My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 146: Quell the witch fury

The demon clan was sent with Tai Yi's purpose, and he went to the Wu clan to read it. This drafted thing was heard by the big witch and the little witch among the witch clan. This was all noisy, but none of the ancestors The ancestors and witches did n’t understand and did not understand how to make compensation, but specifically how to make compensation.

And Taiyi seems to be incapable of this mission, and then later brought Kunpeng and some masters among the demon clan, and then brought a lot of precious gifts to the Wu clan.

This was a very serious reading of what Tai Yi presided over, but it did not receive good results. Tai Yi's gifts and compensation were limited.

There is also no way for this missionary.

At this time, Taiyi was carrying a lot of treasures, and it fell from the sky. After Taiyi's life opened the things here, everyone was dumbfounded. At this time, the Wu people are very scarce of some medicinal materials, and there are a variety of spiritual fruits. , And supplements.

Because the Wu people have incomplete souls, the Lingbao has no effect on them, and for them, there are only some herbs and some things that can strengthen their bodies.

The best is the body of the demon clan, but Taiyi is not likely to give the demon clan's body to the demon clan to let them do whatever they want. Such a price must be huge.

However, this time Tai Yi gave them a medicine that was more tonic than the demon's flesh, called Cao Huan Dan, which not only has the function of rejuvenation, but also enhances the strength of the flesh taken. This is a special Precious herbs.

However, among the Wu people, there is still the legend of grass and pill, so everyone in the Wu people is very clear.

The spirit grass of this body will only grow in some specific places. For example, if the grass is red, it can only grow on the edge of heaven and earth, because this thing must absorb the spirit of heaven and earth, and then mix in the earth. Only the atmosphere of chaos can grow, and the place with chaotic atmosphere in this wilderness is only the edge of chaos. Even if there are other places, there is no continuous supply there.

The ancestors were also very amazed. If this kind of thing is to be picked, it will be difficult to obtain without many sacrifices.

Then Taiyi said.

"I was the Taiyi Emperor of the Demon Clan, because the demon Emperor Jun was physically embarrassed, so I entrusted me to deal with the matter of boasting the father and the big witch. We have investigated the matter well before. We still have a responsibility for the death of Da Wu Kuafu, who is involved in the middle, and the demon clan has always dared to act, and the ten Jinwus who harmed the witch clan in the wilderness continent, we are willing to compensate. "

Then Taiyi ordered people to open all these boxes. The herbs and spirits contained in them were all things that the Wu people wanted in their dreams.

This person has weaknesses, so the Wu people also have weaknesses. The people of the Wu people all have what they want, and the Wu people also want more territory and richer returns.

The eleven ancestors were a little shocked to see what was before them, and then sighed. This demon is too rich.

I do n’t know how to get these things. The Wu people have n’t encountered so many babies on the ground for so long, but the Wu people take out so many babies casually, which makes the Wu people somewhat unbalanced.

Tai Yi is somewhat aware of the witch's doubts. Tai Yi is not stupid. Although there are many things in the demon clan, it can't be squandered like this. Then Taiyi said.

"These things are the top treasures in the Demon Clan's Heavenly Court. Our demon clan only got these things in order to get these precious medicinal materials and do not know how many children died, and we dedicated these things to today. Our most respected person.

Mainly to express the most sincere regret to Kuafu's death. But these things can only be things, less than praise the father and the big witch, please do not think too much. "

The eleven ancestors were already impressed, but they still pretended not to care, and the ancestors were relatively indifferent, so Taiyi knew it too. If he knew what his opponent ’s hole card was, Taiyi ’s heart There was also confidence in the negotiations.

The eleven ancestors did not speak immediately, but were silent and did not speak.

This kind of silence is the best test of a person's ability, and at the end of the negotiation, there is often a process of silence. If anyone speaks first, then whoever loses.

Even if the sale is completed, the person who speaks first will lose some benefits.

After waiting for a long time, the eleven ancestors finally spoke, and then Emperor Jun said.

"Okay, I think these ten princes must have been unintentional, and there is some rashness in the praises of the father and the gods, but the Wu clan is extraordinary to lose the big witch. Ten princes, if such a result occurs again, if we lose our lives, we will also fight against the demon clan. "

Tai Yi heard Di Jun saying that this thing was done. I thought that as long as something went out, it would be the ancestor and the witch, and I thought how difficult it would be.

Then Taiyi followed what Dijun said.

"Well, I have repaired these ten princes well, and then shut them all up, and only let them out when they can converge their power."

Although these eleven ancestors agreed, but one of them was a great witch who died after all. In this case, there was still a lot of losses, so Taiyi also grasped the rhythm to avoid this excessive harm. The atmosphere of the Wu people was hit.

After all, no matter how valuable these things are, there is no way to return the life of a great witch.

After Tai Yi let the gifts down, he didn't rush to leave with the eleven ancestors. Tai Yi still had a set of ways to deal with these problems. Instead, he accompanied the eleven ancestors in silence for a while, and then they left. In this way, they would not let the attitude of dealing with the issue here be very disrespectful.

After finishing the treatment, Taiyi took the person back to heaven.

Tai Yi is no longer the man who just knows how to fight and kill in the floods. After thousands of years of training, Tai Yi is already an outstanding politician. This person will indeed change. After a long time in the environment, I will naturally learn something, and if I ca n’t learn it, it can only be eliminated. Taiyi is not stupid, just a little impulsive sometimes. Learning to deal with these things is very simple for Taiyi. ..

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