My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 208: Capture Chonghou Hu

Zheng Lun was very surprised after hearing what Nagato said.

Zheng Lun was always low-key when he was in Jizhou, so that no one knew the fact that he had magical powers.

But now Nagato asked himself to play the game and capture Chong Black Tiger. Zheng Lun was surprised and asked.

"Sir, I don't know. I'm the food inspector of Jizhou. Where can I catch the black tiger?"

Seeing that Zheng Lun wanted to continue acting, Nagato said, no longer covering up, he said directly.

"Do n’t need to be like this. I know your roots. You are a real apprentice in Sanxiandu of Kunlun Mountain. Later, your master went down the mountain to ask you for credit, but you kept hiding your ability. Would you please help me, capture the Chong Black Tiger, and strengthen the strength of my Jizhou, then it will be beautiful to worship the feudal lord? "

Zheng Lun saw that his details were known by Nagato, knew that Nagato was an expert, and did not ask about the origin of Nagato, Zheng Lun said.

"Since that is the case, then I will play tomorrow and capture Chongheihu, so that I can make a contribution."

Seeing that Zheng Lun agreed, Nagato took Zheng Lu to Su Hu's side and introduced Zheng Lu to Su Hu.

After Su Hu heard the words, he was overjoyed.

"I have such a good general in Jizhou. It is really a blessing for the people of Jizhou. The battle for tomorrow depends on the general."

On the second day, this Chongheihu was unwilling to eat the defeat and was recruited by his staff. At the same time, he transferred 50,000 horses from Caozhou.

Although Caozhou was empty, nothing could threaten Caozhou after all, and Chongheihu was unhappy because of the defeat.

This is a great insult to himself.

Fifty thousand troops were defeated by three thousand people.

I have never lost such a big person. If I can't defeat Su Hu, then my reputation and face will be completely gone.

The Chongheihu recruited the remnants of the soldiers who had fled back and joined together, with a total of 70,000 horses.

At this time, Jizhou urgently expanded its recruitment, barely able to have more than 40,000 troops, of which only 20,000 people had combat experience.

The remaining 20,000 people were all pieced together temporarily.

When you really fight, you can't help much.

Chonghouhu, restored his momentum, said to Su Hu.

"Reverse Thief Su Hu, took advantage of me yesterday, dare to fight me today?"

Su Hu did not hesitate to let Zheng Lun go directly. If other people play against the black tiger with the iron-billed condor magic weapon, it may not necessarily be able to gain the upper hand.

Even brave masters like Su Quanzhong are still planted in the hands of Chong Heihu.

Zheng Lun also said immediately before playing.

"Chongheihu, don't go, I will meet you later."

Chong Hei Hu was naturally not afraid, and went directly to fight Zheng Lun together.

Zheng Lun's martial arts can only be passable, and fighting the Chonghei Tiger has not fallen.

One thing, Zheng Lun has the upper hand.

Zheng Lun ’s first-hand awareness of his supernatural powers was excellent, and it would not be said that it was useless when it was already in the hands of the other party.

After a while, Zheng Lun spurted two white breaths from his nose.

This white energy is a magical skill specially cultivated by Zheng Lun. It can absorb people's soul and make people directly unconscious.

Chong Heihu and Zheng Lun had less than a few rounds to fight, Zheng Lun took the lead and spurted at Chong Heihu with his own white breath.

Chongheihu didn't have time to use his own red gourd, and he suddenly caught Zheng Lun's anger

After falling down, he was caught up by Zheng Lun and grabbed back to the Soviet camp.

Seeing that his coach was captured, the Shang Jun didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

It was at this time that Nagato led three thousand soldiers, and the back road of the merchant army was sealed.

Long Gate said to the Shang Army.

"Now your coach is captured and willing to surrender to our Jizhou, we can accept you, if you want to leave, put down the weapons in our hands, we let you go home."

Hearing here, all the merchants have been impressed, and such a good thing, so that everyone naturally has no mood to fight.

In this battle, it is easy to be killed. When the coach is here, he takes a step back, and then he directly cuts his head in accordance with the theory of escape.

With this opportunity, no one wants to fight anymore.

Everyone dropped their weapons.

After Nagato let them line up, he told them.

"All the generals of the merchant army, now King Yu is indifferent, and I am Hou Su, Jizhou, who is dedicated to the people, but the King Wang will send troops to round him up regardless of the blue and red. We have no choice but to rebel. Maybe you also have children waiting for you to return. Now we Jizhou Hou Suhu want to establish a new regime in the north, a regime that we have decided by ourselves, no longer subject to the brutal rule of King Wang. At the same time, each of you Will be paid accordingly. "

As mentioned earlier, everyone does not care. The key thing is to get paid.

At this time, productivity is low, and they are constantly busy busy to eat.

Follow whoever has the meal, and whoever follows, and as long as the soldier can eat a full meal, he can follow you for a long time.

There was a bold question among the merchants.

"Do you really pay us?"

Nagato said solemnly and firmly.

"It will be issued."

At this time, the generals of the Shang army came to rest.

"We are willing to follow you."

Of the 70,000 merchant generals, Nagato returned 20,000, leaving only a relatively strong 50,000, and the group of people returned, Nagato intended to let them go back to do propaganda work.

The rebellion of Jizhou has to be expanded, so that more people are willing to join.

After telling Su Hu the detailed situation, Su Hu was greatly appreciated.

But there is a problem before everyone else.

Today, the territory of Jizhou is too small to feed so many armies, and there is not much food from Chongheihu. If you want to continue to feed the army, the only way is to win Caozhou, not far from Jizhou.

Caozhou is the site of the Chong Black Tiger, where the land is fertile and has a large population. It is a military town in the north. If Caozhou is won, the north has already obtained a majority of it.

Seeing the victory, Su Hu held a military meeting directly in the camp outside the city.

Su Hu said.

"Now that this defeated the two army of Chaoge, but the Yin merchants will send more troops to fight against us. Now we are too small in Jizhou to fight against the merchants. We must not make plans. "

At this time, Zhao Bin, a powerful general under Su Hu's account.

"We do not have much troops in Jizhou. Now it is the limit to put together 40,000 people. The food of these 40,000 people is also a problem. Now there are 50,000 troops surrendering. Our expenditure has been particularly difficult."

After the generals listened to it, they all showed an unsightly expression. ..

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