My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 263: Lei Zhenzi rescued Li Jing and his wife

Li Jing ’s wife is very reasonable, he also knows that her husband is sincere, she will support her husband ’s decision no matter what, but I did not expect that the two of them would have reached this point in the end.

But Mrs. Li still said to Li Jing: "It doesn't matter. It's enough for us to train three talented sons. Now I have no regrets."

However, Li Jing still felt that his allegiance to his brother finally ended up being decapitated on the street. He now regretted why he did not help Naxi, even his own son persuaded himself, but he still did not listen.

It is useless to regret it at this moment. Both Li Jing and Mrs. Li knelt there and could only wait to be beheaded by noon. Although they regret it very much at the moment, they have no alternative.

And soon the noon arrived, and the person who executed saw the noon arrived, and quickly issued an order, and the person who decapitated raised his sword.

But at this moment, at a speed that was too fast to cover his ears, the Lei Zhenzi flew over and rescued Li Jingfu's "women". And quickly escaped.

The person who sang the song didn't react, and Li Jingfu's "women" had been rescued by Lei Zhenzi. All the soldiers will look silly on the spot. Except for the two prisoners to be beheaded, the rest are there.

And Fei Zhongyou Hun learned that the news was very angry. They didn't know how to explain to the king, but in the end, the king still knew it, and the king was furious.

King Wang punished Fei Zhongyou Hun and all the people who executed the beheading law that day. If it were not for their unfavorable care, then Li Jingfu's "women" already had a strange head.

But King Wang was still very angry, and King Wang said directly to those people in the court hall: "You waste, even two people can't guard, what use do I want you to have?"

And the ministers below have been trembling with their terrified bodies. This king is notoriously brutal and rude, especially the torture he developed, no matter which one they can't bear. So now they dare not say anything below.

King Wang ’s anger did n’t diminish at all, and Fei Zhongyou did n’t know what to do at the moment. Now Wen Taishi is dead, and even Li Jingfu's "women" have been rescued. That Xiqi's power is gradually becoming stronger.

Even if the king is a fool, he knows that today's brother is no longer than before, and now Xiqi is growing slowly, and the brother is now in danger.

Fei Zhongyouhun persuaded the essay on the side, and the two of them said to the king, "Don't be angry, king. Even if Li Jianfu's" women "were rescued, then they were only half-old men. , There is no impact on Brother Zhao at all. "

And this baby is not easy to fool, he said to Fei Zhongyou and the two of them: "Then their three sons? I knew they should have killed them all." King Wang regretted at the moment.

And Fei Zhongyouhun was still persuading there at the moment, and they said to King Wang: "King, you are breathless. Listen to us two, and give you an analysis of the current situation." Although Wen Taishi is dead, the situation is now biased towards Xiqi, but ours is not bad. After all, our foundation has been laid for many years, but it cannot be solved by Xiqi who wants to rebel overnight.

King Wang was justified in hearing what Fei Zhongyou Hun said. Even if Laxiqi was more powerful, his dynasty was not established overnight. How could they be afraid of their anti-thieves?

But the fact that these people are doing things is not good, and King Wang is very angry. However, he has already punished all that should be punished, so the king did not say much.

The king also went down, and after the dynasty, Fei Zhongyouhun and the two next to him, said to him: "The king has recently entered a group of beautiful women. It is arranged next to your palace, Would you like to take a look now? "

King Wang is naturally good at sex, and Fei Zhongyouhun also knows King Wang, so they will do what they want. From time to time, they will catch some beautiful women in the people and come back to give to King Wang.

This is why King Wang has been letting these two people do wrong. After all, the two of them learned about the king's preferences. And King Wang became interested when he heard them say so.

Then he didn't think about those things anymore and went straight to the beautiful women's bedroom. Fei Zhongyou Hun followed him, and followed him to the beauty's dormitory.

Fei Zhongyouhun and the two were still behind the king, glanced at each other, and then sighed, but fortunately they had already been prepared, otherwise the king would be angry, and it would be bad for the seedlings to reach them. Too.

At this time, King Wang didn't want those, now he just wanted to see those beautiful women as quickly as possible, and King Wang's mood at the moment was also better, not at all like in the Chaotang.

On the other side, Li Jingfu's "women" had already been rescued by Lei Zhenzi, and Li Jingfu "women" saw Lei Zhenzi's special appearance, and it was a bit scary. At this moment Li Jing asked: "Who are you in the end?"

Lei Zhenzi heard Li Jing asking this question, but also saw Li Jing and Mrs. Li, a little afraid, he said to Li Jingfu's "women": "General Li does not need to be afraid, I am Jiang Ziya sent to save you. And your sons are also in our barracks. "

When Li Jing heard Lei Zhenzi say this, he was no longer afraid. It turned out that Jiang Ziya had asked this person to rescue them. At this moment, Li Jingfu's "women" also felt relieved, and there were still their own sons in the Xiqi Barracks, and they could immediately I was a little happy to see my son.

But Li Jingfu's "women" were just excited, but they immediately lowered their heads again. If they were not obsessed at the time, they had been bowing for the so-called siblings, and they would not have fallen into this end now. 'S son also persuaded himself.

Lei Zhenzi saw the sigh of Li Jingfu's "women", but he still said to Li Jingfu's "women": "Li Fengbing, Mrs. Li should go with me to see the prime minister first. And your son should miss you too Now. "

You glanced at Mrs. Li and nodded. Although they were wrong, they still wanted to see their son as soon as possible. After all, they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

And soon Lei Zhenzi took Li Jingfu's "women" to the place where Xiqi's army was stationed, and soon took Li Jingfu's "women" into Xiqi's military battalion.

At the moment, everyone was there, including Nezha, Muzha, and Jinzha. They saw that Li Jingfu's "women" were coming. The three children were very happy and rushed towards them. The family hugged there, and Jiang Ziya and Nagato were very pleased to see them. ..

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