My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 189: Behead the Basilisk to get Luoshu

Nagato was very relieved to see calm and calm Fuxi.

At this critical moment, Fu Xi is very rare to be able to stay in danger.

Often at this juncture, as long as a little bit of panic, they will lose their lives.

In the face of powerful opponents, you must deal with the changes constantly, spot your opponent's attacks, and make appropriate dodges. This is the most useful.

Nagato knew that Fu Xi did not have the ability to kill the Basilisk. The snake demon had a huge body, and the scale armor was extremely thick.

This ordinary sword has nothing to do with it.

Nor can we blame so many tribes of the Shennong clan, who went on to succeed, and in the end did not kill the basilisk.

The boa monster was quickly in Luoshui, readjusting its position and preparing to launch this next attack.

The Nagato is to remove the witch-killing sword that was obtained in the Lich War, and remove the grievances of the human race, and then match the powerful rule blood power of the ancestor.

The sword remodeled and upgraded by Nagato has even greater strength.

Even Fu Xi, an ordinary person, can use this sword.

The long goalkeeper threw this sword in front of Fuxi from midair.

Fu Xi had just passed the attack of the basilisk thrillingly, and his body was now in a state of excitement.

Seeing the sky, a sword came flying, and Fu Xi took the witch's sword in his hand.

Fu Xi can also feel the familiar things in this sword.

And this kind of thing is like a basilisk in front of me.

It contains the blood of Di Jun and Tai Yi.

Then these two things have the same breath, which is good judgment.

The basilisk got up from the water, shook the water on his body, and looked at Fu Xi fiercely.

Want to kill Fu Xi with eyes.

Then the python monster rushed towards Fu Xi suddenly, but Fu Xi still did not panic too much, if this panic, it must be found a breakthrough by the python monster, to kill.

The gap between the strength of the two is really huge.

The huge body of the python, combined with unparalleled power, these can be used to grind Fuxi into powder.

This time the Boa constrictor didn't try his best, but hesitated, afraid that Fu Xi would jump away again.

Fu Xi held the butcher's sword in his hand, and his fighting intentions soared in his chest. This sword seemed to give Fu Xi a lot of energy, so that Fu Xi was fearless.

This is to have a weapon, a huge improvement in the will to fight.

It is with the sharp weapon that you have self-confidence, courage and battle with the enemy.

This is undoubtedly great for those with inadequate combat experience, weapons and equipment.

Long Gate murmured.

"The success or failure depends on your own. That's all I can help. Whether you can become Emperor Fuxi depends on your own."

It was at this moment that Fu Xi suddenly rushed towards the python.

This sudden charge surprised the boa constrictor.

"court death."

The boa monster did not put Fu Xi in his eyes at all. Fu Xi was as small as a dust in his eyes, and crushed him as long as he moved himself.

At this time, Fu Xi was completely free of timidity or fear.

The chest is full of fighting spirit.

Then Fuxi jumped suddenly at the moment of contact with the python.

All of a sudden it came to the back of this boa constrictor.

Waving the witch-killing sword in his hand, this witch-killing sword was suddenly inserted on the back of the python.

The boa constrictor was painful and twisted violently.

Fu Xi grabbed the witch's sword tightly, and with this violent twist of his body, the witch's sword left a long sword mark behind the boa constrictor.

But this boa constrictor is very huge, although the flesh is cut open, the tender snake meat is spilled out, as if the python does not know the pain, it is still violently rolling.

In this python monster wanted to crush Fuxi by rolling his body, but Fuxi had already felt it.

Fu Xi jumped, and escaped from this strange attack range.

The Boa constrictor is now seriously injured, and his movements are obviously slower.

But the Python monster still did not give up, looking for Fu Xi desperately, and seeing Fu Xi came from a sudden attack.

Fu Xi did not flinch, but held the sword in his hand and flew towards the python.

This voodoo sword is deeply inserted in the left eye of the python.

At the same time, the Tu Wujian releases a powerful sword spirit, which will smash the internal organs of the python monster from the inside out.

The boa constrictor screamed at this time, spouting a large sip of blood, and fell to the ground.

After beheading the boa monster, Fu Xi slumped on the ground.

With his current strength, it is too powerful to be able to kill such a strong man.

Everyone in Shennong's family watched Fu Xi's battle with the Basilisk from afar, while others did not dare to watch it, and escaped early.

Shennong was very real here, and she was very happy to see the scene in front of her.

Later, he also summoned the people who did not go far, and told everyone that Fu Xi had killed the basilisk.

Fu Xi sat paralyzed on the ground.

Nagato looked at the huge python monster, and then with one finger, slowly turned the body of the python into Luoshu.

Fu Xi looked at the python in front of him, and his body changed greatly, very happy.

Fu Xi took this Luoshu in his hand, and at first glance, he discovered some of its mysteries.

But at this time, Fu Xi didn't have time to enlighten him. He could only study it when he was idle.

In Shennong, seeing Fu Xi successfully beheaded the boa constrictor that has always threatened the Shennong clan. The clan of the Shennong clan all sang and danced together to celebrate this rare victory.

Everyone was too seriously attacked by this basilisk.

Then Fu Xi said.

"Although this basilisk is powerful, the damage caused is far less than the damage brought by the Chiyou tribe. They have already slaughtered a lot of ethnic groups on the north bank of the big river. The Jiusang tribe and the cave tribe are all killed by them Too.

And we can only unite together to be able to deal with them. If we fight independently, we are not his opponents. I hope you join us and fight against the violence together. "

The Shennong clan, for Fu Xi, thinks that Fu Xi is like a god. So many people are snake monsters that cannot be killed. Fu Xi alone is killed.

Shennong also thinks that Fuxi is a reliable ally.

For the foreigners he didn't want to do, he needed such a desperate effort, which was difficult for anyone, Shennong said immediately.

"The Jiuli tribe where Chiyou is located is doing wrong. Sooner or later we will fight with them. The leader Fu Xi said that there is nothing wrong with it. We are willing to join."


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