My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 268: Deng Chanyu won two games in a row

Jiang Ziya heard Chao Lei say this, he understood the ins and outs of the matter, he said to Zhao Lei: "It seems that your brothers and the two are still careless. Do you think that she is invincible to you two men, so You are careless, but unexpectedly she was defeated by the generals. "

Zhao Lei lowered his head at the moment, but he still nodded to Jiang Ziya, confirming that Jiang Ziya was really right. The two of them were indeed careless.

Jiang Ziya said to them at the moment, the most important thing now is to take a look at Chaotian's injury. Is there any danger to life?

At this moment, Zhao Lei said to Jiang Ziya: "Relax, Prime Minister, my brother is not in danger of life, and our father is also guarding him now."

Jiang Ziya heard Chao Lei say this, at least now he was at ease, but he did not expect that Deng Chanyu did have some means, I am afraid that it was also a ruthless character, and it was simply not easy to deal with.

And at the moment, Nezha, who was listening there, said to Jiang Ziya: "I don't believe that woman has any skills. Let me go to meet Deng Chanyu for a while tomorrow."

Jiang Ziya didn't know what to do at the moment. He agreed with Deng Chanyu when he listened to Nezha. He agreed at the moment, but he still said to Nezha yesterday that the brothers Chaotian Chaolei said the same thing. If so, let him be careful not to be careless.

Nagato was actually there, but he never said a word. He still waited tomorrow to see if he could beat Deng Chanyu before he could plan for the next step.

Looking at the long door, Jiang Ziya didn't ask himself at all, and they also felt at the moment that Jiang Ziya might have discovered something, or that he already had a must for himself.

That Jiang Ziya's insidious and cunning, Changmen knew it all. Although Jiang Ziya's qualifications were mediocre, he was no match for his fellow brother Shen Gongbao, but his master let him preside over this god.

This undoubtedly does not explain Jiang Ziya's mentality, so Jiang Ziya now has a barrier to Nagato, which is also acceptable to Nagato, but Nagato is not worried.

After all, when Jiang Ziya doesn't know what to do, he will come to find himself, otherwise he will not be able to complete this plan of God-defending, I'm afraid his master will also embarrass him.

Therefore, Nagato no longer manages these matters, and returns directly from the military camp to his own camp, where he meditates. Not disturbed by external forces.

Jiang Ziya only wanted to rely on his own abilities this time. He just wanted to know whether he could persuade the enemy to rely on his own abilities. He couldn't always ask Nagato for everything.

Moreover, he doesn't know when Nagato can help himself without asking for help, and why is Nagato, so he can't ask for help in return.

The second day soon came. Sure enough, Deng Chanyu clamored outside the camp. Yesterday, he had said that he would lead the soldiers to fight, so Jiang Ziya didn't say much, and he led the soldiers out to meet. And this Deng Chanyu just won yesterday, so she is not afraid of anyone at this moment, very proud, she looked at this time it was a child, and she laughed.

Unexpectedly, Xi Qi had fallen to such a point that he had sent a child to play against him. At this moment, Deng Chanyu was even more fearless.

Nezha was very angry when he heard what Deng Chanyu said. He didn't say much and pointed at Deng Chanyu directly with a fire-pointed gun. Just started his attack.

And Deng Chanyu was not afraid of him. She took a long knife at the moment and just started fighting against Nezha's fire-pointed gun. Nezha stabbed Deng Chanyu's waist with a fire-pointed gun, but Deng Chanyu hid.

And after Deng Chanyu hid, he directly held a long knife and wanted to cut the shoulder of Nazha sideways. But they were blocked by Nezha's fire-pointed gun, and the two fought fiercely.

And the sound of the swordsmen met. The soldiers on both sides were also fiery there, but the main force was still on Deng Chanyu and Nezha.

However, Deng Chanyu and Nezha were in contact with each other, and they did not give in to each other. And slowly, Nezha took the lead, and at this moment, Deng Chanyu's eyes turned, and she took out her multicolored **** stone, just hitting him like that.

And Nezha didn't slow down, so he was hit in the face by this stone. Deng Chanyu threw two stones at Nezha one after another, and he fled back to the camp as soon as Nezha lost.

However, Deng Chanyu didn't chase after him, and Nezha took his remaining soldiers and quickly fled back to the barracks. Deng Chanyu also brought his soldiers back to his barracks.

After Nezha returned to the barracks, Jiang Ziya's face had been beaten to see Nazha's face, and her face was swollen, and now Jiang Ziya knew that Nezha was no match for Deng Chanyu.

And at the moment, Nezha said to Jiang Ziya: "Mr. Prime Minister, I don't know what kind of evil charm attack Deng Chanyu has at the beginning. It was obviously that I had the upper hand, but she threw two stones at me and I was beaten It looks like this. "

When Jiang Ziya looked at Nezha, he thought of what Chao Lei said yesterday. It seems that Chaotian and Nezha are the same move. It seems that Deng Chanyu really has some effort.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya was worried, and even Yezha couldn't beat Deng Chanyu. It seemed that this matter was not as simple as he thought. Jiang Ziya thought that Deng Jiugong had returned to his hometown for decades and should have no skill, but Unexpectedly, his daughter was so powerful.

After Deng Chanyu returned to the barracks, he was very proud of himself and had won for two days. At this moment she was even more proud. Although Deng Jiugong persuaded his daughter not to be so proud, but his daughter won two games in a row, Deng Jiugong naturally felt very happy.

And although this earthly grandson was not seen in this Deng Jiugong ’s military camp, he was after all a food inspector, and when he saw Deng Chanyu, he not only looked good, he was so good at martial arts that at this moment, he was even more interested in this Deng Chanyu. Saw each other.

And every day, he always pays attention to Deng Chanyu's development. While Deng Jiugong and Deng Chanyu were in joy, they didn't care about the Tu Xing Sun, and because the Tu Xing Sun was short, he was not seen in the barracks.

However, Tu Xingsun still ignored the eyes of others. He still looked at Deng Chanyu with two thieves every day. After all, Deng Chanyu looked really like a fairy, so he could not move his eyes away. ..

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