My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 448: Royal Monastery

When Taishang Laojun heard this, he nodded his head, and his two little fairy boys drove the cloud to his side. Taishang Laojun spread his hands and returned his own weapons.

Sun Wukong was also loosened at this time, and he also loosened the two monks, Sha Monk and Tang Seng, and the Ba Ba Jie was still hanging there.

"Sun Monkey, please quickly put me down. My old pig has been hanging for the longest time among you. Now my old pig has backache and back pain, and his bones are about to fall apart."

Sun Wukong was disdainful at the moment.

"If it weren't for your stinky pig, how could it attract so many things, it seems that you still have to do whatever you want in the future, otherwise a little thing will not do well, but it will also involve us."

Pig Bajie thought to hum a few words with Sun Wukong, but now his situation is not allowed at all, he begged Sun Wukong there.

"Grandpa Monkey ... Grandpa Monkey, I was really wrong, you forgive me."

Sun Wukong reached out his hand and put the pig bajie down, and finally this time the matter passed. And Tang Seng was there to take a long sigh of relief. He really thought he would be eaten today.

At this time, the long door came to their side.

"You guys, as long as I'm away for a while, you can happen something like this, really don't understand, if I'm not around you, will you ever be eaten?"

Sun Monkey disagreed, it was not you who asked us to come with you, but now there are complaints there.

But how dare he say this, so at this moment, he said nothing, and when the time came, he prepared them.

This Ba Ba Jie was already hungry at the moment, and the long door immediately spread his hands and some fruit directly to the ground, and the Ba Ba Jie lay there on the ground and ate it there, it was almost quick.

Nagato saw the appearance of the pig Bajie, but at this moment, he shook his head there. It was really that the mud could not hold the wall.

And at this time, Nagato said to them:

"Hurry up and continue after the meal. Otherwise, when will you be able to reach the West, and you don't want to delay any longer."

But Pig Bajie was really hanged for many days. At this moment, he was really weak. He was lying there unwilling to get up at this moment. At this moment, Sun Monkey was holding his stick. , Just turned aside and stood up.

"Oh, you stinky pigs are lazy and underplayed, and now you don't get up very fast with my fight."

They continue to move forward ...

They walked westward as usual along the way, but there was always one thing that Nagato could not understand. How come two monsters suddenly appeared this time? Are the previous monsters and the monsters this time? But if it was a group, how could this grand monkey not recognize it?

It seems that the Taoists are really shooting now. These monsters may have been sent by them. At this moment, the long door shook his head, why should they even want to look like this. They walked a long distance, and then they saw a monastery again, and the monastery is square and well-built.

Zhu Bajie's eyes saw that he generally liked this kind of place, so Zhu Bajie was very satisfied at the moment, and quickly said to them:

"This monastery is so magnificent, if we can stay here for a night, it will be so fast."

It was too late, and Nagato felt the same way, but if Zhu Bajie went to stay, I was afraid that the monks would be frightened, and then Nagato called Tang Seng to go with him.

Longmen and Tang Seng persuaded the monks again for half a day, but these monks were still unmoved.

"This is the royal monastery of the Wuji Kingdom. Where did you guys come from? Or hurry to where we are, and we will not take you wandering monks."

But when Tang Seng heard this, he also felt that there was no hope today. When he arrived at the time gate, he was very annoyed at the moment. These monks were so rude.

He took Tang Seng out at the moment, and then waved his hand to let Sun Wukong come over. When Sun Wukong heard this, he hurriedly took the gold hoop and entered the monastery.

Suddenly, several buildings like this monastery were all shattered. The monks shook them all out of the sky and saw a monkey-like demon slapping their monastery there at the moment.

"Who are you? Don't fight anymore, this is a royal monastery. We are also responsible for being beaten like this."

Sun Wukong has listened to all the things that Nagato said, so he naturally knows what they have just done.

"The royal monastery is amazing, so dare not to take us in. I haven't heard of any monastery that doesn't take monks."

At this moment, Sun Wukong took the gold hoop to beat down all parts of the monastery. Several houses had collapsed, and the monks knelt down at the moment.

"Grandpa Monkey ... Grandpa Monkey ... Don't fight anymore, can't we take you in?"

The Changmen and Tang monks, as well as the pig Bajie and the monk Sha, were very proud to have entered the monastery, and the monks in the monastery rushed to clean the house one by one, for fear of a slight slack.

Nagato couldn't bear to be like them. He took his position and forced others there. Besides, it was a good thing to help others. I have never seen such a stingy monk.

When they arrived at the partial temple to rest, the Tang monk said to them at that moment:

"I just saw the plaque outside. This is the Royal Monastery of the Wuji Kingdom. It seems that we have arrived in a new country. In this case, we still need to report it to the king."

And several other people started talking there, and most of them meant that this is a night ’s rest here tonight, and it ’s not too late to go tomorrow. Everyone reached a consensus now that others are lying down and resting there. ...

In particular, Zhu Bajie, he was actually hanged for a long time, and then he finally took a rest after a while, and then continued to hurry up. Now that he has really arrived at such a good place, he naturally needs a good rest, and he just started lying down in bed Hulu fell asleep.

At this time, Nagato went out directly, and wanted to take a walk in this monastery. Sun Wukong was annoyed by the grunt, and he went straight out at this moment ...

At this moment, it seemed that someone was coming. The monks met there one by one, and each one looked particularly attentive .........

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