My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 148: Nagato conquers the truth

Although Nagato has not yet broken through to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the current Nagato combat power can be matched with the saint.

Nagato relies on some magical powers of its own, and it can completely match the saint, except that Nagato has not proved to be a mixed man. The long gate is already very clear.

Longmen's cultivation of the Eighth and Nine Profound Strength has reached the fifth weight, and its physical strength is already comparable to that of the ancestors and witches. Even in the deepest hidden Dijiang, Longmen is directly defeated. Xuan Ming, the most capable of the ancestors and witches, Nagato still got a drop of essential blood from her.

Nagato understands that although he is very strong now, he still has a gap with the saints, and if he is stared at by Heavenly Dao, then he will feel better. Although the Hundred Yuan Pearl can cover the sky, it still has a lot of risks.

Nagato was reluctant to take such a risk. Before there was no sanctification, he was still helpless to the general trend of Heavenly Dao, if Heavenly Dao was staring at it. I might have some hard things to do!

Nagato's concentrated practice in Lingshan, after helping the reincarnation of the incarnation, Nagato is also studying step by step, how can he make his strength further.

Now this situation is a bit awkward. If we can enter the realm of Hunyuan, such embarrassment will be non-existent.

Quoting and Zhunti are busy completing the Hongyuan issued by them. Now the state of Qinting and Zhunti is as if they have enjoyed the treatment of saints in advance, but they have to pay in installments.

People who have been living in the flood.

And to save all sentient beings is also a wish to lead and to mention, so this is not to be blamed.

Nagato didn't want to owe heaven, but only wanted to be a sage without being bound.

Although Nagato didn't want to ask about the introduction and quasi mention, it was also related to the trend of development in the flood, Nagato had to manage.

When Nagato was preaching to Dizang, Maitreya, and Jin Chanzi, he suddenly felt something in his heart, as if something was going to happen, and then Nagato had a certain deduction ability. After deduction, there was a spirit The beast is infested.

Nagato then said to Jizo, Maitreya, and Jin Chanzi under the audience.

"Guys, I have sensed a spirit beast, and I will go back as soon as I go. You must first understand what I have just said."

Then the long gate was flying directly to the place where the spirit beast appeared except for Lingshan.

Nagato was agitated and did not summon a panda. It was very excited at first. Secondly, his speed was not slower than that of a panda. In addition, if any spirit beast was encountered, would the panda be jealous? Affected his own subjugation.

The place where this spirit beast infested is south of the wilderness continent. The mountains here are not as tall as those in the west. The mountains here need to be gentler.

However, there are indeed many karst caves in this mountain trip, and the relationship between these karst caves is connected to each other, so that the holes in this mountain range are all connected.

After Nagato arrived at this place, he sat down quietly and meditated, not in a hurry to conquer the spirit beast.

It should be that the long gate can sense that this spirit beast is particularly sensitive and can detect some subtle movements from someone.

Nagato calmed down and simply sat down to meditate and practice, which made this spirit beast a little curious, and wanted to further observe who was outside.

The long door chanting verses quietly made the surrounding lotus blossoms full of auspicious signs.

As if the spirit beast could understand the scripture, he slowly crawled out of the cave entrance, and the Nagato continued to read his scripture without stopping. The spirit beast approached the long door with more confidence and boldness, as if there was something sweet on the body of the long door, which attracted the spirit beast's attention.

It turned out that the recitation of the long gate was some scriptures that spent all sentient beings, and this spirit beast was originally a strange creature formed by the fusion of many souls. The achievement of such a creature should be related to the unique landscape here.

It is generally impossible for this soul to re-integrate to form new species, but there is nothing in this wilderness continent, because there is so much aura in this world, even if any kind of creature can open the spirit Wisdom, change into adults, and cultivate into immortals.

Although Nagato was reading the scriptures with his eyes closed, his consciousness had already floated out of his body.

Nagato saw the soft and tamable spirit beast in front of his eyes, with a tiger's head, a horn on the head, dog ears, dragon scales on his body, and a tail like a lion's tail. These four feet have unicorn feet as well as they have power.

Nagato looked at the spirit beast in front of him and knew it. This is the legendary truth.

I didn't want to meet here.

In addition to what the monsters born after reintegrating the soul, Nagato really can't think of any other monsters.

Because Tingting integrates many souls, Tingting has a keen insight and a sensitive six senses.

But the best among them is the ear that listens to the truth. This ear can hear the good and evil of time, as well as the inner monologue.

It can be described as a beast.

Nagato knew some of the characteristics of this mythical beast, so he would not force himself to enter the cave and force him to conquer. This feature of obedience can avoid disasters. The sage must surrender to see if he wants to surrender.

But Tingting seems to be particularly interested in Buddhism. The Dharma recited in the long doorway has a special attraction for Tingting.

Then Nagato deliberately made a monologue in his heart to let the truth be heard.

"Everything in this world is spiritual, it ’s whether we listen attentively. It ’s joyful to hear people ’s joy, but to hear the sufferings of the world will also make ourselves seem to be suffering. The same. How can this be settled, only unremitting efforts to resolve the sorrow of the world. Only in this way can you be relieved. "

Nagato knew that the troubles of listening were to be able to understand, or to listen to the pain or troubles of others, and these troubles would make them listen to the same very troubles, which made them very annoying.

After listening to the monologue of Nagato, it was as if he had found a confidant. His eyes widened and he looked at Nagato with his head tilted.

Ting listen has slowly and very much admired the long door, and at the same time listening to the long door read the Heart Sutra, the state of mind of Ting slowly became very quiet. ..


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