My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 211: Xiqi's soldiers are under the city

When Ji Chang saw the time was right, he quickly ordered a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, let San Yisheng stay in Xiqi, took Nangong Shi, Tai Ding, Xin Jia and other soldiers to fight against Su.

In this Caozhou city, after Su Hu took the suggestion of Nagato, the people in Caozhou city soon settled down. The people saw that Su Hu did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and they were all relieved.

In Caozhou City, there is plenty of grain and grass, and there are a lot of weapons and equipment. This also has the capital to fight.

This made Su Hu overjoyed, and then Su Hu made another arrangement and arrangement, and also let the 20,000 soldiers outside the Jizhou City drop Liu He and Guang Wu to Caozhou for deployment.

This is to resist Xi Qi's solicitation.

After all, the closest military force between Caozhou and Jizhou is Xiqi.

Qinglong Pass also has to pass through Caozhou before it can reach Jizhou. In this case, if the princes of the two hundred towns in the north are not going to unite, then Jizhou, the base of Suhu, is safe.

If Chaoge sent troops, he must have passed Qinglong Pass and then passed Caozhou before he could hit Jizhou.

Caozhou has become a natural barrier for conquering the northern princes, and as long as Caozhou is guarded, the north is available, and the foundation of Suhu is also stable.

In the Caozhou General Mansion.

Su Hu and Nagato are watching this combat map.

Naomen pointed to Caozhou and said.

"General, this Caozhou is the barrier of the princes of the two hundred towns in the north, and also the connection between the princes of the two hundred towns and Chao Ge. Now we have won Caozhou. In the bag. And this can go directly to Xiqi to the west, and go straight to the south to take the Chaoge. "

After Su Hu listened, he was very happy and said.

"Thanks to the general, now that we have such a skill as a general, we must have no problem, as long as we operate well, this has a promising future!"

When Su Hu rebelled, where could he think of being able to have today?

Su Hu just refused to accept that breath, and then reversed.

It's just how long it takes to hit the forehead.

But after the rebellion, it is regret, but what is the use of regret, if it is caught by the king, it is still only executed.

Su Hu is a general Geng Zhi. He did not want to be said to have betrayed his daughter, and then changed the status of Jizhou Hou. If someone said so, then Su Hu would rather not be this Jizhou Hou.

Nagato said.

"Hou Ye, don't worry, this situation is still under our control. Presumably, Ji Chang of Xiqi is coming over soon. We are ready to welcome our guests!"

Su Hu said.

"Xiqi's military strength is so strong, we dare not take it lightly. I really have no assurance that I can defeat Xiqi."

Nagato said.

"Don't worry, Houye, Xiqi, but just a bunch of mortal military generals, we have General Zheng Lun, don't be afraid of them."

Su Hu said.

"This Zheng Lun is still thanks to Mr. Nagato's smart eyes and beads. This kid has followed me for many years. I have never found him to be a monk, and such a supernatural power. Now my Jizhou army can do everything I can. . "

Afterwards, Su Nu arranged the military affairs of Caozhou under the suggestion of Nagato.

At the same time, Nagato also prepared a gift for Ji Chang. The plan of the leaders was to wipe out the Xiqi army, so as to effectively weaken the fighting power of Xiqi and let Yuanshi Tianzun's plan be postponed indefinitely.

This helped Xiqi, when the original Tianzun finished the Fengshen meeting, and was already determined when he returned to Xiqi.

Now this Jiang Ziya is down the mountain.

Just in Chaoge City, Nagato did not intend to go directly with Lao Jiang. Jiang Ziya was just a chess piece of the original Tianzun. Even if Jiang Ziya was killed, there would be Zhang Ziya. Xu Ziya came to help Xiqi. Will change.

Such a thing that exposes his intentions, Nagato will not do that blatantly, nor will he be so stupid.

What Nagato needs to do is to compare the layout with the original Tianzun. The victory or defeat in this place does not represent anything. If it blooms more, it will definitely have different results.

However, he said that the Xiqi army was brought by Ji Chang. At this time, Ji Chang's eldest son Boyi Kao followed him.

Ji Fa is only a child at this time and cannot follow the war.

Boyi Kao is also very intelligent, brilliant, and has his own ideas.

This made the Nagato suspect that the act of letting Boyi pass to death in the future was also planned by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Boyi Kao was the one who caused hatred between Xi Qi and the Shang Dynasty.

The Xiqi army marched steadily every day, only fifty miles a day, and then camped.

Such a step-by-step, let the long door is also crying and laughing.

Naomen prepared a pocket formation in Caozhou, waiting for Xiqi's army to be fooled, but now Ji Chang is so cautious, this pocket formation might not work.

Ji Chang will definitely send spies to collect military intelligence, which will definitely be noticed once Su Hu ’s army is discovered.

So Nagato simply withdrew all the ambushes, and was in the city with Xiqi's army.

The distance from Xiqi to Caozhou is only three hundred miles. Ji Chang ’s army walked for six days and camped at a distance of thirty miles from Caozhou City.

At this time, Ji Chang sent someone to send a letter of peace. The book stated that he hoped that Ji Chang would surrender. If he surrendered, Ji Chang could protect the safety of Su Hu's family.

Nagato said aside.

"Do n’t listen to Ji Chang ’s words, he has the ability to calm King Wang ’s anger. If King Wang ’s anger is waiting for you to surrender and kill your whole family, who should be justified. The destiny should still be controlled In our own hands, we now occupy Caozhou. With countless money in our hands, Xiqi is no longer afraid. "

After Su Hu listened, he said excitedly.

"Then listen to Mr. Nagato."

After Ji Chang received the reply from Su Hu, he was also very annoyed. He thought he could surrender to Su Hu because of his friendship. In this way, he could surrender Su Hu without using a soldier and a soldier. This is also a great achievement. At that time, you will definitely receive a lot of praise.

Now Ji Chang's wishful thinking is broken.

Ji Chang asked.

"Generals, who dares to challenge tomorrow, try the enemy's reality first, then make plans."

At this time, Xi Qi pioneer officer, general Nangong Shi said.

"The last will come."

"Well, General Nangong will be working hard tomorrow."

In the sky, Nangong is suitable for battle.

Su Hu wanted to fight in person, at this time the long gate said.

"Nangong Shinai is the main commander of Xiqi, with strong martial arts. If he can capture in the first battle, this battle will win."


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