My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 154: Hou Yi Shooting Sun

But it said that after five hundred years, the top ten golden birds went to the wilderness continent, ready to come to play, by the way, look at the road that was once chased by Kuafu, and recall the scene of the past.

After five hundred years of time, Hou Yi has been waiting for this opportunity. He went to the corner of the world to find the millennium Xuan ice iron, and then refined him into an arrow. Then I found the meteorite above the stars and made the arrow.

After waiting for a long time, the Honghuang Continent has returned to calm, and Hou Yi has slowly forgotten the matter of shooting the sun, but I did not expect to want it. Today, I finally waited until the ten Jinwu appeared on my own tribe at the same time. .

Then Hou Yi hurriedly shot the arrow of the Millennium Profound Ice Iron that he was always ready to shoot at the flying Jinwu. This arrow was very sharp, and it seemed to cut through the space in the air.

But when it came to Jinwu, the arrow stopped quickly. There was no reason at all, and the thousand years of black iron had melted.

Hou Yi was very angry. Then he dared not try the millennium black iron again. Instead, he took out the meteorite. The production process of the meteorite is more difficult, and its ability to withstand high temperatures is better than that of the millennium black iron. .

Hou Yi once again bowed his arrow and aimed for a while, then released his right hand, and the arrow was like a mighty force, and soon reached Jin Wu's back.

The Jinwu people discovered this attack, but the power of this arrow was too great, and the speed was extremely fast. They had no time to dodge, and then Jinwu's heart was only frightened.

If you are hit by such a forceful bow and arrow, you will definitely be killed on the spot.

Just when Jinwu gave up hope, this arrow melted quickly as he approached Jinwu, and at a little distance to Jinwu, there were still some aftermaths of arrow gas that made one of them Only Jin Wu was frightened, but did not cause harm.

Although the star meteorite is powerful, the violent high temperature of the Jinwu makes the meteorite arrows made from the meteorite very fragile. It has melted before reaching the Jinwu body. And these Jin Wufei passed quickly.

In the future, let Jinwu shoot arrows any more. These arrows cannot be shot near Jinwu's body.

Later, these Jinwu flew away slowly, and Hou Yi was very annoyed.

The Jinwu people are also proud, after all, if the arrow is stronger, it may be that they can shoot the Jinwu, but this is the reason why the arrow is too weak.

The Jinwu people learned that the Honghuang Continent is nothing dangerous to you, so they are all very proud and arrogant.

After Houyi suffered a loss, Houyi went for a walk in the wilderness, or to see what inspiration he had, and at this time, Houyi discovered it. When the top ten gold came, many animals were He hid in the mire and wrapped thick mud around him. Then when the top ten Jinwu went away, the mud on them was already a hard stone-like thing. After they made the mud on their bodies, their bodies became There are no other abnormal situations.

After the animals were gone, Hou Yi picked up the hard mud turned into stones and looked at it.

Found that the hardness is indeed very strong, and then Hou Yi thought. Since this soil has such strong properties, can it be made into arrows, the higher the temperature, the less it will melt.

After thinking of this, Hou Yi is studying every day how this thing should be made in order to complete the process of making arrows.

Finally, after failing countless times, I was finally able to master the mystery of this. As long as the material of this soil is pure, it can keep this arrow under the action of high temperature, it will not spread out, but more and more Tight, it didn't take long for Hou Yi to forge a batch of arrows made of clay.

Soon after, Hou Yi completed the experiment.

Some big witches and little witches of the Wu people know that the arrows made by Hou Yi for the first time with thousands of years of black iron and meteorite failed to successfully kill Jinwu, so they said that they did not respond to this time. Arrow tells what hope.

"I don't know if the arrow made of this mud can work. Even if this mud is hard, it can't be used as a weapon. It will break when it touches."

Yeah, it's better to imagine other methods, don't waste time on it.

And these ten Jinwu princes, because they walked in the wilderness for a circle and found that the bows and arrows in the wilderness could not hurt them, they were very ridiculous.

Within a few days, I went to see the strange things together in the flood. After all, the sky is not as interesting as the Honghuang Continent. This heaven is mainly boring, and the Honghuang is very novel and interesting for the Jinwu people.

On this day, ten Jinwu came to the Honghuang Continent again, but it didn't take long for Houyi to know that ten Jinwu went to the Honghuang, and then Houyi was ready to try to develop it again. Can such a special arrow come out and hurt the ten great golden birds.

This time Houyi learned about the characteristics of these bows and arrows, because these bows and arrows are particularly fragile when they are not exposed to high temperatures, and if they are subjected to high temperatures, they can be completely condensed into hard stones, and even exceed the stones. Hardness, so Hou Yi is very confident to use such a thing.

The reason why Hou Yi wanted to do this was simply to want revenge, but never thought about how he planned to do it in the future. After that, he would n’t care what the revenge of the demon clan would be. He killed ten Jinwu in his own life.

After Jinwu arrived, it was still in a high position. Because of the reasons for the previous few times, I knew that on this continent, mortals could not hurt them at all, and ordinary bows and arrows could not hurt them at all, even close. They are all difficult, as long as they can maintain a certain flying height, it is basically no problem at all.

But at this time Hou Yi was already aiming at them. Hou Yi used a bow to shoot arrows. Hou Yi's arrow method was originally a must. It had already locked one of the ten golden black, and then Hou Yi pressed the bow to shoot Pulling back, the bow and arrow went out in a swish. The arrow quickly traversed the sky, emitting a brilliant spark, and shot straight at Jinwu. ..


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