My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 390: Avalokitesvara

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They also stayed in this farmhouse long enough, so it ’s time to go, but now the relationship between Sun Wukong and Xuan Zang has only got a little bit of integration, and the two of them just ignore me. You, you do n’t care about me.

The most important thing for me now is that those people are still there. At this moment, Nagato said to Xuan Zang: "You and Sun Wukong are here to pack and tidy things up. I will first bury those people, after all, it is a few lives."

Xuan Zang heard the long door saying this, there was a trace of solace in his heart, and then he was there to quietly pack up things, and this was what Sun Wukong didn't bother with him, and the two men packed up their own ...

In fact, the old grandfather of this farmhouse was very afraid of Sun Wukong at first, but now he is also very grateful, and he took his grandson to Sun Wukong.

"Benefactor, I really thank you so much. If it were not for you, I am afraid that our grandson and grandson would die in their hands."

When the old man said this, he pulled his grandson to kowtow this Sun Wukong. Although Xuan Zang was watching, what could he do? After all, Sun Wukong really saved their grandchildren anyway.

Sun Wukong squatted down quickly and lifted up the old grandpa. Then he said to the old grandpa: "What do you say to the old man? I don't want to make any return for you, and you also kept us for one night, we You should be grateful to you. "

After the old man was lifted up, he was still very grateful to Sun Wukong. At this moment, he also gave a little bit of things from his family to Sun Wukong as a gratitude. Sun Wukong naturally did not accept it.

But Xuanzang looked at this scene silently. In fact, he also felt a little touched. He thought that Sun Wukong was a reckless person, but now he is also very good to the grandfather and grandson.

After the two were packed, they planned to go out. At this time, Nagato really buried these people and then sat all the time. As for why he did n’t go back, because he had already done well, he also deliberately. Take the opportunity.

At this moment, he was still followed by a little black cat. The little black cat didn't take it for granted. Although she was in the form of a cat, she still said to the long door: "I'm afraid you took the opportunity, but now you have done everything. Why don't you go back when you are done? Do you have any other ideas? "

Nagato nodded at the moment and said to the little black cat: "Don't ask more, we will stay here for a while and we can go back."

The little black cat heard this from Nagato, and at this moment no more inquiries, so he sat there with Nagato, and the atmosphere of the two was very quiet.

Xuan Zang and Goku packed up for a while, but they had already packed up, and then they didn't see Nagato back. The two were saying goodbye to this farmhouse at the moment, and Xuan Zang also rode a horse.

"Let's go out and find a long door first. We will leave when we find the long door. Otherwise, it will not be bad to continue the time at this farmhouse. Besides, we are enough to trouble others." Sun Wukong heard Xuan Zang say this, and he no longer disputes with him at this moment, and he also feels that it is too much trouble for this farmhouse, so he just went out with Xuan Zang.

However, the two went out for a long time and still didn't see where the Nagato was. At the moment, they were very doubtful. While the two continued to move forward, at this moment, a human body gleamed in golden light and slowly reached the two of them.

Sun Wukong knew this person. After all, he had a big trouble in the Tiangong Temple. He was also seen when he was pressed down by the Buddha.

Sun Wukong disapproved after seeing him at this moment, he didn't even take care of this person, but Xuanzang looked doubtful.

"I don't know who you are? Now, when you come to the two of us, is there something wrong?"

The man stood here at the moment, his body still gleaming with golden light. I saw a swipe of his finger, and a golden dazzle appeared, which was covered with precious stones, and even Xuan Zang couldn't move his eyes after looking at it.

Sun Wukong doesn't matter at all. After all, these are not important to him. Besides, he still remembers what they did to him. He originally didn't even care about him, and wanted to leave directly, but now Xuanzang is here, After all, they are together, and Sun Wukong should protect him anyway.

This is Sun Wukong, but he is very helpless, he said: "I know who you are, what are you going to do here now? If there is nothing, don't stop here the two of us."

Guanyin Bodhisattva slowly said at this time: "I am a Bodhisattva, you already know, but this time I know all these things, and now you are rescued, do you think I have the ability to control you again? But now you are doing the same thing right. You have to assist Xuan Zang to go to the West. This cassock was given to Xuan Zang. "

Guanyin Bodhisattva blows with his mouth, then there are three hair-like things behind Sun Wukong's mind. Sun Wukong is very annoyed at the moment. He knows that it must have done something bad to him. I took the bracelet to control myself, and then later read a spell to let myself be controlled by them, and now this is the case with the Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Sun Wukong was angry and anxious at the moment, and he said to Guanyin Bodhisattva: "What else do you guys do besides playing vicious tricks? What did you just put behind my head? Say it quickly."

I therefore smiled at this moment.

"Am I so embarrassed in your eyes? Now that you are out, I haven't caught you back. This is simply the greatest grace for you, don't you understand? But these three hairs will be in your need Help you at the time, but you need to understand everything in it. "

Guanyin Bodhisattva disappeared after saying this, and at this time a person came slowly, this person is the long door, and at this moment his arms still hold the little black cat.

In fact, he saw all the scenes just now, but he was precisely because he had already calculated this step, so he took the opportunity to go out, but created opportunities for them.

Xuan Zang was very puzzled at the moment, why did Guanyin Bodhisattva give him this thing? But now Guanyin Bodhisattva is also here. It seems that going to the West is really his destiny ...

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