My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 259: Chase after victory

Wen Taishi ordered that the entire barracks retreat twenty miles. Don't give Naxi a chance to succeed.

However, after Wen Taishi ’s order, he was still worried. Recently, he has been defeated repeatedly. At this moment, his mood has not calmed down at all. If this has been the case, then this Korean brother may be really broken by Xiqi.

Wen Taishi didn't know what to do? But at least we must protect the entire big battalion. Now we and the remaining soldiers are the last bottom line of Chao Ge. If this bottom line cannot be maintained, it will be really helpless.

On the other side, Nezha and others returned to Xiqi, and Nagato was among them. Soon, Jiang Ziya knew the good news, and Ji Fa knew it.

Jifa, Jiang Ziya knew the news of their victory, and Jifa was very excited at the moment, and he didn't expect Nagato, it was as powerful as the prime minister said, which was far beyond Jifa's expectations.

At this moment, everyone came back, Ji was overjoyed, and said to the Antarctic Xian Weng and others: "Although you have won a lot of hardships now, I have prepared the banquet. Today we will celebrate and celebrate and let everyone relax. A moment, also inspires our morale. "

The Antarctic Xian Wong nodded, and it quickly arrived at night. Everyone is already at the banquet, everyone is drinking to celebrate their victory, and all the soldiers will also be full of morale because of Xiqi's triple victory.

But today's focus is not the Antarctic Sin Weng, nor Nezha Yang Jian, but Nagato, because Nagato is the biggest project to break through the Sanxiangu's "Fan" formation this time.

At the moment, led by Ji Fa, everyone respected Nagato, and Nagato was very humble and said to everyone: "Everyone really loves me, and I just do my best, but if I still have I am afraid that this millennium sword of evil spirits is not an opponent of these three immortals. "

Nagato has to be humble, but it is not the time when he wants to expose his true identity, but he still has to be humble, so that later things will be easier.

But Ji Fa they never thought that this long door not only has profound skills, but also has a thousand years of evil spirits, which can not be obtained by ordinary people.

Antarctic Xian Weng also said at the moment: "Since the dynasty is losing ground, I think there is no danger in Xiqi now, and I have my brother here. I am also very relieved, then I will go back first. In crisis, I will come to help myself when I come. "

When Ji Fa heard the Antarctic Seng Weng say so, he said to the Antarctic Seng Weng: "This time the fairy saved me from Xiqi in distress. Xiaosheng is very grateful."

Antarctic fairy nodded at Ji. After that, the rest of the people also expressed their reluctance to the Antarctic fairy, and the Antarctic fairy said at the moment:

"Everyone don't have to be upset. Xiqi will have a hard time. I will come to help again. And this Xiqi now has Nagato Daoyou and my younger brother, as well as Nezha and Yang Jian. I am relieved."

And Ji Fa knew that the Antarctic Immortal Weng had been decided, and now Xi Qi is not difficult, so he no longer blocks. After that, everyone was happily celebrating again. On the second day, the Antarctic fairy went back. At this time, after everyone delivered the Antarctic fairy, they all returned to the military camp. At the moment, everyone was in a meeting, and the speaker was Jiang Ziya.

After celebrating yesterday, Jiang Ziya naturally chatted with Nagato for a long time. He wanted to ask Nagato, what should I do next? And Nagato told Jiang Ziya one by one.

So Jiang Ziya is now full of confidence, discussing the next matter with you. I saw Jiang Ziya said to everyone: "I heard that the Wentai division's army backed away for another twenty miles. Now is the right time to pursue the victory."

Nangong Shi heard Jiang Ziya say this, but he said, "Prince Prime Minister means that we will take advantage of the chase and attack the military camp of Master Wen Tai directly?"

Jiang Ziya nodded his head, proving that he wanted to say that, and then everyone discussed below, but they also discussed more offensives. After all, Xiqi has won a lot and has won several straight games.

At this moment, if you go to attack the eldest brother, the morale is also full, which is a good time to pursue the victory, so everyone also agrees with Jiang Ziya.

Nagato was sitting aside, saying nothing, because Jiang Ziya, what he said today is what Nagato and Jiang Ziya said, so he didn't have much to say.

Ji Fa also very much agreed to attack Brother Zhao at this moment. After all, this is a very good time. If the Wen Taishi or Shen Gongbao is looking for someone to fight against Xi Qi, I am afraid that Xi Qi will lose Took the lead.

At the moment, Jiang Ziya started to deploy and attack Xiqi's strategy, and the strategy was what Nagato told Jiang Ziya last night.

Jiang Ziya said at the moment: "Since everyone agrees very much, then I will also talk about this operational deployment. At that time, everyone should follow the deployment, so that the chance of victory will be greater."

And this deployment is: Yang Jian and Nangong Shi directly attacked the military camp of Wen Taishi. Xin Jia and Nezha attacked the left side. The Jinzha Muzha attacked the right side of Wentai Shiying.

This deployment was very meticulous, and Ji Fa heard that he was struck by repeated shots. He stood up and said to Jiang Ziya: "The deployment of the Prime Minister is really high, it is really meticulous."

In fact, there is another important role "color", that is the long door, Jiang Ziya knows the strength of the long door, and last night said to the long door, wanting him to help himself.

However, Nagato smiled at Jiang Ziya, and Nagato pretended to mysteriously said to Jiang Ziya: "You are assured, Prime Minister, I just told you the plan, you just let them execute it, and the most important step I will do it myself. "

Jiang Ziya nodded his head. He believed the Nagato, even his brothers had been "stuck" and "confused" by the position of the three immortals, but Nagato was still unmoved, and took out this The ancient sword destroyed the Sanxiangu's "fan" position.

So Jiang Ziya directly told his subordinates according to the long door, and just ordered it. After that, he told everyone that he must eat and drink today to encourage morale, and he will attack tomorrow.

Then all the soldiers retreated. Jiang Ziya's order was passed down. At this moment, Ji Fa, after hearing this series of deployments, sighed again: "It seems that Xiqi is not far from victory. This time our attack, Master Wen Wen must not be able to withstand."

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