My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 406: Sun Wu's aerial meter eyes blind

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Sun Wukong had found the fairy's hole in the footsteps just now. He directly took out the gold hoop and directly stirred the hole into darkness, and the monster also brought all his little demon out to face the battle.

"It's just an ordinary person. Are you chasing here like this? You still made our hole like this. Now if you don't give you some color to look at, you don't know how powerful I am."

Sun Wukong is naturally not afraid, who has never been afraid of except Nagato.

"If you have any skills, you can use them all. I want to see what you can do."

He directly sacrificed his weapon and hit Sun Wukong, and the little demon all surrounded them in the center.

After Sun Wukong took his gold hoop and turned around twice, the figure of a person turned into several figures, and the monster was already dizzy.

But the monster was calm and calm at the moment, and then something was blowing towards Sun Wukong. The air was filled with a yellowish thing. At this moment, the yellow smoke filled the whole sky. It made Sun Wukong see nothing.

After Sun Wukong rubbed his eyes at this moment, he continued to chase him with the gold hoop, and the monster was holding his own weapon at this moment, and he played with Sun Wukong twice, but it seemed that Sun Wukong's stick would fall On himself, he naturally knew that if this stick fell on himself, he would probably die.

At this moment, he directly took advantage of Sun Wukong's eyes and blew a yellow smoke, and all of the yellow smoke fell into Sun Wukong's eyes. This is Sun Wukong's eyes, and he can't see anything. .

The monster was very proud, but he took all his little monsters into his cave.

This is Tang Seng who was tied there, and at the moment he said to the monsters: "It was just my apprentice who came to rescue me. What did you do to him? Why did you want to catch me?"

The monster does not take it for granted.

"Huh, why do you want to catch you? You will know after a while, but your apprentice is useless. I was defeated by a few strokes. Hahahaha ..."

Tang Seng was very helpless. He was there at the moment and said to the monsters: "My apprentice, he was also a monkey spirit before, but now he is converted to Buddhism. You can see if he is different from you now. I think you should also He studied, and now you can still repent in this situation.

And knowing the mistakes can improve Mo Dayan, you are now called obsessive and incomprehensible, so it is not good, so I think you are hurrying and let me go now, otherwise they will come together to save me, and then your I am afraid it will be very dangerous, and now I can fully analyze the pros and cons with you, that is ... "

Tang Seng was chattering there at the moment, and these monsters had collapsed when they heard them. They did not expect that this man could speak so much. At this time, the monster could not stand him at all, so he quickly ordered his little demon, Let the demon under him quickly put a piece of cloth in the mouth of Tang Seng. Thanks to his men who work in a timely manner, otherwise he may have fallen asleep now, he really did not know that the monk could say so, and he has always said that his brain hurts, now Finally quiet, he was there to thank God for thanking all this suddenly quiet.

At this time, Nagato and Pig Bajie came too late. After they came here, they saw nothing. Sun Wukong saw nothing at the moment, and walked forward.

"Longmen, Bajie, where are you? Longmen Bajie, where are you? I'm here."

Because Sun Wukong could not see, he shouted there all the time, hoping they would hear their own voices and find themselves.

Nagato and Zhu Bajie really heard Sun Wukong's voice. Following this voice, they found Sun Wukong. Now that Nagato looked at Sun Wukong, he closed his eyes and fumbled forward.

Nagato shook his head and flew off the horse quickly, and then said to Sun Wukong: "What the **** is wrong with you? Why can't you see it all of a sudden?"

Sun Wukong talked about the ins and outs of the matter to Nagato. When Nagato heard this, he shook his head. Afterwards, two people, Zhu Bajie, helped Sun Wukong down. After all, Sun Wukong could not see anything.

They placed Sun Wukong on the horse, and at this moment they walked forward with Sun Wukong. After all, now Sun Wukong looks like this, they should settle him in a place and find a way to heal his eyes and then think of other ways.

When they walked forward, they quickly found a small house in the mountain. After they entered, there was an old mother with a little girl. They went in quickly and made some things clear. The old man did not have much. Whatever you say, just leave them here.

Nagato naturally knew what the two men were doing, but he said nothing at the moment.

But the old man saw Sun Wukong at this moment and was not afraid at all. He also said to them: "This man may have something wrong with his eyes. He can't see anything. But rest assured, I have something to cure his eyes. You stay here for a while, and then I will go get the ointment to help him treat it now. "

Zhu Bajie heard the old man saying that he was very grateful there. After all, they came here to disturb them, and everyone was already very sorry, but the old man was not afraid of their appearance at the moment, and he still had to take medicine to treat them.

The old man quickly took the medicine. At that moment, he slowly applied Sun Wukong's eyes with the ointment, and then said to them:

"What happened to you? Why did his eyes become like this, but it seems that his symptoms were caused by the monster in the Yellow Wind Cave, he seems to have this magic power, and the yellow smoke he blows will make people My eyes become like this. "

Nagato still didn't say anything. At that time, Zhu Bajie was very puzzled at the moment. He didn't understand why the old lady knew so much.

And this is when he accidentally saw the little girl next to the old lady. The little girl was very young, and she looked very beautiful again.

After seeing him, the little girl sneered at him, and quickly walked behind the old woman. The long door was watching there at the moment, but she shook her head again and again. , Even thinking about this kind of thing. ..

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