan, everyone let him.

On that day, the youngest Jinwu Youwen flew above the wilderness continent and flew.

Young Min loves all the scenery above the wilderness continent very much. The flowers and trees, the mountains and the green water, the young Min is very fond of.

On this day, Young Min was fascinated by the beautiful grassland on an open prairie, so she was very happy and said.

"This beautiful prairie, if it were possible to live here, how good it would be!"

Because You Min was fascinated by watching here, I didn't notice that my flames had burned the continent, and the grass and trees were all withered.

It happened that the tribe of Dawu Kuafu was near this piece. Kuafu saw that Jin Wu was staying on the grass for too long, and the plants and trees were all burned by flames, so Kuafu picked up a stone , Hit Jinwu Youmin past.

You Min did not respond, but just left for the beauty. Did not pay attention to the upcoming stones.

This Kuafu was very accurate in throwing stones. It happened to hit Yu Min's back and shot Jin Wu's back with a deep mouth.

Young Min screamed with pain and nearly fell into the air.

Young Min turned her head and saw a tall witch, waving the stick, and shouted at herself.

"Hurry up, hurry up. The grass, the trees are scorched before you leave?"

Kuafu said that he picked up the stone again and threw it towards Youmin.

You Min was very angry where she had eaten such a loss in the Heavenly Court of the Demon Race.

"Well, you are a big witch, dare to hurt me, I must make you look good."

Then, flutter the wings to release the more powerful flame of the sun. If you want to dive down and attack Kuafu, Kuafu is not an ordinary big witch. It is a big witch transformed with the ancestor and witch. The figure is very tall and the flesh is also very powerful. ..


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