My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 241: Revenge Plan

Afterwards, Master Tai was still very self-blaming. He said to the Devil House, the remaining three will continue to say: "But this time, you are also for the big business, and now you are like this, you have to rejuvenate and act in one fell swoop. The fourth old man is right. "

The Devil Four will understand that they can only tolerate all their grievances in their hearts, and wait until the Xiqi is completely wiped out.

And the four generals of the Mojia, because they were repelled by Yang Jian and Nezha, so they were naturally not in Xiqi, which was blocked outside the city, and this also made Ji Chang they feel more at ease, they hurried out of the city to find some food and food , This is sufficient supply.

Jiang Ziya always felt that things were not that simple. On that day, he went to the long door room again and said to the long door: "I don't know what I think of this thing about the demon four."

Nagato knew the meaning of Jiang Ziya. After pouring a cup of tea, he handed the tea to Jiang Ziya and said slowly to Jiang Ziya: "I have also thought about the question asked by the Prime Minister carefully. This matter It ’s not as simple as it seems. "

Jiang Ziya heard the long door saying this, and became confused again. He continued to ask the long door: "How do Dao friends say this? Is there anything else happening among them? Has been killed, it is not a matter of time before they are repulsed, and they are not assistants outside Xiqi now. "

When Nagato heard Jiang Ziya say this, he shook his head and said to Jiang Ziya: "Don't worry, Prime Minister, the four generals of the demon family have lost one at this moment, but they are four brothers, and the love between them is more than love. Jian, they will come to seek revenge from time to time. "

When Jiang Ziya heard Longmen's words, he thought that Longmen's words were very reasonable. The four generals of the Demon House, but the whole, but the feelings of the brothers, how could they be allowed to be destroyed in this way, they will come to revenge for their brothers.

Jiang Ziya continued to say to Nagato: "But Nagato has lost a general, and their power will be much less than before."

Longmen continued to say to Jiang Ziya: "They were sent by Master Wen, and now Master Wen has learned of their situation. I think Master Wen will definitely send troops to support them."

Jiang Ziya disagreed, and he continued to say to the Nagato: "But even if Wen Taishi sends troops to support them, what a terrible thing, Nezha and Yang Jian only need to subdue his three brothers to the soldiers in the eyes of Nazha and Yang Jian. Naturally, there is no problem, and the Lord is dead, and the soldiers will naturally flee everywhere. "

Jiang Ziya said what he thought to Nagato, because he felt that the Demon Four would now pose a threat to Nagato, and he understood these basic truths.

After hearing Jiang Ziya smile and smile like this, Nagato took another sip of tea and slowly said to Jiang Ziya: "Prince Prime Minister, if someone kills your brother, will you fight for the old fate?" Kill him without leaving a piece of armor. This will be reflected in your body, and will also be reflected in the four generals of the Demon House. "

Jiang Ziya heard the long door saying that it made sense. He also took a sip of tea, nodded, and sat there listening to the long door. Since the last time he was careless and died in the hands of the four generals of the Devil's House, Jiang Ziya understood that the plan to seal the gods was not fully carried out at this moment, and the ability of Nagato was still very necessary for him.

The long door slowly said, "And when you think that when Nazha and Yang Jian were in the military camp, they also said that the two of them who were the most difficult to deal with were the old ones of the four generals of the demon family. The second magic gift red, that magic gift red, Hunyuan umbrella, is the most deadly weapon. "

Jiang Ziya realized that he was right when he heard the words from Naomen. Nezha and Yang Jian, the most difficult thing to deal with was Mo Lihong, and that Mo Lihong was not dead. This time he saw his fourth brother died. In the hands of Nezha and Yang Jian, he will definitely become more angry, and then sacrifice the Hunyuan Umbrella, when Xiqi will be dim and dark.

Nagato continued to say to Jiang Ziya: "So this matter is not simple. The three brothers of the Demon Family are holding revenge this time, and the ability of blood and deep revenge, which will make Nagato feel more killing than before."

Jiang Ziya also heard the long door saying this, and asked the long door: "Since Dao You said so, what should I do? If the four demon families would attack again, I'm afraid even Nezha and Yang Jian were not his. opponent."

Nagato said to Jiang Ziya: "All these things, the key person is Yang Jian, and in the end, the only one who can subdue the four generals of the demon family is Yang Jian. You don't have to worry about this matter. And you will also be there. I will understand. Just ask Hou Ye to recommend Yang Jian when Hou Ye asks. "

When Jiang Ziya heard this, Nagato said that he was relieved. He nodded afterwards. It seemed that all his doubts had been learned. He didn't need to be here. After saying goodbye to Nagato, he returned to his room to rest. .

On the other side, the four demon masters are actively recovering, and at this moment Wen Taishi said to the four demon masters: "Your fourth demon ritual is dead, wronged, but now it is better to settle it into the earth first. We can still revenge for him. "

The other three will hear Wen Taishi say this, and they all feel that Wen Taishi said that it is true and reasonable, and now he can only let his four younger brothers settle down first.

But the remaining three generals of the Devil's family were particularly sad when they buried Mo Lishou. Yuqi's third demon Li Hai was the most sad. He shouted at the moment, why are you so poor, fourth brother? At a young age, he died in the hands of this Xiqi thief.

Mo Liqing heard Mo Lihai shouting like this, he said to Mo Lihai again: "Well, three brothers, people can't be resurrected. Since the fourth brother is dead, my second brother and I are also very sad, but The most important thing for us now is to avenge our fourth brother. We ca n’t let our younger brother die in the hands of the Xiqi people. ”

When Mo Lihai heard Mo Liqing saying this, he cheered up. He secretly vowed that he must kill Yang Jian and Nezha and all the people of Xiqi, and all of them would be killed to congratulate his fourth brother. In the spirit of heaven.

The remaining three generals of the Devil's family, after putting their four younger brothers in the ground for peace, they thought about the plan. At this moment, they already have another 60,000 soldiers in their hands. It is not impossible.

At this moment, Mo Lihai said to Mo Liqing: "Brother, what should we do to" swing "this Xiqi, and then revenge for our fourth brother."

Mo Liqing said to Mo Lihai at this moment: "Third brother, don't worry, let us three have a good discussion ..."

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