My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 424: Tense atmosphere

Tang Seng saw this scene even more trembling there, but he was still very angry, after all, it was a living life, is he really taking human life as a mustard?

Tang Seng stood up stiffly and said to Sun Wukong: "Like Ba Jie said, people are only good-hearted and good-natured. You can kill them instead. Do you have some good luck?"

After Sun Wukong heard it, he wished to laugh there directly. He didn't expect that Tang Sang should be like this. He was really helpless at the moment.

Instead, the monk Sha started to defend Sun Wukong. At this moment, only the monk Sha could understand all of them.

Upon hearing this, Sun Wukong didn't want to take care of him at all, so he walked directly to the side, and sat quietly and began to eat the fruit.

Tang Seng did not expect that Sun Wukong even ignored himself again, but he could tolerate the previous things, but when it comes to the issue of human life, he can't bear it. He still clearly remembers that Sun Wukong directly treated the robbers. He was killed, he was angry at the thought of this place, and he did not expect Sun Wukong to do such a thing again.

"You are like this every time, and if you do something wrong, you won't be told. What else are you going with us like this? It's better to go back as soon as possible. If the Nagato returns, I will tell him Suddenly, I look at you like this, I am afraid that the Nagato will not spare you at all. "

At this time, Zhu Bajie also came to help Tang Seng. He had been saying that Sun Wukong was not together. After all, as long as Zhu Bajie remembered the little girl just now, such a beautiful and beautiful little woman was killed by a stick of Sun Wukong, he was also very angry.

But the monk Sha thought that the Tang monk and Zhu Bajie didn't know anything at all, and they were still talking nonsense, and at that moment they quarreled there again.

This grand monkey can't stand it anymore.

"Can you stop arguing, everything will naturally be settled when Nagato returns, no matter who says who is wrong or who is right is useless."

Tang Seng wanted to say more, but when he heard Sun Wukong say this, he could only go back there and continue to sit there, and he did n’t even eat the fruit that Sun Wukong had picked up. He wanted the Nagato to hurry up. Come back and comment.

The monk Sha did not take it for granted. Instead, he went there to eat the fruit. Although Zhu Bajie was angry, how could he let go of the food? He would go there and take the fruit to eat. In Sun Wukong's hands, this is the case several times.

Pig Ba was annoyed, but now he couldn't beat Sun Wukong at all, so he snorted and went to the side.

Shishi can not be humiliated. He is right about this matter, so now he doesn't want to say anything to Sun Wukong anymore. If he doesn't eat fruit, he doesn't eat.

On the other side under the peach tree, the long door was there to hold his breath and wanted to break through. At this time, the little black cat did not know whether he should disturb him. After all, if he easily disturbed the long door, he would disturb him. "Chaotic" their own order, what should they do?

But it's too late now, why don't they go back? Just when the little black cat doubted, Nagato opened his eyes slowly, and today he feels that the breath of his body has stabilized a lot, it seems that he will know how Breakthrough, now it is so quiet under this peach tree, but it is also a good place to practice.

When the little black cat saw the long door, he opened his eyes at the moment, and quickly asked the long door: "Nagato, your practice is now so late, let's go back quickly."

Nagato was still unhurried, looking at him as if not anxious at all, which made the little black cat even more confused.

"We will live here today, I think this place is also very good."

Nagato said with a wave of his hand, the branches that fell on the ground were all set up at the moment, and a small shed-like thing was built.

At this moment, the little black cat is more doubtful, what is the situation?

Nagato waved a big hand at the moment, and everything that happened today appeared on the tree in its entirety. At this moment, the little black cat looked at, aren't the few people who appeared here just the Tang monks?

The little black cat was very surprised at the moment. Why was there a ghost in the tree suddenly? I didn't expect that they had just come out so little time today, so much happened.

"Nagato, so many things happened when we came out, let's go back quickly."

The little black cat is now less and less aware of what Nagato thinks about. Now so many things are happening, and now the situation is so fierce, Nagato doesn't even want to go back today.

When the long door waved his hand, there was nothing left. At the moment, the long door went directly to the small shed he had just built with branches.

The little black cat still doesn't know what Nagato thinks at the moment, but since Nagato is already like this and doesn't listen to his dissuasion, what can he do? It turned into a cat prototype, and then went to a corner of the shed, where he rested.

Several monks and apprentices of the Tang monk also rested there, but now several people are separated from each other, but they all have their own thoughts, but Xuanzang ca n’t sleep because he has always been afraid of what will happen next, because of his temperament like Sun Wukong. "Sex", he was afraid that Sun Wukong would hurt others again, but now that Nagato is not coming back, what can he do?

On the second day. They all woke up.

Sun Wukong and Sha Monk were okay. At that time, Zhu Bajie and Tang Seng were not hungry. The two of them did not eat the fruits of yesterday, so today the two of them are even weaker.

Sun Wukong disagreed, and said to the two of them, "Nagato doesn't know where to go now. But let's move on, just leave a mark here and tell him he will know."

Sha Monk also very much agrees. After all, they continue to have nothing here. It is better to take a look up the mountain and find out if they have found something.

Both Zhu Bajie and Tang Seng really couldn't bear this Sun Wukong and Sha Monk. After all, Zhu Bajie could not beat Sun Wukong at all, and he could only obediently obey, but even if he continued to follow Sun Wukong, they continued to complain ...

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