My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 218: Jiang Ziya presides over the God-closing operation

Jiang Ziya expressed his position at the time, Jiang Ziya said.

"Master, are you going to drive me away, I am willing to serve you all my life."

But if this disciple is too obedient, Master is also a little bored, especially the kind of poor student who has paid himself over and over again, and then Jiang Ziya asked himself blankly.

Let the original Tianzun be the most unbearable.

So, Jiang Ziya, in general, the original Tianzun, did not want to teach, but let his apprentice Antarctica Xian Weng teach Jiang Ziya.

Then the original Tianzun heard Jiang Ziya's words and was a little angry.

"Ziya, you should go down the mountain. Now that you are already experiencing a bottleneck, go down the mountain and practice it. Maybe you will have a chance."

But Jiang Ziya was ten brains, Jiang Ziya said.

"Master, I'm definitely not going down the mountain. I'm willing to stay with Brother Master all my life."

But in this Jade Deficiency Palace, only Yuanshi Tianzun and Antarctic Immortal Weng, there is the Baihe boy, and there are a few babies of Yuanshi Tianzun. They are all allocated.

Then the original Tianzun directly said angrily.

"Ziya, if you go down the mountain at a speed, if you don't go, it will be against the teacher's order."

When Jiang Ziya saw Master's original Tianzun, he forced him to go down the mountain. He even knelt and cried in a hurry.

Jiang Ziya said.

"Teacher, did the disciple do something wrong? You must drive me down the mountain. If the disciple is wrong, I must correct it. Please also ask Master not to drive me away. I am willing to follow Master all the time."

This makes the original Tianzun speechless.

Primitive Tianzun originally wanted Jiang Ziya to go down the mountain to preside over the act of sealing the gods, but now it is like this, which makes Primal Tianzun think he did something wrong.

Said the Antarctic fairy on the side.

"Ziya, Master is not trying to drive you away, but to exercise you. After you go down the mountain, you have nothing to do to preside over the God List and let you go to the world to be prime minister. Commander. "


The Antarctic Immortal Weng is about to go on. At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun coughed and coughed twice.

"Ziya, after this is over, you may still be able to return to the Jade Xu Palace, and then practiced in the world for a while, maybe you can reach a certain level."

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed after listening to it. Jiang Ziya was not happy to hear that her realm could be promoted, but was glad that she could return to the Yuxu Palace.

Jiang Ziya asked.

"Teacher, can I really return to the Yuxu Palace?"

The original Tianzun had no choice but to agree with Jiang Ziya. The original Tianzun understood that if he did not agree, Jiang Ziya might not be going down the mountain. Jiang Ziya was really a good apprentice or a stubborn temper.

The original Tianzun can only cry and laugh.

Primitive Tianzun didn't like Jiang Ziya, but Jiang Ziya's advantage was that he was obedient, and at the same time Jiang Ziya had a little strategy.

This is also the reason why the original Tianzun favored Jiang Ziya.

The words of the Twelve Golden Immortals, although they have a high enlightenment, are the same as the original Tianzun. They are too shrewd. What the original Tianzun wants is someone who can control it, not the kind of person who ca n’t master it. Even if the purpose is achieved.

After talking about Jiang Ziya's previous experience before going down the mountain, then Jiang Ziya's going down the mountain turned out to be nothing.

Jiang Ziya is 72 years old and has found a wife, Markov.

Ma is also a strange woman. In his 60s, this looks pretty. At the same time, this Ma is very happy to be able to find a husband like Jiang Ziya.

Then this is the nightmare life of Jiang Ziya.

This Ma's demand for Jiang Ziya is very high, and at the same time he kept complaining about Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya was a little mentally disturbed.

Jiang Ziya was also very happy after hearing the advance order of the Fengshen action. After all, he no longer had to be angry with his wife, Ma.

Closer to home.

Or did he say that Jiang Ziya didn't fish by the river anymore, and then he waited for King Wen, because this **** action was advanced, and he didn't have time to make any arrangements.

Then the change was all "chaotic".

Jiang Ziya took her resume and went to the front of King Wen's palace and wanted to see King Wen. But King Wen happened to have something to do at this time, so she said that she had no time.

Finally, under the arrangement of Antarctic Xian Weng, I met Wen Chang Ji Chang.

Jiang Ziya said.

"Sibohou, the situation in Xiqi is very tense now, and King Wang Wudao i turned out to be an obedient villain who killed your son and sent a large army to conscript you. This is really awful. We They are all very disapproving of this approach. I came down from Kunlun Mountain to help Ming Jun and gain the world, which made the world peaceful and less fighting. "

Ji Chang did not directly accept Jiang Ziya at this time.

But a few days later, when Yin broke down and surrounded the Qiqicheng group, it was already a serious mistake.

At this time, Ji Changfang just started Jiang Ziya, and then Ji Chang asked Jiang Ziya to come over again and ask Jiang Ziya how to retreat from the enemy.

Then Jiang Ziya said.

"It is also very simple to retreat from the enemy. As long as I wait for the altar to do so, I will be able to retreat all these people."

The king of text Ji Chang didn't believe it, so Ji Chang asked.

"There is such a magic method? If this subtle magic method really exists, then it is undoubtedly a big thing. If you can retreat the enemy, then I will worship Mr. as the prime minister."

Jiang Ziya agreed.

Then on the second day, King Wen set up an altar in accordance with Jiang Ziya's instructions, which was also an ordinary altar.

At the same time, Jiang Ziya also asked Ji Chang to build a god-building platform, which is convenient to store the soul that was killed and waiting to be sealed.

But the altar was ten feet high, and a round platform was set on it, and then there were a lot of runes painted by Jiang Ziya.

At this time, Jiang Ziya took out the peach wood sword, and then practiced on the altar.

This is the weather in July, Yin is run down, and these 100,000 merchants are wearing very little clothes.

It turned out that Jiang Ziya decided to use her own water spells. Jiang Ziya was the apprentice of the original Tianzun. If this kung fu would not work, there would still be some success.

With this little water spell, Jiang Ziya can't fail.

So Jiang Ziya practiced for three consecutive days.

On this day, a strong wind blew, and once the strong wind passed, the weather began to change dramatically and the temperature dropped.

It started to snow at night. ..

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