My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 191: Get rid of Chiyou Sanhuangli

Fu Xi pushed the innate gossip map. Through the changes of the gossip map, Fu Xi noticed what Chi You was doing.

Although this calculation is not completely correct, it can still make Fuxi very uneasy.

Then Fu Xi summoned the Shenlong, and Xuan Yuan immediately discussed how to deal with it.

Immediately they decided to carry out a raid on Chiyou immediately.

In order to stop Chiyou's conspiracy.

At this time, although the Zhongyuan tribe's counterattack was very sudden, everyone was not ready.

Fuxi took some of his own soldiers and set off immediately.

Then Xuanyuan and Shenlong came with large troops.

Fu Xi Xiaoxing spent the night and went to Chiyou's camp. He found that the Chiyou army was heavily guarded. The soldiers did not exercise, but wanted to hold the same sacrificial ceremony.

In the Chiyou camp, Chiyou was sitting in the middle of a mysterious large formation. At this moment, some strangely dressed people stood around Chiyou.

They danced like they were doing a ceremony.

Then as the ceremony proceeded, a burst of black gas flowed from outside the large account into Chiyou's body.

Chi You's body trembles and absorbs all these gases.

At the same time, Chiyou's body became more powerful while absorbing the black gas in this way.

Nagato no longer took too much care of Fu Xi at this moment.

But more is to help Yun neutron, want to use the cloud neutron to emerge in the battle of gods.

Yun neutron has been in Honghuang for a hundred years. At the moment, Yun neutron's cultivation has also made obvious progress.

It is after all the late Xuanxian.

If there is no accident, when it comes to the feudal sacred, Yun Neutron can achieve the level of Taiyi Jinxian by virtue of his cultivation.

The power in the early days of the flood was basically dead, wounded.

When brought to the gods, this Taiyi Jinxian is already a master and a strong man.

Nagato is still at ease with Fuxi, waiting for the ability of others.

As long as the plan of Chiyou can be discovered, as long as it is to interrupt Chiyou's cultivation, then Chiyou can't rely on the ancient formation to gain strong power.

In this way, the Central Plains tribe will win.

Fu Xi is also a man with a long-term vision and unique strategy.

Fu Xi, who had his previous life, also had such extraordinary talents.

I just wanted to become a demon tribe, but I didn't succeed in the end.

Things that violate the will of heaven and earth can be done without doing it. A mortal, even a sage, cannot violate the natural laws of heaven.

As long as Tiandao is aware of the threat, or is breaking the rules.

Without exception, they were cleaned by Heaven.

Fu Xi quietly sneaked into Chiyou's account.

This big account is particularly conspicuous, and it is still brightly lit at night, which has to be very easy to detect.

Fu Xi went outside the big tent and looked inside. He found that Chiyou was practicing what kind of witchcraft, although he didn't know what it was.

But Fu Xi can obviously feel that Chi You's body is undergoing obvious changes.

The energy in the body is constantly increasing, and a sigh of evil air permeates the entire camp.

Fu Xidun felt that this matter was not so simple and immediately responded.

Now Chi You's combat power is still very powerful. Although he has the Witch Slaughter sword, he can be strong and unshakable.

This Chiyou is also not a troublesome character.

At this time, Xuanyuan and Shenlong came with a large army of the Central Plains tribe, and Fuxi also immediately killed Chiyou's camp.

Drive out the wizards who danced with them.

Destroy this large array.

Chiyou was very angry after reading it.

"Damn things, this time to destroy my plan."

Chi You had been able to successfully bring the power of the ancestors and witches to herself after tonight.

Chi You was also very surprised. He used ancient secrets to do things that Chi You had done in a very confidential way. How could Fu Xi know it.

"If you want to die, you will be fulfilled."

Too late to think, Chiyou directly took the mace and smashed towards Fuxi.


Seeing that the situation was not good, Fu Xi suddenly flashed a large account to avoid Chi You's frontal attack.

Chiyou is now absorbing the power of the ancestral witch of the eight layers. As long as it is well digested, it can gain hundreds of times stronger than before.

Even if Fuxi had a voodoo sword, there was still no way to confront Chi You. He could only fight Chi You euphemistically.

The two men fought more than a dozen times, and Fu Xi was always avoiding Chi You's attack and could not make an effective attack.

Chiyou couldn't attack, but he was swearing.

"Dare you dare take me a stick."

Fu Xi snorted coldly.

Then it was Chi Xiangyou. When he flew over the top of Chiyou's head, he backhanded a sword and made a cut in Chiyou's back.

Chi You couldn't bear the pain, and then his fighting spirit surged.

Even more fierce towards Fuxi.

Fu Xi said.

"You treat me stupid, and you have to be positive with you."

Fu Xi's physical strength is not high, the physical body can only be regarded as an ordinary human.

Fu Xi mainly relied on his own flexibility, as well as the indestructible butchering sword in his hands.

Chiyou smashed it with a stick, Fu Xi flashed sideways, brandished a witch's sword, and cut it towards the mace.

The mace became two segments at once.

Chi You was shocked.

Without waiting for Chi You to come back, Fu Xi shouted and said.

"Destiny comes."

Then a sword cut off Chi You's head.

Chi You is also tough, without a head, and still fighting with Fu Xi, has not weakened.

At this moment Xuanyuan and Shenlong came.

Seeing this headless Chiyou, fighting with Fu Xi, was also shocked.

Seeing Chiyou's head on the ground, Xuanyuan was also rolling to search for Chiyou's body, that is, he understood what demon method Chiyou practiced.

The head is the general experience of man, as long as it is broken, man will return to the underworld.

Xuanyuan shouted.

"Chiyou's head."

Fu Xi came to see it, and saw Chiyou's head rolling on the ground. He stepped forward and kicked his head like a ball to Xuanyuan.

Shenlong is also a secretary. He uses some herbs to irrigate Chiyou's head with a potion, and then soak it in the potion.

Chiyou's body felt panic when she felt the change in her head.

After a while, Chiyou couldn't afford to fall.

The people of the Jiuli tribe were terrified when they saw Chi You beheaded.

Many people have dropped their weapons.

Fu Xi, Shenlong and Xuanyuan glanced at each other, and finally settled Chiyou's rebellion.

Fuxi took the prisoners of the Chiyou tribe back. How to deal with this is also a question that makes people think deeply. ..


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