My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 159: Taiyi plans a revenge plan

Taiyi is ready to get a fair deal for his nephew. These nine nephews are now under such a blow, and Taiyi, the uncle, has to take action.

After Tai Yi knew Di Jun's attitude, he didn't discuss with Di Jun. Di Jun's attitude was always to take the overall situation into account, and to focus on the overall situation. Such behavior also made Tai Yi somewhat angry.

Although Di Jun ’s attitude was undoubtedly angry, he did n’t want to get justice for his nine sons, and Taiyi passed the investigation and knew that it was the Matriarch Houyi who shot the nine princes. .

And Tai Yi's anger is already locked in Hou Yi.

In the eyes of Tai Yi, Hou Yi also became a man who had to die.

After a simple plan, Taiyi decided on Houyi's plan.

Hou Yi must pay for his actions.

Although the Longmen above the Lingshan Mountain will have some sympathy for Hou Yi, he is still the fourth level of the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, and he can't compete with the Heavenly Dao. Although this Heavenly Dao can't cause any harm to himself, what kind of disaster can he drop? Hurt yourself. But if you are stared at by Heavenly Dao, there are always harms and no gains.

Moreover, for a Hou Yi, it is not worth the long shot, and if this is because Hou Yi, the enemy of heaven and earth is really not cost-effective, and if there are any huge benefits, Nagato can also consider it.

All the saints in this flood are watching the drama, so there is no need to shoot.

Even if Nagato has the super ability to change the way of heaven, he ca n’t fight against the way of heaven. The result of working against the way of heaven is tantamount to finding death, and the result of death can only be death, only attribution. In the wilderness.

So for Nagato, it is really elusive to have such a capability in this flood.

Although Nagato wants to help the Wu people, it does not let itself take action, and the destruction of the Umno is doomed. Nagato is only as long as he can fulfill his task in peace, and Nagato does not need to take risks.

Nagato just wanted to improve his cultivation at this time.

Taiyi did not have that kindness, and Taiyi summoned his cronies into the flood, preparing to encircle the big witch Houyi in the flood.

This Hou Yi's strength is not particularly terrifying to Tai Yi, but he killed his nine nephews, then he was damn.

On the Taiyi side, there was a plan to make the common work among the Wu people contradict Zhu Rong. This differentiation of the enemy's interior is equivalent to enhancing their own strength, so such a method can't be let go.

Moreover, the contradiction between Gong Gong and Zhu Rong has already reached the end. Therefore, Tai Yi has already had a lot of calculation power to deal with Zhu Rong and Gong Gong. As long as there is any conflict, the two can fight. Difficult to separate.

Tai Yi let the demon clan of the confidant be led to the Wu clan, preparing to make the common work among the Wu clan and Zhu Rong contradict each other. In this case, it would only be good for Tai Yi and no harm. And Taiyi can also take this opportunity, and then get rid of Hou Yi.

What people did not expect is that the contradiction between Gong Gong and Zhu Rong can ignite the contradiction as long as a little bit of Mars.

Tai Yi's confidant, after a slight instigation among the Wu people, Gong Gong and Zhu Rong, began to compete for control in this flood, and then began a protracted territorial struggle for power.

Both Gong Gong and Zhu Rong are unwilling to fall behind. The two have to fight for their own rights, but also for their own tribes, but also to fight for their level.

As long as the ancestors have a strong will to fight, they can fight without fear.

And Taiyi needs this fearless battle, so that the ancestors can separate their attention. In this way, they can kill the big witch Houyi. If so, revenge is even simpler.

Tai Yi was slowly preparing to provoke a fight between Gong workers and Zhu Rong among the Wu people.

Afterwards, some people of the Wu people talked about the ability of Zhurong and Gong Gong, making Zhu Rong and Gong Gong very dissatisfied. Then the two of them broke out a serious battle.

The two men fought so fiercely that the ancestors and big witches of the Wu clan went to the nearby Zhoushan Mountain to watch the battle between Gong Gong and Zhu Rong, and this battle also made Tai Yi a little bit sad.

The main purpose of Taiyi is to aim at Hou Yi. The battle between Gong Gong and Zhu Rong makes all the ancestors and witches in the wilderness a little bit puzzled.

And Taiyi took advantage of the battle between the Gong Gong and Zhu Rong, and found an opportunity and then went into the flood to prepare for revenge.

Tai Yi's goal is very clear, that is, Da Wu Kua father disappears from the flood, otherwise, they will not give up.

Taiyi brought the entourage around him into the flood.

Because Taiyi had already set the eyeliner earlier, everything was very smooth when Taiyi came, and Houyi was now alone on the top of the mountain.

Hou Yi has decided to give Emperor Jun one by one's own life after this shooting day, and only by his own life can he avoid greater battle between the two groups of Lich.

Hou Yi is also waiting for this day.

But in order not to intensify the contradiction, Hou Yi went to the mountain, so a person waited quietly for the arrival of the demon clan.

After Taiyi arrived, he saw a figure of Wei An standing on a relatively wide open space among the mountains and forests.

This man seems to be waiting for something.

Tai Yi already knew that this person was the person he was looking for, and this person was Hou Yi.

Taiyi let all the demon under him, and then he went before. Taiyi really wanted to know this Houyi.

Hou Yi was carrying a big bow behind his back. This bow was dazzling and very delicate. He recognized this bow with just one glance, and he was looking for the Sunburst. That is, Hou Yi used this bow to shoot down all nine of his nephews.

After seeing Hou Yi, all of Taiyi's previous anger was much calmer.

Even so, Hou Yi must die.

Seeing someone coming, Hou Yi said lightly.

"You are finally here?"

After listening to it too, I felt a little surprised. I always let my men be quietly in action. All the actions along the way were quietly carried out.

Tai Yi didn't know the reason, it was difficult to answer, and she remained silent.

Then Hou Yi said.

"Emperor Donghuang, I already knew you were coming. If you come, let's do it."

This made Tai Yi even more ignorant. ..


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