My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 417: Tricky pig bajie

Within this hall. Pig Bajie is busy with a scorching head. At this moment, he has covered his head, but he can still see these three beauties through the front, passing in front of him.

But when Zhu Bajie always wanted to catch them, those beautiful women always ran past him, and he couldn't catch any of them, and later he fell directly to the ground and was embarrassed.

He took the hijab directly, and all three of these beautiful women returned to the room one by one, and Zhu Bajie sighed there again and again at the moment.

"Mother, what can I do? How could they run so fast one by one, I couldn't catch any of them."

The old woman also shook her head at the moment, saying there was no way. He complained there that he was so incompetent. Even a few little girls could not catch it at all, and it might not be a big deal in the future.

Pig Bajie prayed there and sent the old woman to kneel down, begging her to give her another chance. The old woman could not see the poor appearance of Pig Bajie.

"Well, each of my three daughters wore a pearl undershirt, it ’s better to try it on. If you can put on any one of them, then my daughter will follow you. . "

After hearing it, Zhu Bajie always felt that this idea was very good. At this moment, he nodded and asked the old lady to call her daughter out quickly. She wanted to try the pearl jersey as soon as possible. If it succeeded, would n’t it be beautiful!

The old woman clapped her hands again, and the three daughters came forward with their own pearl undershirts. After seeing them, Zhu Bajie smiled.

The eldest daughter directly took off her pearl undershirt, and then put on Zhu Bajie. At the moment, Zhu Bajie was very surprised. The size was even suitable for him. He looked at the old lady's eldest daughter with a smile. I'm sure I'll be stable.

I saw these people looking at him with a smile, he thought that these people were also happy for him, but did not expect that the pearl shirt he was wearing was getting tighter and tighter the next second.

"Mother-in-law, what the **** is going on? How is this pearl undershirt getting tighter?"

The old woman still smiled at him and said nothing. And slowly, they always restored the prototype, it turned out that this Guanyin Bodhisattva and Lishan Mother and several others were posing together.

This knitted undershirt turned into a net-like thing and directly hung the pig bajie, and at the moment, the pig bajie was hung on the tree.

"Help, help, brother and brother, come and save me soon."

Pig Bajie has been shouting there all the time. At this moment, he really regretted it, but now he thinks that it is useless. Now that he has reached this point, he can only call here the long door and others to save him.

But now the sky is dark, no matter how he shouts, no one will take care of him. He can only sigh and sigh there ...

Early in the morning on the second day, when Nagato and others woke up, they saw that they were "lu" in the wilderness. At this time, Sha Wujing was very "confusing" and "confusing", but they had experienced it once. I feel very normal.

And since the beginning, he and Sun Wukong knew exactly who these people were, and all this was a scam, so they did n’t even care, but the Tang monk was very surprised at the moment.

"What's the situation? Why did we wake up and fell asleep directly in the wilderness, we obviously lived in the house yesterday."

At this time, Tang Seng just finished his doubts when he heard a very weak and helpless voice, and he said to everyone: "Have you heard anyone calling for help? Let's go and have a look . "

Nagato and Sun Wukong were not in a hurry, but Tang Seng and Sha Monk hurried away, and when they went to see it, they saw Zhu Bajie, and they were even more surprised at the moment.

But the two thoughts were different, and what Tang Seng thought was that Pig Bajie apparently stayed with others? Why is it now hanging on a tree?

But the sand monk felt that the pig had a guilty conviction. He was hanging on the tree at the moment, but he was very relieved.

Zhu Bajie was always very kind after seeing the two.

"Senior Master, please rescue me quickly. I have been hanging on this tree all night. I'm about to collapse."

Tang Seng saw him like this, very unknown, but how could he put him down, at this moment he looked at the sand monk.

Monk Sha was very angry and didn't want to put it down at all, but slowly Nagato and Sun Wukong also came over. The two were laughing while walking, and it was so funny to see Pig Bajie.

"Isn't this my teacher's eight commandments? Didn't you go out with someone in a good manner yesterday? Why was it so embarrassed today that it was hung on a tree? Hahahaha."

Nagato also echoed there.

"Yeah, yeah, why is it so embarrassing now?"

Pig Bajie admits mistakes to them there, and tells them that he will never dare next time. He will never move his mind a little bit more, and he will also show his intestines to the long door and others.

Nagato saw that he had been hung for a night, and he should have remembered "sex", so he said to Sun Wukong: "Let go down in Wukong. Now he should have remembered" **** "."

Sun Wukong only took one finger at a time, and Zhu Bajie was put down. At this moment, Zhu Bajie finally fell to the ground, and he was full of joy.

Afterwards, he paid a salute to Nagato and others and said to them, "I'm wrong, I won't dare next time."

A few people at Nagato did n’t even take care of him, only Sha Monk said to him: "I think you too, with this thief's heart and not guilty, I persuaded you not to listen, but now you can fall into this end. Who is to blame? "

At this moment, Zhu Bajie was flattering and begging there to please Nagato and others, but Nagato himself ignored him at all. And continue to move forward, Zhu Bajie can only talk about it behind, after all, after a long time, everyone should be able to forgive him.

Guanyin Bodhisattva and Mother Lishan shook their heads there after returning home, but he still thought that this temptation was really interesting. He didn't expect this pig Bajie to be like the mother Lishan said.

"Hahaha, I didn't think that as you said, this pig bajie is really unchanging, and this time thanks to my mother, I should have learned this lesson, and he should be able to remember" **** "for a long time."

Mother Lishan was also laughing there at the moment, and was talking about this matter with Guanyin Bodhisattva, but in general this matter is still very good, except for Pig Bajie, everyone is doing very well ...

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