My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 157: Ten Jinwu go to one to return

After the eldest prince hit two arrows, the body could no longer support it, and then the body was constantly falling.

At this time, Young Min saw his brothers fall one by one, and his heart was already extremely sad, and also extremely frightened. At this time, Yu Min had no idea.

Then the great prince said in his last breath.

"Run, run."

At this time, You Min Fang understood it, and then began to fly desperately.

While flying, Young Min looked at the falling brother, and what other brothers were falling, filled with hatred.

But Hou Yi didn't want to let go of the last Jinwu. He also took a bow and arrow and was about to shoot this Jinwu down.

The power of this bow and arrow is endless. At such a long distance, Hou Yi can still shoot. The people watching the movie are very emotional, and Hou Yi's powerful ability.

As long as it is within the line of sight of Hou Yi, this is basically a hundred hits.

The ancestors and witches of the Zu Wu Dian are all on this one heart, want to see whether Hou Yi can shoot the last Jin Wu.

The big witch and the little witch are now silent. It seems that the entire continent is worried about Hou Yi's breath.

Hou Yi tried his best to adjust his breathing, even if it was sweating at the moment, it did not affect Hou Yi's intent to aim, and shot a key arrow.

Suddenly, three long arrows penetrated the void, and then a fiery red light was drawn in the sky. This gorgeous light chased this and You Min, but You Min was already smart. He didn't go straight, and then escaped the attack of the bow and arrow through the tricky position. These three bows and arrows were passed by the body of young Min.

At this time, Ju Min has already given up hope of survival. In this case, the inner pressure should become less. Although afterwards, he escaped this fierce arrow through various wonderful ways.

This distance is too far, Hou Yi has no way to see the target again, if at this time it is completely blind cat hit dead mouse.

After several shots, Hou Yi could only give up shooting.

After all, this distance is really too far away to see the target.

There is only one left, which is no longer too unacceptable for the Honghuang Continent.

Moreover, after this time, I believe that this Jinwu will be honestly staying in the heavenly court, and dare not come to the wilderness again.

The ancestors and witches saw the fleeing of Jinwu, but also let things go.

Dijiang said at this time.

Tell the tribes to let them take strict precautions and prepare for the revenge of the heavenly court.

This killed nine of Dijun's ten sons. If Dijun and Taiyi did not act, it would be Dijun and Taiyi.

Among the Wu people, they are actively preparing for the plan and preparing to resist the demon.

On the Lingshan Mountain, because of the suffering of the Honghuang Continent, Gizang went to **** to spend all things, and it was the truth to listen to it.

The Nagato is in the chaotic bead, and is enlightened by the higher-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This kind of avenue beyond Heaven's Dao is even more powerful. This kind of realm that can prove the Dao Jin Luoxian without the help of Heaven's Dao is beyond the level of Heaven's Dao saint.

This difference looks very different at the same level, but the subsequent development is indeed completely different.

Even if it is the end of the wild world, Dadao Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian can exist beyond Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao Sage, because of the collapse of this world, the cultivation is greatly reduced, there is a great possibility that they will be buried with this world. Too.

Nagato slowly enlightened the Daoyuanyuan Luo Jinxian in the Hundred Yuan Pearl. Nagato has various spiritual treasures to help enlighten the Taoism, as well as the chaotic green lotus in his body, which makes the Nagato's promotion quite fast .

After such a long period of cultivation, Nagato turned out to be able to capture a glimpse of heaven in the wild continent in the world of Hunyuanzhu.

"Well, Hou Yi shoots the sun. Only the smallest Jin Wu is left, and the battle between the two Lich is coming."

Nagato once sighed because this is what Heavenly Saints most want to see.

Because this ancestor has its own laws and attributes, these laws and attributes are all stripped from the heaven. And if Heavenly Dao is to be perfect, then the ancestors and witches must fill the Heavenly Dao with their own laws. Only after the ancestors fell, can they fill this rule.

So, this Wu clan must die.

The Wu people have played a lot of roles in consolidating the wilderness continent, because the ancestors and witches are all inherited from the blood of the Pangu Gods, so the ancestors and witches are all adhering to the will of the Pangu great gods, which means that the Wu people The Pangu Great God.

Then the rules mastered by the Wu people can control the floods in the floods and avoid the flooding of the souls on the mainland. The law of water mastered by Gong Gong has such a great significance.

The laws of the weather that Shebi masters can control under the proper weather and have a better weather transition. In short, the laws mastered by every ancestor and witch are important factors for the normal operation of this wild land.

Although these saints did not directly participate in the murder of the ancestors and witches, but this is also the general trend, the trend of heaven and earth, the saints are compassionate to the ancestors, and there is no way.

Nagato can only concentrate on his own cultivation at this time, and then can contribute to better construction of the flood.

Nagato slowly didn't know how many years had passed among the Hunyuan Pearls, and slowly grasped the true meaning of Hengyuan Avenue, and then slowly began to reshape his body.

The body of this slowly growing gate is constantly undergoing remodeling. After the remodeling, the physical strength is several times that of the previous one, and the foundation is even better. In the future, when you practice Xuan Gong, you will be faster than others. less.

Finally, after enlightening the last point of mystery, Nagato began to concentrate on cultivation. It won't take long for Nagato to be able to break through to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

At that time, Hunyuanzhu can also help his shadow to hide the sage of the avenue. At this time, it can be low-key or low-key. After all, Nagato still prefers to speak with strength. Yes, Nagato looked down on it and was unwilling to do it.

After finally absorbing the aura in heaven and earth, Nagato was slowly enveloping in the aura of red gas.

At this time, the spiritual energy in Nagoma's body is constantly rising, and it is almost reaching a limit at this time. ..

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