My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 415: A Probe into Guanyin

Pig Bajie saw that everyone was looking back at himself, and there was some fear at the moment. If he complained just now, he couldn't say anything at the moment. Can only follow everyone silently and continue to move forward ...

After Guanyin Bodhisattva went back, he met Lishan Mother to find himself. At the moment, the two were talking there and they were very happy.

However, Guanyin Bodhisattva always feels that although they have all met now, they should still take a good look at their details to see if they can stand the test, and if they ca n’t stand the test, go to the West. Full of danger, I am afraid they will eventually fail.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva always gave all his considerations to Lishan Mother. After hearing it, Lishan Mother nodded to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"I think you are thinking very well, and did you know? Before I came to you, I passed a place and met a few monks, priests, and disciples. I think there are indeed some unchanging intentions in the pig Bajie. It should be a good test. "

But now there is no way, at this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva can only shake his head there.

However, Lishan's mother had a plan. He had contacted the monks and priests of Tang dynasty. Naturally, he knew the details of monks and priests of the Tang monastery.

Guanyin Bodhisattva was also at a loss from the beginning, and later became very proud.

"This method is really good. Let's implement it immediately."

On the other side, the monks and priests of the Tang Dynasty continued to move forward. They went through some twists and turns in this forest, and then finally came to a slightly flat place, they saw a house, and the courtyard of this house is very large. It seems that you can take a break soon.

The first one to see was Sun Wukong, but Sun Wukong always felt disapproved. Later, after seeing Zhu Bajie, he screamed excitedly there.

"Nagato, Master, look at it. There is a house in front of him, and there is still smoke in the chimney of that person. It seems that our luck is pretty good."

Everyone also saw the hut, and even Xuanzang was very happy. Everyone even walked more vigorously than before, and quickly walked forward, and quickly reached the family.

They knocked on the door, but a "women" woman opened the door, and when they saw them like this, they were a little scared.

Xuan Zang and the elder "women" of Longmen had been explaining for a long time, and the old "women" finally let them in.

They always sit there after they enter, and the old "women" show them tea. I also asked them where they came from.

Nagato gestured to Xuanzang, let him talk.

"We came from the Datang of the East and then went to the West."

The old "woman" nodded when she heard it. At that time, people like Nagato and others described their situation.

"I am an old" women "sitting here, you have also seen, my house is also quite big, but my husband has died. Now only me and my three daughters are left."

The old woman said that she clapped her hands, and his three daughters came out one by one, rolling the bead curtain.

Each of these three daughters looks better than a fairy, and each one is gorgeously dressed, and the "sex" style is also very good. Right now there was Yingying smiling.

The old "woman" said to them: "Daughters, this is an elder from Datang, you quickly give a gift to others."

The three daughters saluted them and still smiled there.

Xuan Zang Chang Men, Sha Monk, and Sun Wukong didn't take it for granted after seeing them, but only Zhu Bajie. After seeing it, he almost didn't drool. At the moment, his eyes were straight, staring at the three women. Can't live without eyes.

The old "woman" saw the picture of Zhu Bajie and smiled there.

"Several elders, it is also your luck to pass by here. My three daughters are all fairies, but you also see such a remote place in our place, but our family is not lacking in satin. If you If you can stay and be my son-in-law, these things are all yours. "

After Xuanzang heard it, he shook his head again and again.

"Thank you for your kindness, but we still have things going to the West. Besides, we are monks, but we can't do this kind of thing."

Sha Wujing and Sun Wukong also nodded there at the moment, and they also knew their identities. It's Pig Bajie, but there was a complaint there at the moment.

"Master, why did you refuse so fast? We are talking to others well, how can you directly reject others' good intentions?"

Xuan Zang saw him like this, and at the moment, he was there to scold him.

"You are now my apprentice, and you have become a monk over there, so you can't think about this kind of thing easily. And that is ..."

Xuan Zang had been teaching Pig Bajie all the time, and at the moment the whole house was filled with Xuan Zang's voice.

At that time, the old "woman" could not hear it at last, and didn't expect that Xuanzang was so capable of speaking, he quickly digressed.

"Okay, okay, this matter doesn't need you to come to a conclusion directly. You can stay here for more time. Wait until later, I will go and prepare some food for you."

When Xuanzang Changmen and others heard it, they were naturally very happy. At this moment, they saluted the old woman again, and the old woman slowly took her daughter out.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie was very disappointed when he saw this. If he could, he really wanted to take all three women as his own. After all, all three women looked very good.

Since the old "woman" went out with three daughters, Zhu Bajie was in this room, and he was in a trance for a while. I am afraid that he would have flew away with these three daughters.

Sun Wukong saw him like this, and then smiled secretly there. How could he not see all this.

"Master Changmen, since this pig Bajie wants to stay, don't let him stay, anyway, we will not lack him at all this time, if there is him, it will be a burden."

Xuan Zang was there because he didn't want to get involved with them. After all, he was just an ordinary person, and he didn't even care about them. At this moment, he looked helplessly at Nagato.

Nagato said at the moment: "I think this thing is feasible. If you can, you can stay at Bajie. Anyway, I don't think you seem willing to go with us."

Zhu Bajie started to quibble there when he heard it, and then left the house pretending to go out to feed the grass to the horse ...

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