My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 402: Pig essence

Nagato looked there and wanted to command, but he just saw the expression of the monkey's extreme reluctance, what more could he say at the moment. But if there is anything to eat right now, he will be more interesting while watching them confronting here while eating.

Sun Wukong sent all the resentment in his heart to the pig essence at this moment. His movements were twice as fast as before.

This stick hits the pig essence. He hit the pig's waist first, and the pig's sledge fell to the ground.

Sun Wukong continued to slap the pig essence and continued to mutter in his mouth.

"You know that you have been instructed to be a dead man. Every day, everything will let me do it. You will be so happy to watch underneath. See me not killing you."

All this resentment was on this pig's essence. This pig's essence was pitiful. Now he has been beaten to death by this Monkey King. He fell directly to the ground, even his pork chop.

Long Gate saw Sun Wukong like this, still applauding there at the moment.

"Wonderful and wonderful, I didn't expect you to be quite powerful. Now I finally believe that you were in the Tiangong Temple and even the Jade Emperor was very afraid of you."

Sun Wukong snorted coldly, but now he boasted that he had come here. He wasn't there just now. Was it very interesting?

And just now, in fact, the little black cat ran quietly. The little black cat has been in the arms of this long door, watching the two of them fight so hard.

The little black cat also thought it was a century war, and it was very interesting. She was very fortunate that she was rescued by this long door, but now she has experienced a lot with the long door and saw a lot of interesting. thing. But some places were just terrible, even she picked up her kitten's paw and blocked her eyes.

After Sun Wukong came down, he wanted to complain with the long door. At this time, the pig essence directly used a demon power to blow up a wind. At this time, he took the opportunity to escape quickly ...

At this time, Nagato had noticed, and he said to Sun Wukong: "Look, you are complaining every day, and this will let him run away again."

Sun Wukong means that he can't fight the long door at all now, otherwise he really wants a gold hoop to poke this long door into the sky and brutally abuse the long door.

And now he can only think about it in his heart. At this moment, he shook his head, very helpless, and then quickly followed the pig essence.

Sure enough, he chased into a hole, and Sun Wukong did not enter.

"I know you are in this hole, if you are not going to come out again, don't blame me for being rude."

Of course, this pig essence is not stupid. If he goes out, he will only be beaten with this golden hoop. Now he is the safest place to hide in the hole.

"This is my hole. I won't go out if I say no. I advise you to leave as soon as possible. My grandpa pig will spare you today."

Sun Wukong just endures the long door every day, but now you dare to talk to yourself like this pig essence, he is already very annoyed.

At the moment, Sun Wukong pointed his finger a little toward the hole, and from the inside to the outside, there was a raging fire. This pig essence was naturally seen, and he was very angry at the moment.

"I know that I can't beat you, then you can't spare me a" **** "life? Why do you want to kill so much?"

Sun Wukong disagreed. He broke the hole directly with a gold hoop and went in. Afterwards, he grabbed the pig's ears and led him to the front door.

The pig essence doesn't have the ability to fight him now, but at this moment he is kneeling and begging for mercy.

"I admit that I was wrong this time. Can't you just let me go? Why do you have to kill me?"

Nagato said to him, "Who the **** are you? If you tell me the truth, I'm afraid I can spare you a life."

Pig Jing sighed.

"Actually, I was Marshal Tianpeng on that day, and because I saw Chang'e dancing very beautifully at a cocktail party, I moved my heart after getting drunk, and this thing was discovered by the Jade Emperor. At that time, it was the wrong cast of pig fetus and it became what it is today. "

Upon hearing this, Nagato and Sun Wukong turned out to be a cowardly monster, but it was actually from the previous court. Sun Wukong hated the people in the previous court most. After all, they did n’t take themselves seriously, and repeatedly Design must frame yourself.

Sun Wukong was very angry. He was holding a stick and wanted to smash the pig's head with a stick. Whether he was a Marshal or not, even the Jade Emperor was not afraid of him.

Pig Jing didn't think he had said all this, but instead made the monkey more angry. He had obviously closed his eyes when he was lying on the ground, and he also believed that he could not escape this robbery after all.

That was when Nagato held his hand gently at the moment, but let Sun Wukong's skill fall directly to the ground. Sun Wukong stood up and grinned, he was really angry.

"What are you doing? Didn't you listen to him? He used to be a man in the heavenly court. On that day, there were some fierce and hypocritical people in the courthouse, so I want to see one and fight one."

At this moment, Nagato was chanting a spell, and now Sun Wukong has a headache, and he has no skill. At this moment, he is rolling on the ground, but he is still very dissatisfied.

After a while, Nagato stopped, and Sun Wukong dared not act rashly.

Pig Jing thought he was going to die soon, but did not expect that nothing had happened. He was very happy at the moment, but he did not understand why this human being would save himself.

Moreover, all of this was seen by the Guanyin Bodhisattva on the side. In fact, the Guanyin Bodhisattva was thinking of making arrangements early, but did not expect that Sun Wukong came out so early that all things have been mixed up now. Pig joint, all this happened without thinking.

And just now, although he was watching there secretly, this Sun Wukong was really wonderful against this pig essence, but he has always been faintly worried that this pig essence will not be killed by them like this. , But he wanted him to protect Xuan Zang together.

But when he looked at Nagato, he protected the pig essence, and he finally sighed with relief, but he had to see what would happen next, and if something irreversible happened, it would be bad, Therefore, even if he can't beat the long goal, he must go forward and discuss the long door theory.

And he watched this situation develop slowly, the pig essence was not hurt, he really did not understand what the intention of Nagato ...

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