My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 381: Stone monkey born

Now the monster's mana is very superb, and the long gate runs between the heavens and the earth, obviously forming a third energy between this heaven and the earth. And really, if all the gods come down, it is not impossible to resist with Nagato.

Just at this critical moment, a monkey popped out around a water curtain hole, and this monkey could become a big event in the future ...

Both Nagato and Xuanzhuang have been riding horses, but the road is far away, and it is not necessarily dangerous. Xuanzhuang is more dissent. He does not know why this Nagato has found himself.

"The two of us ride horses all the way to the west. When will we go?"

Xuan Zang didn't actually want to talk about the muddy water. After all, he didn't know if he could succeed, but he only listened to his own words. Xuan Zang would never come with him. Also called out, how could he be ready to go out with him.

And Nagato also knew that Xuan Zang was actually not his intention to start with himself. If he had really not moved the emperor out, he would never go with him, and he also knew that since ancient times, Tang monks have also Even now Xuanzang is a hypocrite, so he also feels that some things cannot be stated clearly.

However, since the deity was granted, Nagato always felt that his cultivation method was higher than some immortals. If this Journey to the West is successful again, his energy will greatly exceed that of the previous one, and his mana can also be broken again. At that time, his mana was that even the gods of the heavens could not resist themselves.

"Actually, I always knew that you and I came out, but I did n’t want to tell you, but I want to tell you something, if you go with me this time, and if you are really successful, you may be directly Enshrined as a Buddha, and when your merits are completed, you will naturally be remembered by the people in your heart forever. "

Xuan Zang was unwilling. He heard Nagato say so, but he was very satisfied at the moment. He didn't expect to get such a benefit this time. He didn't continue to complain there at this moment.

But he didn't know what skill he had with the person who went with him. He only watched him holding a little black cat all the time, and he looked indifferent. The two of them were going to be extremely dangerous this time. It's just that the two of them Xuan Zang always felt very scared in their hearts.

What he looks like, in fact, all of Nagato sees in his eyes, but he is inconvenient to say more now, at this moment the two are walking slowly, but Nagato knows that someone will join them next.

And on this occasion, this time is the monkey group that has dominated the realm, and now he has become the king of the monkeys, but he is very happy in this monkey group every day, but the monkey wants to He wanted more, and he thought that no matter how happy he is now, it is only a moment, and only the pursuit of longevity is permanent.

Although the monkey was born out of a crack in the stone, his ingenuity is no worse than ordinary people. But now he also knows that in this world, he is also a monster at most for his monkeys, and monsters have never been seen in this heaven, and now they are now suppressed like this. But the monkey did n’t take it for granted. He always felt that even if he was born an animal, he would n’t be like that after he practiced well. Why would he have to suppress the monster?

The longevity law he wanted to seek, I am afraid it only requires his own hard work to get it, so he felt that he must go out and see the world of this matter. Then I had a great master and asked him to teach himself the method of longevity.

After the monkey thought of this, he left his monkey group on the second day. He experienced all kinds of hardships and finally got to the Bodhisattva gate, and Bodhisgar has already calculated that there will be a monkey coming here to worship the teacher himself, so He did not hesitate any more, so he took him down.

He also gave him a title directly, called Sun Wukong, and the monkey was very happy after he got the title. Among them, he experienced the teachings of Bodhi, but also learned some Bodhisattva Taoism, and eventually became very powerful.

As he went down the mountain, Bodhi told him a few words, so he must remember.

"Goku, you have already learned that you are going down the mountain, but now I want to tell you a few words, you must remember deeply, that is, no matter what you do after you go down the mountain, it has nothing to do with me. And if You really have something unexpected, and you ca n’t declare to me that I ’m your master. ”

Sun Wukong is very clever. He naturally knows what he said. At this moment, he gave his master the last ceremony and left, but he also assured his master when he left, no matter what happened to him. He will not confess his master.

As expected, after Sun Wukong went out, he caused a lot of things, but no matter what happened, he did not say that his master was a Bodhi Taoist.

But now Nagato and Xuan Zang are still on the road. Nothing happened these days. The two of them continue to move forward in obscurity, and Xuan Zang thinks that nothing has happened now. In fact, it is also very good. There are monsters in front of them, I am afraid they will not be able to fight.

At this moment, a tiger always appeared in front of them. The two of them didn't expect to encounter a tiger on the mountain at this moment. Although this thing is very normal, how can they fight against each other? Especially Xuanzang, what ability does he have?

Xuan Zang shuddered at the moment, he looked at the long door beside him, and then said to the long door: "What should I do? Now there is this tiger. If the two of us continue to move forward, we will be punished." It killed, but neither of us can continue to stand here, and looking at the tiger, it seems that it has already recognized us both as targets. "

Nagato was not afraid, at this moment he directly extended a finger. And his mana directly "shot" the tiger through his fingers, the tiger was shocked like an electric shock, and then quickly ran away.

Xuan Zang saw that Nagato had easily ousted the tiger. At this moment, he was very happy. It seems that Nagato was there. He should not have to be afraid. What monster appeared on the way to the West this time.

And the other monkey has done a lot of things, and now it has angered the heavens, this matter even the Jade Emperor knew. ..

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