My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 430: Put the Tang Seng

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The woman had given the Tang monk everything she should have said. She looked at what the monk Tang said. A monk should be able to help her and fulfill her wish.

The woman went back thinking that it wouldn't work. If you let Tang Seng know by the monster, I'm afraid he couldn't spare him. Although he has been spoiling himself for so many years, this matter can't be so simple.

She was lying on her bed at the moment, she was very cruel, and her expression was very painful.

"Come here, come here quickly and call the king over. I am very uncomfortable now."

The monsters were very scared when they heard the woman say this, so they went out and invited the monster. The monster is still deadlocked with Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk, and Zhu Bajie did not expect that neither he nor Sha Monk could fight. This monster.

The little demon started shouting when he came, and the lady was very uncomfortable. After hearing the monster, she immediately took all the little demon back. Both Pig Bajie and Sha Monk wanted to continue chasing, but the little demon blocked They have no way to go now.

The monster went back quickly and entered his wife's room.

"Madam, what's wrong with you?"

And he knew his wife was old, but he didn't expect it to be so sudden now.

The monster opened its big mouth directly, and then it was Dan Tian who was so angry that he forced out a yellow-yellow thing like Nei Dan in his body.

At this moment, after taking out this inner dan, it was the one with yellow light on it, and this light was shining on the woman at this moment. The woman was much more comfortable than just now.

Seeing his wife recovering bit by bit, at this moment the monster finally recovered this Nedan and quickly picked up his wife.

"Ma'am, why are you so sick this time?"

The woman shook her head, saying that she didn't even know what happened.

"I don't know why it suddenly became like this. I'm afraid that the concubine's body has always been bad and it is difficult to stay with Lang Jun."

When the monster heard this, she naturally shook her head and told her not to talk nonsense.

"My wife is talking nonsense. Now that we have caught the Tang monk, we can stay together after we have eaten the Tang monk's meat. Now I am afraid that it would be unlucky to say these words."

At this time, the middle-aged woman, the black fox, entered the room directly.

"I'm afraid the wish of the king is to be defeated, because the Tang monk has been released."

The monster was there to take care of his wife, but now when he hears this, he stands up directly and looks at the black fox spirit very annoyed at the moment.

"what did you say?"

The black fox essence repeated what he had just said, and he looked very angry at the monster at the moment.

"And the Tang monk was let go by his wife, you are angry and useless at the moment."

The woman looked at the black fox spirit and kept looking for her chaos. At this moment, she reprimanded him to let him go out, and when the monster heard her wife say this, she let the black fox spirit out.

The black fox is fine, but he only wants to avenge his wife, but now he looks at the monster as a fool, and even his wife speaks everything.

After the Black Fox went out. The monster was sitting directly aside. At the moment, he was very angry, and the woman got out of bed slowly at the moment, and walked to his side, but the monster didn't mean anything to him.

The woman looked at how the monster was so annoyed, but now she rolled her eyes.

"Husband, are you blaming me like this? Actually, I did this for us."

After hearing this, the monster directly fell in love with the woman. He wanted to hear what it meant.

At this moment, the woman slowly said, "I have been very sick these days. I believe you know the husband, and I dreamed a few days ago, but I dreamed that I had made a wish in my country. , And now it has not been able to respond.

I just want to go back, but you are not allowed, husband, and now my illness is getting worse. I have always been worried whether it is because of this matter, and that monk, I think he is a monk, so I want him to go My country can help me with my wish. "

After the woman said this at the moment, the monster was unmoved, and the woman began to cry from the pear blossoms with rain. The monster naturally felt distressed to see him crying, and was comforting there at the moment.

He sighed after all.

"Hey, if you say what you said, then you can't blame you at all. Don't cry anymore, Madam. If you cry, I will feel sad."

The woman fell into the fairy's arms, sobbing quietly at the moment. Slowly, it is back to normal ...

After a few hours ...

Pig Bajie and Sha Monk have been guarding this hole all the time. They are thinking of a way there, but they must not allow the monster to eat their master anyway.

Suddenly another burst of yellow smoke came out. Naturally, Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk knew this was a monster coming out.

The two are ready, and at this moment they are planning to fight against the monster again.

Pig Bajie even took up his weapon. He saw that the monster's real body finally appeared, and he didn't stay and attacked directly.

The monster blocked Pig Bajie's attack and then jumped directly to a higher position. Looking up at Pig Bajie to them.

"I didn't come out to fight with you this time. I looked at my wife's face and came to tell you that you can go to Houshan to find your master, but if you dare to commit crimes again, I will never spare you. "

After the monster was finished, it disappeared with the disappearance of Huang Yan, leaving only the pig Bajie and Sha Monk, but since the monster had already said so, they rushed directly to Houshan.

The two looked carefully in Houshan, but they found nothing in the darkness. At the moment, Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk leaned on a stone and sat down there.

"Neither blame you. If you were not optimistic about the master, neither of us would be like this now."

The monk Sha sneered at the moment, this pig Bajie had already said himself several times in this course. Although he was wrong, he should not be so nonsense.

"Eight Commandments ... Eight Commandments ..."

At this moment, Zhu Bajie said to the monk Sha.

"Are you powerful? Now you dare to call me Bajie?"

Sha Monk turned his head away at this moment, and he was not too rare to take care of him. How could he call his name.

At this moment, Zhu Bajie realized that someone seemed to touch himself, and Zhu Bajie was particularly angry at the moment, so he turned his head quickly.

"Master, you are here!"

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