My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 426: The Return of Nagato

The monster escaped again, and Sun Wukong prepared an eye this time. After flying to the sky, she did not give her any chance and directly waved her stick to knock her to the ground.

The next second there is a bunch of skeletons on the ground. However, how could both Ba Bajie and Tang Seng believe.

Tang Seng also saw this scene happening in front of his eyes again and again, and he repeatedly persuaded him that he still did not change it. Tang Seng was very angry at this moment, and at this moment he finally remembered that he had taught himself a password before Nagato.

He just wanted to try the password, but he closed his eyes, because he wanted to calm down and rule out all the external distractions, then he slowly read the spell.

In the next second, Sun Wukong had a headache, and now he was rolling on the ground.

"Ah ... it hurts ... Tang Seng, have you been able to bear it?

............ Ah ... it hurts ... this is not ... my fault ... but you treat me like this. "

At this moment, Sun Wukong had a headache, he had no consciousness at all, and now his mind was confused.

And now the monk Sha was urging Tang Seng to stop him. After all, he looked at Sun Wukong with a headache, and he had just seen a skull fall from the sky, obviously that thing was a monster. . This shows that Sun Wukong is right.

But Tang Seng did not mean to stop at this time, and the long gate was too late.

When Nagato waved his hand, Tang Seng's password was completely unworkable, and Sun Wukong recovered, and after three seconds, Sun Wukong stood up.

He didn't say anything. With a straight spread of hands, the golden hoop was in his hand again, and he flew up and smashed it at the Tang Seng.

Tang Seng was terrified at the moment, but he couldn't dodge at all, and he could only close his eyes at this moment, so he had given up struggling.

The long door waved his hand, so that Sun Wukong would also fall directly to the ground.

At this time, the monk Sha was there to sigh.

"It's really time for Nagato to come, if he comes a little later, I'm afraid the master will have a headache."

And at this time, the long gate shouted there:

"What the **** are you doing?"

Instead, Sun Wukong became angry and confronted him.

"You asked me what we are going to do, what have you done? You said you went out to find food, and then came back so late, eating, I just didn't see you take it back to eat a little."

At the moment, Nagato spread his hands, and then the index finger of the other hand pointed at his palm. After three seconds, the finger pointed to the ground, and the next second, a pile of peaches appeared on the ground.

Sun Wukong disagreed.

"Even if you get back a bunch of peaches, what's the use? I've gone out and found you before, and I don't know where you are, but now, with such a big deal, you still know to come back." Nagato did n’t want to say much. After all, all this was just a test he gave them, but he did n’t think they disappointed him so much.

And if he comes one second later, I am afraid that the Tang monk has been killed by Sun Wukong, but it is also that the Tang monk is too ignorant and foolish. The door could not be seen at all.

But what should I say to myself? At this moment, Nagato is slightly embarrassed.

Seeing them coming back, Pig Bajie walked directly to the long door and said the bad things about Sun Wukong. He hadn't eaten for many days, so he quickly picked up the peaches on the ground and said while eating.

When Sun Wukong saw him like that, he felt extremely disgusted. A lazy pig will sleep in addition to eating, otherwise it will be greedy for money ...

At this moment, Nagato gathered everyone to sit together. Afterwards, after a thousand years of unchanging posture, holding the little black cat, he said to several of them:

"Actually, I will tell you the truth. Now all these are just the trials I gave you. I have already told you before I left. There will be monsters here, which is one of the tips I give you.

I brought you together. It ’s not that you let you quarrel every day and want you to unite, so I found out that there are monsters in this mountain and took the opportunity to leave to see how you would deal with it, but I did n’t think of you. What I did today really disappointed me. "

After hearing this, Tang Seng was very surprised. Isn't this all the trial of the long gate? No wonder he always didn't appear for so long, but appeared at this critical moment.

Did Sun Wukong do everything right, and did he really fight a monster?

At this time, Sun Wukong complained there and said:

"We did disappoint you too much. I'm still disappointed. Who am I going to tell? I clearly helped the Tang monk, but he didn't appreciate it. I obviously played monsters, but he missed me. . You talk about what I should do. I really did n’t think it would be so difficult to be a good person. "

Nagato knew that all this did not blame Sun Wukong, and that Sun Wukong did all the right things. He was also out of good intentions. If it weren't for Sun Wukong, he might have been caught by the monster.

And this time he was disappointed at Zhu Bajie again and again, Zhu Bajie really did not do anything, and would only provoke divorce there.

"I know that you did nothing wrong this time, I know all these things, and I analyze and analyze with you.

Pig Bajie, I'm really too disappointed with you. In addition to provoking separation, what else can you do?

There is also Tang Seng. Although you are a mortal, you should also know that Sun Wukong is now much better than before. How could he beat people several times if he was not for you? Moreover, he was not a human being, but a monster. "

Sun Wukong heard this long door saying this, he didn't know what to say at the moment, there was an unknown emotion in his heart, and it was there at the moment, sighing again and again.

"Alas, there is one who finally understands things."

At this time, Tang Seng was also very wronged. After all, is he just an ordinary person? He can know what, he just looked at the family of three is really pitiful.

Pig Bajie was also speechless by what the long door said at the moment.

But Sun Wukong was still very angry. Nagato saw Sun Wukong's anger, and then looked at Zhu Bajie. He said to the pig Bajie:

"And Pig Bajie all of you are provoking today. Originally, Tang Sang just felt sorry, and this monk Sha has already explained it to Tang Seng well, but you have been provoking there for a while. "

Nagato felt that he was fined today, but he will continue to do so in the future. If so few people are not united, then everything will be more difficult ...

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