My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 421: Trial of Nagato

Several people at Nagmun continued to move forward, but even Nagato did not expect to have just left the town of Yuanzi. They had to go up the mountain again. These days they have been walking up the mountain. In fact, they are also very tired.

The mountain road is very rugged and very difficult to walk.

"I didn't expect how we walked up the mountain as soon as we walked. What can we do now that we have been following this route? I just ate something good in that Taoist temple, and now I'm suffering again. My old pig is really pitiful."

At this moment, Zhu Bajie complained again.

Nagato glanced back at him, and he was afraid to say that he was aggrieved, but Nagato was very angry when he saw Zhu Bajie like this. He was always the first to cry hard.

"Everyone is the same, it's very hard. Why are you always crying hard and tired, if you do this again, I'm afraid I won't give you a little punishment to try it. You don't know how good it is."

Zhu Bajie really touched the angry point of Nagato, and Nagato was very angry at the moment, and Zhu Bajie saw nothing like Nagato and always dared not say anything, and was still trembling there.

Sun Wukong didn't take it for granted. He also felt that when this time came, Zhu Bajie always had so many complaints.

"Huh, you nerd really deserves it, no wonder the long door said you, it's always your first complaint when this happens."

At this moment, Zhu Bajie was very wronged.

"My old pig is hungry and I can't speak anymore. Besides, I just complain a few words, why are you all talking about me?"

At this moment, Tang Seng also sighed, and then he also said weakly in the back:

"Actually, I'm also hungry."

Tang Seng said that the voice was very small, and there was also a feeling of lack of confidence, which can also be seen that he was really afraid of these people.

Zhu Bajie heard Tang Seng say the same, but now he was more confident.

Nagato sighed. Although the conditions were difficult, he really didn't know that these people were so useless. He just experienced such a thing. He was crying out here at this moment.

But Nagato was looking at the mountain at the moment. He always felt that the mountain was unusual, and in the northwest direction, there was a cloud of crows, and the mist was very black and black.

But now that they have said so, what is their own way, he sighed and said to everyone:

"Okay, for the sake of you all hungry, then I went out to help you find food, but a few of you stayed to protect Tang Seng from letting him encounter any danger. I looked around here, as if It ’s very unusual, there should be signs of monsters, so you guys should also pay attention to it, and do n’t do the negligence last time. " At this time, Tang Seng disagreed. Although he was hungry, he still did n’t want Nagato to help them find food. Besides, there was no pig Bajie to stop them. go with?

"Nagato, can't you let Pig Bajie stop them? Wouldn't it be safer to stay here and protect me well."

In fact, Nagato deliberately did it. He wanted the pigs to quit and exercise. They could n’t rely on themselves for everything. So he wanted to go out and take the opportunity to find food for them. Protect Tang Seng, otherwise don't you have to do everything yourself in the future, then what do you want them to do?

Nagato said nothing at the moment, took his little black cat directly, and disappeared in everyone's eyes in a blink of an eye.

Tang Seng was trembling there at the moment. There was some fear.

Pig Bajie was very happy, because the long door went out to find food, and he did n’t need to be hungry anymore. At this time, Pig Bajie saw it. There was a porcelain jar beside a tree in the mountain forest, just like He usually hurriedly happily ran over the kind of food that ordinary people pretended to eat.

As soon as he picked it up, he found that there was nothing in the jar this time, and it was empty, and Zhu Bajie angrily shattered the porcelain jar.

"Alas, I thought my old pig was running. I didn't expect it to be such a broken jar. It was really bad luck. Let's wait for the doorkeeper to bring us the food."

On the other side, Nagato took a little black cat and flew under a peach tree, and the peach tree was full of peaches. The little black cat was very satisfied at the moment, and meowed a few times. .

Nagato signaled her to return to the original form, after all, there are only two of them here.

The little black cat was very happy after turning into the original shape. He jumped to the long door and said, "I didn't expect there is such a large peach tree here. It seems that I can have a full meal today, but since you came out to find food Why do you want to take me with me? I feel so weird. "

And every time when the long door alone acts alone, what will happen, so the little black cat is already used to it, but she still wants to ask a question to understand what is going on.

Nagato said nothing to him at the moment, and he said to the little black cat: "It ’s not for your own good, or you can become a real look in front of them, and now you can become a real look and eat well. A meal, shouldn't you thank me? "

The little black cat heard Longmen saying this, and she stopped asking more. After that, she jumped happily into the tree, eating peach there, and she was very satisfied at the moment.

Nagato was not in a hurry, he smiled at the moment. In fact, he had already counted such a robbery, but he felt that it was time to let Pig Bajie quit a few of them for a good workout. One thing, let them taste the suffering, otherwise they will never understand.

Nagato sat directly here and continued to meditate, and he felt that the current environment was really good for himself. Having been in such an environment, it was also convenient for him to slowly break through calmly.

After three hours ...

Pig Bajie has been sitting there for three hours now. He is now so hungry that his chest is on his back. He was already very hungry, but now he does nothing, and he is very hungry even lying there. He complained there.

"Why doesn't Nagato come back? Isn't it very easy to help us find something to eat with his ability? But now why hasn't I been back for so long?"

Everyone was sitting there and did n’t know what the situation was, but Tang Seng did n’t dare to say a word. After all, they are all pigs and bastards. Sun Wukong and Sha Monk all have skills. How can they fight against them? ..

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