My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 327: Yuanshi Tianzun came to Xiqi

At the moment, Nagato has nothing to do, and now he can only wait for Jiang Ziya to ask Yuanshi Tianzun to come to help, otherwise they can't break the battle with their abilities.

And this time when he came out, Nagato naturally brought the little black cat. At this moment, he returned to his camp, and when he looked at the little black cat, he said:

"Little black cat, you said that Jiang Ziya invited Yuanshi Tianzun this time, will he come out to help us?"

After all, this little black cat was also under Yuanshi Tianzun's door, but now Nagato wants to ask her, and also asks for peace of mind.

And after the little black cat meowed twice at the moment, Nagato felt at the moment that the little black cat did not want to answer him, but after listening to the little black cat, he said directly:

"I don't know. He had asked me to block your march before, and now in this situation, it will succeed immediately. I think he should come to help."

But the little black cat said nothing at all, and after the long door heard the little black cat saying this, he continued to the little black cat again:

"I'm just asking you, why are you so nervous. No matter what, you are now by my side and you don't have to worry about them at all."

At this moment, the little black cat meowed again and meowed twice, and then no longer said anything, and at the moment, Nagato was looking at the little black cat with two eyes, but his thoughts did not know what he was thinking ...

Jiang Ziya quickly set off to invite Yuanshi Tianzun, and at this moment he returned to a place he was very familiar with. At this moment he felt really strange and familiar. At this moment he looked at this Yuxu palace with nobody.

Jiang Ziya didn't give up, he knew that his master was somewhere right now, and he would certainly be able to hear what he said.

At the moment, Jiang Ziya directly faced the seat where Yuanshi Tianzun often sits, and began to say to the empty position: "Master is now a last resort, so I came to beg you. The Master Tongtian has already set up the Zhuxian array, we have no power to resist, I am afraid that only the master can crack it. "

"Master, please show up to help your disciples. The disciples really encountered great difficulties this time. How could I be able to fight against the power of this immortal array?"

Jiang Ziya said very sincerely, and very sincerely. After a while, I saw empty seats and Yuanshi Tianzun appeared and sat up.

Yuan Shi Tianzun was sitting there at the moment, and calmly said to Jiang Ziya: "What you said is true, the younger brother really set up the Zhuxian array, how could he be so confused." Yuan Shi Tianzun said after shaking Shook his head.

But this is only for Jiang Ziya. In fact, he is very proud of himself. If this is the case, then I am afraid that the Master Tongtian will be punished.

And now the matter of Fengshen has been on the rise, only the last step. This person who has been taught has also been included in the list of Fengshen. At the moment, Yuanshi Tianzun said to Jiang Ziya very hypocritically:

"Since this is really the case, then I will go with you to help the elder brother. After all, this time things are very serious. You can only go out as a teacher."

Jiang Ziya was overjoyed at the moment. Since all his masters are going out of the mountain, this time the matter is simply a breeze. Now they are about to enter Chaoge, and everything has reached the final step. Jiang Ziya only waited until the final seal. At that time, the benefits they will receive will increase unprecedentedly, and then the identity of their **** host will be more important.

Jiang Ziya thanked the master quickly, and then stood there without a word, thinking about listening to what his master would say next.

"You go down the mountain first. After I rectify it, I will go down the mountain to meet you."

After listening to what his master said, Jiang Ziya directly paid a big gift to his master, and then quickly went down to Xiqi.

In Xiqi Camp ...

Ji Fa saw Jiang Ziya coming back, but there was no one else around him. At this moment, Ji Fa asked Jiang Ziya: "Senior Prime Minister, what's going on here? Did you fail this time?"

Jiang Ziya shook her head and said to Ji Fa: "You don't have to worry about King Wu, the master has promised me to go down the mountain to help us. Now he just asked me to come and wait for him to reorganize and he will meet us."

Ji Fa was breathing a sigh of relief at this moment. If that was the case, he would be relieved. When Yuanshi Tianzun came, the Zhuxian array would be easily cracked.

By the time of the gate, I felt disapproved at this moment. Although the Yuanshi Tianzun was very powerful, I am afraid that it was also difficult to deal with the Zhuxian array. These four swords are ancient **** swords, and even if each sword sacrifice is the existence of the ghosts and gods.

And now these four swords are combined again, guarding the four positions in the array, how can these four swords be easily cracked ...

Chaoge lobby ...

It was originally a dangerous autumn. So now even King Wang has been listening to the current situation every day, and he was already very anxious at the time, but he did not expect the peak to turn around. Shen Gongbao told himself that he would be connected to Heavenly Master to help them.

What are you worried about now? Every day, he just asked the ups and downs to ask about the current situation, and then went down to go to the daddies to enjoy themselves.

And now the folks of this song have produced another kind of discussion, but this matter is talked about among the civilians. Although they did not dare to say more, they usually whispered that no one had control.

"Have you heard? The Soul Pass has been broken, I am afraid that this brother is simply insecure."

"No, although it seems that the Wandering Soul Pass has been broken, but the Shen Gongbao doesn't know who it hired again. Anyway, it seems that this time it is not a small start. I think this sword thing may have room for peak circulation.

"Hush, we said in a whisper. Although you have analyzed this matter correctly. But, don't you think that the life of the Korean brother will be exhausted immediately."

After this person finished speaking, they both nodded, and when they said at the moment, they looked carefully around to see that there were no strange people, they dare to say these words, and now they are always tens of thousands after speaking. Dare to say anything else.

On the other side, Yuan Shi Tianzun rectified a little and went down to Xiqi, while Jiang Ziya and others were watching a golden light slowly flying towards them.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya Ji Fa looked at this golden light quietly, and at the moment Ji Fa said to Jiang Ziya: "I didn't expect Yuanshi Tianzun to come down to help us, which is really a gratifying thing ..."

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