My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 142: Demon Race Planning Measures

Di Jun also understood that he gave back the ten demon sages that were not very trustworthy.

If these ten demon saints stayed to do things, they might still have bad things. They just obeyed Emperor Jun formally, but they were still a little dissatisfied.

After all, their strength is not weak.

Then Di Jun discussed with other Taiyi and Fuxi and Kunpeng, which was the solution. There is really no good way to come, after all, this Kuafu is indeed dead.

Tai Yi said.

"Brother, these ten nephews must have no intention of killing this boasting father, and the majesty of the witch's big witch is so powerful, how could he kill the big witch, there must be something hidden in it."

Kunpeng said.

"This must be investigated clearly before we can think of a way to deal with it. Now this person only has Kuafu and ten princes, but the Kuafu is dead, and the ten princes, the ancestors and wits must not be convinced Even if it is true, there is no way. "

Fu Xi also said.

"Now there are only ten princes and one Kuafu father. The others are not very clear, but this vast mainland is so big, there must be other people on this chasing route, Such a big movement must have been seen by other people. So, His Majesty the East Emperor and the demon master continue to recall the ten princes. What details are there in it, and I went to the mainland Take a trip to see if you can find any clues. "

Di Jun said after hearing it.

"Then, according to what Mr. Fu Xi said, only in this wilderness can I see what clues there are in order to explain."

Then under the arrangement of Fu Xi, Tai Yi continued with Kun Peng in the heavenly court and recalled these details with ten princes.

What these ten princes recalled is not the same as what happened before, except that the ten princes did not say their plans for revenge, and the ten Jinwu said so.

"Because the youngest brother You Min went to the wilderness to play and passed the site of Da Wu Kua Fu, and then Da Wu Kua Kuo turned down a cruel hand to beat You Min seriously wounded, and there was a deep mouth on his back. Then you did n’t tell the uncle and the father, but concealed it quietly. The younger brother said he was afraid to affect the unity of the witch and the demon, so he did n’t dare to say it. Trouble.

Then nine of us were very angry. This Kuafu was so deceiving. We nine were clamoring to go to Kuafu theory. Young Min pulled us not to go, but we can see that our younger brother was seriously injured like this . Then you have no choice but to follow us.

But we flew as far as possible after the flood, and the height of our flight was very high, so as not to burn the plants and souls of the flood mainland.

After arriving at Kuafu's tribe, that Kuafu was very unreasonable. He didn't ask Qinghong to yell at us, and then we wanted to explain, he drove us away, we said, we are here to ask why we hurt Our brother, Young Min, but the Kuafu didn't even hear it. He grabbed the stone and threw it at us.

We didn't dodge in time, and then we were all injured, and then Kuafu saw that we wouldn't go, and that we waved his forehead to chase us.

We have no choice but to run away, but the Dawu Kuafu behind him is really reluctant to let us go and chase us in the back, even chasing us all the way, directly from the central part of Mount Bu Zhou. After chasing us, we ran to the East Sea on the east side. Kuafu was already sweating at this time, and then he changed into a real body, full of height, and then grabbed a big stone, crushed it directly in his hands, and then Throw it towards us.

We have been very tired in the body because of the long flight, but this Kuafu did not want to let us go. This sky-rocket stone hit our body, and then we were seriously injured, only Escape faster, if we slow down a little bit, Uncle, you wo n’t see our ten brothers. "

When Jin Wumen said, they also showed Tai Yi and Kun Peng the wounds on their bodies.

Then Kunpeng and Taiyi inspected the wounds on their bodies. It was true that every Jinwu body received a fair wound, and there was indeed a very long mouth behind Young Min, who was very angry.

"This witch's big witch boasting his father is too arrogant. He even bullied people and bullied us on the head of the demon, and made my nephew look like this. I have to count with him It ’s so disgusting, and it ’s such rudeness. ”

Kun Peng also felt very helpless. Although this Kuafu was very abominable, he was already dead at this time, and the dead was the big one. Even if it's not true, but this is dead, this is very embarrassing.

Kunpeng said.

"Your Majesty, although this Kuafu is very abhorrent, there is no good way to solve them. Now that we really cannot say clearly, we still have to wait for Fuxi to find any good evidence!"

After Tai Yi heard it, he didn't speak, but said to the ten Jinwu.

"Do n’t be afraid, what ’s the matter, and the uncle, I ’ll support you, it ’s okay. You do n’t want to go out now, otherwise you may encounter revenge from the Matriarchs, although it ’s praise The father was exhausted by himself, but he was exhausted when he was chasing you. Although he deserves it, it is unclear. In short, it is better to be careful. "

Ten Jinwu listened to Tai Yi's words, and then stayed in the heavenly court and dared not go into the flood.

Fu Xi went to the wilderness below, looking for clues.

The place where Fuxi first arrived was conveniently on the edge of the East China Sea. Here, Fuxi can also see a mountain transformed into Kwafu's death. This mountain is very magnificent and makes people admire it after watching it.

And the peach forest around this mountain is already full of peach blossoms, colorful and very bright and beautiful. After Fu Xi looked at this place carefully, he found that there was a lot of big day golden flame in Kuafu's body. This Kuafu was really chasing the big day golden flame and ten golden blacks.

Then I found some crushed stones nearby, and there were some tiny crushed stone powder in Kuafu's hands.

Looking back, that is to the west, where Kuafu passes by day by day, some small streams have appeared along the way, and there are still huge footprints, and there are traces of this after running. Some salt sand also appeared, which is to prove that these small streams are formed by the sweat from Kuafu's flow, and then formed by the rain in the flood, and the concentration of this sweat is quite high. ..


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