My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 222: Master Wen Taihui

However, it is said that this is because the action of Fengshen was advanced, so that the layout of the original Tianzun was completely ineffective.

At this time, it was only a short time, and many of the original Tianzun's layouts were not completed, but this plan had to be carried out.

Among the three generations of educated disciples, only Yang Jian, Wei Hu, Tu Xingsun and others.

Nezha was just born at this time.

Lei Zhenzi has not been born yet.

Huang Feihu is still in the Yin Shang camp.

But all this is said, it has to be doubtful, but this is what makes it fun to have variables.

It is this effect that Nagato needs.

With the help of home visits, Jiang Ziya defeated Yin and defeated. The strategy of Yin's defeat was still better than Chao Tian and Chao Lei.

Once this is wrong, retreat quickly.

Yin broke only 30,000 horses, and most of them returned to Chaoge smoothly.

After returning to Chaoge, Yin was ruined and told this situation to King Wang, who did not take it for granted and thought it was just the cause of the weather.

The princes of these two sides betrayed "chaos", and they did not pay much attention to what the king said.

After all, this is just a rebellion between the two parties, not too important.

At this time, King Wang wants beautiful women.

King Wang was originally known as a good "sex", not to blame King Wang. The three concubines in the harem, originally Queen Jiang, Queen Concubine, and Princess Yang, were all political marriages.

Moreover, these three people are very polite, and King Wang is more happy to be with her maid.

Because Queen Jiang governs the harem very harshly, such things rarely happen.

In this way, the King of the King has no country in his eyes, but only beautiful women.

King Wang then summoned Fei Zhong and You Hun to discuss.

Fei Zhong said.

"This is a great way to select beautiful women. It is not as good as our quiet selection. It is also a good way to select beautiful women from the private sector for the king."

King Wang said when he was overjoyed.

"Two lovers, if you can help me with this important event, then I am really happy."

So Fei Zhong and You Hun started the search for beautiful women.

But at this time Master Wen Zhongtai returned to the dynasty.

When Master Wen Zhong returned to North Korea, the situation had changed dramatically.

After all, Master Wen's ability is there.

Master Wen is an apprentice of the Virgin Mary under the cut-off door.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is a disciple of the Master of Heaven, but a disciple of the four elders.

Wen Zhong naturally was also a disciple of the cut-off heir.

Moreover, Master Wen Zhong followed the practice of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit for more than fifty years. Because the roots are high, the understanding of "sex" is good. It has been the practice of Daluo Jinxian for only fifty years.

Master Wen's cultivation is higher than the twelve golden immortals of the second-generation disciple of the second generation.

The cultivation of the twelve golden cents is nothing but the cultivation of golden cents.

The weakness of Master Wen Zhongtai is that there are too few magic weapons. There are only two male and female dragon dragon whips. At the same time, Master Wen Zhongtai has three eyes, which can see through the evil in the world.

After Wen Taishi returned to the court, many officials from the Yin Shang went to meet him.

In this way, Wen Zhong's status in the Shang Dynasty is no less than "sex" and king.

And Wen Taishi's double whip can also beat up the unconscious king, and hit down the "rape" villain.

This is also a respectable aspect of Master Wen Tai.

After Wen Zhong returned to the dynasty, he said to King Wang.

"Fei Zhong and You Hun are two gangsters, and the king can't make friends with them. He also invites these two people in the King's Academy. There is also the rebellion of the Sibohou and the rebellion of Suhu. If the two countries are unsettled, then this is really a problem. The princes in this world are all traitors. "

King said.

"Afather's words are extremely that this rebellion of" Siberian Hou and Su Hu "should be eliminated as soon as possible."

So Wen Zhong said.

"Yeah, I just settled the rebels in the North Sea. Now that the two princes of the two northwest roads are already reversed, this Chonghou Tiger is no longer useful. It is better to let Chonghou Tiger take the remaining people and fight against Xiqi If it wins, it is a merit. If it fails, it is considered to have contributed to the Jiji of the Shang Dynasty. "

King Wang can only agree.

Then the Chonghou Tiger brought the 20,000 horses brought from the north, and the Chonghei Tiger and others prepared to tens of thousands of Xiqi to fight against Jichang.

The flying tiger soldiers in the north are so powerful.

Coupled with the propaganda of Chonghou Tiger, everyone is afraid of Su Hu, and the three thousand flying tiger soldiers who are afraid of Su Hu. This is Su Hu ’s family. If he is capable, he can calm down the entire big business. .

This flying tiger soldier is too powerful, so let's start with the Xiqi crusade.

After Chonghouhu came to the Xiqi city, he discussed with his brother Chongheihu.

Chongheihu was originally a leader battle, no problem, but after the defeat today, it can only be like this, but the technology is still there.

Therefore, under the leadership of the Chongheihu, this army was very well placed.

Jiang Ziya in Xiqi City was also a little shocked to see the formation of the Shang Army, saying.

"The merchant army has a simple general."

Nagato said.

"Chong Hei Hu, Chong Hou Hu, actually sent these two people, really looking for death!"

Although this Chong Black Tiger has some skills, it is only 20,000 horses after all.

Even if Xiqi can only take out 200,000 horses, it is not that 20,000 merchants can defeat it.

So Jiang Ziya said.

"Generals, who of you can fight one?"

At this time, Nagato said.

"Jiang Chengxiang, now the Chonghou Tiger and the Chonghei Tiger are just a family dog, which is not sufficient, but it is this Chonghei Tiger that has magical powers. I do n’t know if there are people who can cultivate here. I recommend that one person can break the enemy. . "

After Jiang Ziya defeated Yin's run-down 100,000 horses, Ji Chang didn't have any promises. The prime minister was handed over to Jiang Ziya. After Jiang Ziya became the prime minister, he was also more serious and responsible.

It is directly driving the prime minister's authority.

Jiang Ziya asked quickly.

"I don't know who it is?"

Nagato said.

"Nangong Shi."

This made the local military commanders, Tai Ding and Xin Jia very surprised.

"General Nangong was not caught by Su Hu."

"Saved by me."

Nagato was just a faint sentence, and everyone was surprised.

When Nangong Shi really appeared, everyone was shocked.

Nangong Shi is the first general of Xiqi. Although he is not very proficient in politics and law, the value of this force cannot be underestimated.

This capture Chong Black Tiger, maybe, can be useful.

At this time, Nangong Shi followed the Nagato for a long time, but Nagato never let Nangongshi come forward.

Nagato also told Nangong Shi how to deal with Chong Heihu. Only by finding a targeted way can he restrain his magical powers. ..

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