My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 232: Nezha lotus pond absorbs energy

Jiang Ziya didn't know that his central garrison had been used once by Xinghuang Banner, and he would stop for half a year. He swears at the moment, he believes that even if Nezha is called away by Taiyi, he can protect Xiqi's land by himself.

Jiang Ziya even delusionally thought that if the gods return to power and the ritual of enshrining the gods will begin at that time, then he will gain endless power, and even Nagato will not be his opponent at that time.

Nezha on the other side had been soaking in the pool for a day, and at this moment he could no longer bear the energy that the water of the lotus pond brought to him. Although she felt particularly comfortable at the beginning, the water of the lotus pond was also particularly cool, just like a cool ability, slowly flowing into her body.

However, afterwards he felt that the cool water was heating up slowly, and now it has become hot, and the energy slowly pouring into his body is slowly beyond his ability to bear, which is particularly uncomfortable at this moment. I seem to be in a side of boiling water.

Nezha's head was covered with dense sweat, and he seemed to feel that he would be killed by the force of this boiling water in the next moment.

Nezha tried his best to calm himself down and let himself accept the influx of power from this pool of water. He tried his best to calm down. At this time, Tai Yizheng came over.

He still couldn't bear to look at Nezha like this. At this moment, Nezha's expression was particularly painful. Tai Yizheng immediately dropped a drop of clean water into the lotus pond, and the water in the lotus pond was not boiling like it was just now. Zha's expression also seemed to have eased.

Nezha was still meditating with his eyes closed there, but he still spoke slowly to the real person of Taiyi: "Thank you Master, otherwise I'm really going to die."

Taiyi Zhenren heard Nezha say this and said to Nezha: "If it were not for the current crisis, I would not let you suffer so much. You are a child after all, so I will try my best to make you less painful. . "

Nezha still didn't open his eyes, he continued to say to Taiyi's direction: "I don't know what the master just dropped into this lotus pond? It can restore calm to the boiling lotus pond in one click. "

Taiyi Zhenren slowly said, "This purified water is the purified water in the Guanyin porcelain bottle. Since it has this effect, it is really rare. However, if this time can help you, This clean water is not lost in vain. "

Nezha was particularly happy. I had been soaking in the lotus pond for a whole day, and I had already felt all the changes in the lotus pond. At that time, the pure water of Tai Yizheng made the just-boiling lotus pond so calm , He thought maybe the next day would be less uncomfortable.

After Taiyi had just finished speaking, he sighed. And Nezha heard Taiyi's sigh at this time, and he asked Taiyi: "I don't know why the master sighed."

And Tai Yizheng sighed again and said to Nezha: "This clean water is good, but it can only maintain one hour. After one hour, the water in the lotus pond will become as hot as it was just now. You will be intolerable again. But fortunately, the drop of clean water but spiritual power will also be injected into your body, and you should alleviate your pain. " Nezha heard Taiyi real people say this, and said to Taiyi real people: "Master, it doesn't matter. You have done your best, and then rely on my fortune." I will not let you down. "

Tai Yizheng was relieved to hear that. He was a child, but he didn't expect it to be so transparent. After Tai Yizheng left the lotus pond, only Nezha was left, still meditating on the rosette.

At the moment, King Wang is still looking for joy and joy, and he is now in Chaotang. Wen Taishi sent someone to report: "It is said that Zhang Guifang is already in a different place. But please don't worry, the king has sent the Hu family brothers to guard the Jiamengguan, and also let the four demons attack Xiqi."

King Wang heard the man's report. He didn't worry about those at Xiqi at all. Even though some people have come to report, Zhang Guifang has already killed the battlefield, but King Wang learned that Master Wen has invited new people to guard the Jiamengguan, and also sent the Demon Four to attack Xiqi. He only listened to them. After the game and then quickly went down again.

Recently, I have got a few new beauties. I haven't enjoyed them well yet. When King Wang thought of it, he hurried to the beauty's palace.

On the other side, the four generals of the Devil's House, after inquiring from many parties, already knew that Jiang Ziya had one of the congenital five "color" flags, the central shovel, the Xinghuang Banner. And they have also learned that the central garrison has already used Xinghuangqi for a half-year interval.

And the fourth Mojia will learn this news. Another reception was held in the army, and this reception was to encourage morale, because they will attack Xiqi again tomorrow.

At this moment, Mo Liqing, the eldest brother of the Mojia family, held a bowl of wine with his hands and said to all the soldiers: "Last time I was underestimating the enemy. And this time my four Mojia brothers have already seen through Jiang Ziya's conspiracy. Just wait for the brothers to join me to level Xiqi tomorrow. "

Although the battle with Xiqi last time also lost a lot of soldiers, but the strength is still not to be underestimated. At this moment, there are 70,000 soldiers left in the hands of the four generals of the Demon Family. And the 70,000 soldiers were full of morale at this moment.

At this moment they shouted: "Four generals of the Devil's House, infinite power, attack Xiqi, unlimited future." The soldiers are full of special morale. Everyone held up the wine in their hands and shouted their slogan.

Mojia IV will hear the morale of the soldiers beneath him, and he continues to the soldiers: "Let us dry this bowl of wine, let us flatten Xiqi to celebrate in advance."

After that, everyone heard that the fourth Mojia would say so, and they all drank the wine in their hands one after another, waiting for tomorrow to attack Xiqi.

The four generals of the Mojia, after inspiring their morale, returned to the camp. At this moment, Mo Lishou said to Mo Liqing: "Brother, the morale is so high. This is another favorable condition for us to attack Xiqi tomorrow."

Mo Liqing laughed loudly and said to several other brothers: "The central garrison of Jiang Ziya has been apricot and yellow flag, and now it is a waste. What ability can he compare with us. Don't worry, the fourth brother, he will be tomorrow Will be our defeat. "

At the moment, Mo Lihong also said to Mo Lishou: "Fourth brother, don't you believe in the eldest brother? The eldest brother said very much. Jiang Ziya without the flag will only be a waste. See me to sacrifice my Hunyuan tomorrow Umbrella, "swing" this Xiqi to the ground. "..

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