My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 144: Fuxi learns the truth

Fu Xi was very happy after seeing this scene, and Fu Xi asked.

"Is that what you said, have you seen the giant chasing the sun? Can you tell me what you saw?"

Then the young man was still very timid and dared not say.

At this time the narrator said.

"Erwa, just tell what you see! Don't be afraid, this is the acquaintance of Nuwa, you can rest assured that it won't hurt us."

This time the young man named Erwa said.

"Master, as we know, I was playing on the top of the mountain at that time. The other tribes went out to hunt or work. I just saw a very tall giant, chasing this sun and running The sun seemed to be very afraid of this giant, but it was always flying fast ahead.

And some of the sun will run slower and will be touched by the giant's cane, but this giant is always a little worse, otherwise, the sun can be set down. "

After listening to Fu Xi, he did not speak, and he could basically grasp the information.

Then the young man said again.

"This giant is so brave. We have too much sun in our land. We have wild fruit trees and many plants here, and we are unable to go out. Our people are in such strong sunlight. Underneath, they were all sunburned. This giant drove away these suns. We are all very grateful to him! "

Then the people of the human race turned their bodies around, allowing Fu Xi to see some traces of sunburn behind them, which was very sad and also very ugly. This Fu Xi knew the reason for this Yes, but I ’m still not sure what the specific reason is.

Fu Xi asked again.

"You know this sun has been on your land for a long time, and do these suns come every day?"

At this time a prestigious senior among the ethnic group said.

"Yes, the Jinwu in these large populations come every day. These Jinwu appeared in groups on the flooded continent only half a year ago. In the past, the damage to the earth was not very serious when this one appeared. , But then it turned out to appear in groups above the flood, which caused considerable damage to the earth. "

"Are all these Jinwu back and forth every day?"

"Yeah, there are ten together every day, and we can't bear it."

"Well, when we were working outside, we were basically under the influence of these Jinwu. We were basically unable to hunt and still couldn't live. For the past six months, we were basically active at night, and we dare not go out during the day. "

Although both of them spoke, Fu Xi still didn't want to believe what he heard, and Fu Xi asked again.

"Did you all see that these Jinwu are so annoying? Have you all failed to survive?"


"Yeah, I can't stay outside at all."

"The temperature is too high and I have been burned many times."

"I don't know where these birds came from, we want to get rid of them, but there is no way, our power is too small."

"Fortunately, this giant appeared, as if it were a god, and drove Jinwu away, and we are now finally back to our original life." "I do n’t know which hero is doing now?"

Hearing this, Fu Xi here has figured out the true nature of the matter. The ten Jinwus did not follow the rules in the floods, and they traveled in pairs for a long time. Very scary.

But they didn't care. They had to give them some lessons before they could understand the truth. Kuafu was the one who maintained the order in the flood, he was just to get rid of Jinwu, and eventually died because of a large amount of water shortage and physical exhaustion.

When Fu Xi thought of these things, he didn't know what to do. No matter what the reasons for these ten golden wus, even if the praised father hurt others, he couldn't bring most of the creatures in the flood to suffer together , This made Fu Xi very depressed, and did not know how to deal with this matter.

At the time of Fu Xi's contradiction, some people behind him were asked again.

"Master Fuxi, how is that giant hero! He's alright."

"he died."

"What? How did you die, how did the hero like that die?"

"If it weren't for him, we would still be under the scorching sun every day and nothing could be done."

"Yeah, if that person drove away Jinwu, we would have been dried for a long time. Many animals outside were dried directly because they didn't have time to hide."

Fu Xi didn't know how to say it for a while, but Fu Xi knew that since these people lived in the floods and were the parties, they must not believe what they said.

Then Fu Xi said.

"The giant was called Kuafu. He chased the ten Jinwus for a long, long distance, but in the end he was physically stunted. He chased eastward to the East Sea, and his body fell down, and his body became a Mountain, his walking stick became a peach forest. "

After hearing the news of Kuafu's death, everyone was very sad, and then they all shed tears and tears silently in the direction of looking at the east.

Fu Xi saw this scene of human warmth, and Fu Xi was very emotional. Among the demon races, there were all kinds of tricks and various battles. There were no such simple scenes.

Fu Xi was also deeply moved by the scene in front of him.

It may be that Fu Xi wants to be reincarnated into the human race for the grateful heart of the human race.

The human race is so grateful for a person who doesn't know, and for their dedication, which makes Fu Xi very emotional, and I don't know how to deal with these ten golden things.

Although the truth is now understood, even if it was like the top ten Jinwu said earlier, did Kuafu provoke them to the front and hurt You Min, but then in the past six months, what the top ten Jinwu did It is simply unacceptable.

After Fuxi mastered these situations, he went back, and asked Fuxi as he walked away.

"What mountain is it called?"

The old man replied.

"Shouyang Mountain."

Fu Xi wrote down and drifted away. Fu Xi felt that he had the same cause and effect as this Yangshan Mountain, but what is specific, Fu Xi is still unclear, although Fu Xi can calculate.

But these things generally mean that Fuxi does not want to calculate anything, because although Fuxi can calculate, but Fuxi does not believe that it cannot be changed, it is as if Fuxi knows that the demon clan will withdraw from the flood stage, but Fuxi still helps the emperor Jun and Taiyi.

In this scene, he took off and flew away. All the people worshipped Fu Xi very much, and then he painted Fu Xi's image on the mural. ..


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