My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 204: Su Hu started to rise

Jizhou is just a small prince among the two hundred princes in the north, and its strength is not strong.

The men are more than 20,000 soldiers.

However, Suhu's Jizhou soldiers, all brave and brave, were carefully trained by Suhu.

Because Chonghouhu was dedicated to his achievements, Chonghouhu led the 50,000 soldiers who rushed to the road overnight, and it didn't take a day to reach the city of Jizhou.

The soldiers lined up, and Chonghou Tiger immediately came forward and said.

"The anti-Secretary Su Hu's order, I was ordered by the King of Kings, to come and conquer the unrespected. Today, I led the 50,000 Tieqi to encircle the Jizhou City Regiment. If you come out and die, don't involve the innocent. Hurry and come out and die, otherwise If you break the city, all the people in your city will suffer. "

Su Hu has known for a long time that Chonghou Tiger is very cruel, and if he is caught by this person, even if he pleads guilty, his family will still be slaughtered.

If this is the case, Mukuro might as well try harder, maybe there will be a ray of life.

Su Hu had negotiated with the soldiers a few days ago and decided to rebel against the merchants.

Then, after rebellion, look for princes who can be attached to as a backer, so that they can save their lives.

That is to say, if you can't win, if you really don't win, then you are a useless person, then you die.

And if you can resist, you might have a chance to live.

Although Su Hu considered it, he could not tell the soldiers all these things.

Su Hu now needs soldiers to fight against the soldiers of the Shang Dynasty.

Su Hu saw that the Chonghou Tiger was coming violently and led the army to run around the night. The soldiers of the Shang Dynasty were very tired. At this time, the Chonghou Tiger did not let the army rest, but chose to fight directly.

Fighting in such fatigue is a taboo for military strategists. Chonghou Hu is a favored servant next to King Yu, and the title of his Beibeihou is also hereditary.

In the final analysis, Chonghouhu is a mediocrity, there is nothing really talented.

Su Hu saw the overjoyed and went out to fight.

This Jizhou City is nothing but a projectile place. If the army has been under siege, it will not fail for a few months.

At this time, it is the best time to play.

The two armies confronted each other, Su Hu said.

"Jing Wang has no way, first he heard the false accusations that I rebelled, and then asked me to offer my daughter. This is undoubtedly a humiliation to me. My generation of Su family has not received such insults."

Chonghou Hu said.

"Don't talk much, you just say drop, or don't drop."

"Do not drop."

Immediately in the Chonghou Tiger camp, a burly general came to the scene. At this time, Su Nuzhong, the eldest son of Su Nu, carried a silver gun and took a fight with the will before the scene.

Su Quanzhong's martial arts are superb, and the water will not leak.

Then Chonghou Hu sent three generals forward to fight with Su Quanzhong, who was completely fearless.

Wielding the silver gun in his hand, he was able to play against four people with ease. Su Quanzhong turned out to be unparalleled. He shot a gun and stabs him off the horse.

Then Chonghou Hu saw Su Quanzhong's bravery. Although there were generals under his command, it was a war after all.

Chonghouhu ordered, these 50,000 soldiers came from the rush to kill.

Su Hu is also facing the attack.

Seeing the attack of the commercial army, Su Hu's ambushing three-way men and women, each with three thousand people, rushed out at the same time.

The defeat of the commercial army was returned.

At this time, 50,000 horses have already lost more than half.

Su Hu's battle immediately made the morale of the people in Jizhou City high.

This time the commercial army was repelled, and naturally it was very ardent.

At this time, Nagato said as a guest at Suhu's house, at night, Nagato said aloud.

"Yueheifeng is high, which is a good opportunity for robbery."

This happened to be heard by Su Quanzhong.

Su Quanzhong is young and full of fighting spirit.

Very interested, want to know.

Su Quanzhong asked.

‘Sir, this Chouhou Tiger is defeated tonight. Presumably they must have a defense tonight. If they camped tonight, it ’s not a sheep. ’

Nagato laughed.

"It will not be such a strategy for Liang He Chonghou Hu. If you send two teams of horses, one team will only frighten them. The commercial army is already a frightened bird. If it sounds a little, it will surely flee.

If the general is ambushed halfway, he will surely be able to kill them by surprise, maybe he can wipe out the 50,000 horses of the Chonghouhu. "

After Su Quanzhong heard it, he was overjoyed, so he quickly took the long door to Su Hu's door.

Su Hu recognized it as a long goal, but because of the busy defensive military some time ago, he had no time to entertain the long goal.

Seeing Nagato over, Su Hudao was also very respectful.

Su Quanzhong said.

"Father, I just talked with Brother Nagato, and if I rob the camp tonight, I might still be able to capture Chong Houhu."

Then Su Quanzhong told Su Nu that the strategy of Nagato was completely complete. After Su Nu heard this, he was repeatedly praised.

Su Hu said.

"Yeah, Chonghou Hu didn't expect that we will have a back hand in our camp. I will simulate the soldiers to follow the arrangement of Mr. Nagato."

Then Nagato said.

"I am willing to go with General Xiao Su."

Later, he went out of Jizhou City. The long gate made everyone wear horses with their feet wrapped around their mouths, and there was a straw in their mouths.

This is to prevent noise.

Su Quanzhong only brought three thousand people, Su Quanzhong used two thousand people to rob the camp, and at the same time he was at the intersection ahead, waiting for the arrival of Chonghou Tiger.

Chonghouhu was in the camp at this time, feeling the loss of today.

However, Chonghouhu did not lose much discouragement. After all, as long as he waited for the army to arrive, he would definitely be able to defeat Suhu.

Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. As long as you still have combat effectiveness, everything is easy to manage.

Chonghou Tiger really tonight, because the carelessness was not prepared.

When the sergeants were sleepy, suddenly there was fire around the Shangying camp.

Countless torches will shine brightly in the camp.

Shouts shook the sky. Two thousand Jizhou soldiers rushed to the camp of the merchant army. When they saw the tent, they fired, and when they saw the soldiers, they hacked.

The merchant army panicked for a moment. Can only escape around.

Seeing the chaos in the situation, Chonghou Hu quickly ran away with hundreds of people around him.

Hundreds of people escorted Chonghou Hu finally escaped the encirclement of the enemy, at this time it was still dark.

Chonghou Tiger was physically weak and was resting on the stone. At this time, Su Quanzhong's 1,000 Jizhou soldiers were killed again.

In a hurry, Chonghou Hu could only escape his life alone.

But where can I escape the sharp vision of Nagato.

Long Gate walked slowly to Chonghouhu and said to Chonghouhu.

"Run tired, let's rest!"


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