My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 216: Start the God List in advance

At this time, Nu Wa was said this way, and she felt a little bit reasonable.

The original Tianzun has always been proud, never accepting apprentices from the demon clan, but Tongtian is different. Many of them are children of the demon clan. Although Nuwa is a saint, in the final analysis, the demon clan was born, and Nuwa himself It is the venerable demon, such a position, so Nu Wa had to consider for the demon clan.

Nu Wa is also playing her own abacus, not saying what is what,

After Nagato knew what Nuwa meant, he was more at ease.

After all, it's not too early to be unprofitable. If there is something beneficial, who doesn't want to do it?

Nu Wa said.

"Well, Daomen, what should I do?"

Nagato said.

"This act of God is imminent, and now it can only be" forced "to force Yuanshi Tianzun to act in advance. In this way, the original Tianzun ’s favoritism and original Tianzun can be effectively avoided, and the authority of the person in charge of the Gods List can be used to plan . So that we can control, and now the world is already in chaos, if it can help a team to conquer the world, then the achievements will be indispensable. "

This achievement is of course the incense of the ruler. Naturally, there are not many mortal incenses. If the ruler can recognize it, and then give different incense offerings to the gods, then the benefit is huge.

If alone, this really doesn't mean how many incenses there are, and the people in power can not only rule the culture, but also use the incense to worship and reach things that the saints can't do.

But if the saint is violated, the consequence will be retribution immediately.

Nagato said that after moving Nuwa to join herself, she began to tell Nuwa what she thought, and what she wanted to do.

After explaining the details, Nagato returned to the north.

Nagato's plan is to continue to the north.

Then at this time, a chess piece specially cultivated by Nagato, cloud neutron, will be completed.

After the Antarctic fairy came back, Yun neutron said.

"Antarctic Daoist, now I watch the world chaos, the princes of the four sides are already" chaos ", and the three parties are fighting. Presumably, this king will soon send troops to the north to calm down the chaos 』'S.

It is really time for our interests to be seriously hurt. These four battles, I do not know how many soldiers to die. "

After listening to the Antarctic fairy, he was shocked and said.

"This world is turbulent, is Xibo Hou Jichang OK?"

"Yun neutron said that Sibohou is in danger now, and he doesn't know how to deal with it in the future."

Then the Antarctic Immortals did not dare to report to the original Tianzun directly, but hurriedly visited the world.

Later, it was found that this was the case. The world was already in chaos. Su Hu had already occupied the north, and it meant expanding to the west. If it really defeated Sibohou, this **** plan, I do n’t know yet. How long should it be postponed? Antarctic Xian Weng, hurriedly reported to the original Tianzun, after reporting this matter to the original Tianzun truthfully, the original said.

"It's really true, then Ziya's situation is dangerous. Let Ziya's rush to worship the feudal prince and start planning the action of sealing the gods. It must be to choose a monarch with good control. It ’s not easy to explain to Hongjun ’s ancestors. "

There are many interests in this **** list. The first is the incense of the world.

Second, because this primitive Tianzun helped the human king to rule, this human king naturally enshrined the primordial Tianzun very much, which is the reason why the primitives will be able to surpass Laozi in the future.

Thirdly, this completed the operation of sealing the gods, helping Haotian to find wage earners. If there are wage earners, this boss will do well. Otherwise, he will always be a bare-bones commander.

Otherwise, it may happen. Someone is dissatisfied with the rule of the heavenly court. If you want to punish Tiantian all the time, you will find Haotian God desperately with the axe directly. Such a thing, once happened, is already shameful enough. This is not only Hao Tian is embarrassed, and Hong Jun is embarrassed.

The Lord of the Three Realms set up by himself, heads-up with others, if Haotian does not help, maybe Haotian really can not beat.

If it were not for Yao Chi ’s help at that time, after Tian Tian was beheaded, the fighting power was not reduced, which already scared Hao Tian. If he continued fighting, it would be really hard to say.

This is also a few things that must be done in the action of the God of God. If it is not done well, the saint will lose his temper.

Antarctic Xian Weng, quickly arrived in this world to find this Shen Gongbao.

Shen Gong Leopard is the main **** of Yuanshi Tianzun's action to conquer God. Without Shen Gongbao's operation, this action would not have achieved such good results.

As soon as the order to seal the gods was issued, the Master Tongtian said, Do n’t go out, the Master Tongtian did n’t dare to offend Hongjun Daozu, he could only sign a list of unequal closures.

In this list of gods, there are a lot of disciples who cut off the teachings. Although the Master Tongtian is dissatisfied, he dare not defy it.

The response of the Master Tongtian is to respond passively. Anyway, the host of this God's action is that the original Tianzun is not himself, and he keeps his doormen from moving. The people on this **** list wait for your original Tianzun to make up for himself.

The passive response of the Master Tongtian is very effective. If there is no instigation by Shen Gongbao, then many people in the teaching gate will not go out of the mountain.

Basically, in this teaching section, the descending mountain was originally directed by the original Tianzun.

The key figure is Shen Gongbao. At this time, if you want to start in advance, you must first start Shen Gongbao.

Antarctic Xianweng secretly contacted Shen Gongbao using the agreed contact methods.

After receiving the order, Shen Gongbao left to start the operation.

Then the Antarctic Xian Weng began to look for Jiang Ziya again. He wanted to push Jiang Ziya on the country's No. 2 character, so that he could proceed smoothly.

At this time, the best goal is Xiqi, which is a country that the Antarctic Xian Weng has long been optimistic about.

Xiqi has a strong national power, and at the same time, this Jichang will also be a hypocrisy. Such a person is hypocritical, but it is easy to control. After all, once his hypocritical mask is put on, it is difficult for him to take it off.

If you take it off, everything you have accumulated by relying on such a mask will disappear.

So it is no problem to let Jiang Ziya go to Xiqi.

Then after determining the goal, Antarctic Xian Weng had to choose an excellent way to make Ji Chang trust Jiang Ziya. ..

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