My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 450: Tianji cannot be leaked

The prince felt that it seemed that the man had deliberately exposed this thing in front of himself.

"Looking like you are so powerful, I don't know if I can go to the side of the palace. Let's have a good chat."

At this moment, Nagato nodded, and he signaled that Tang Seng should return to the house as quickly as possible.

This move made everyone feel very strange, especially after the piggy back to go back, it was there to vigorously guess where it was.

"You talk about what happened to Nagato? Suddenly, I became chatted with other people's princes, and even the master didn't chat with them."

"Yeah, it's too weird."

At the moment, Monk Sha also felt very strange.

At that time, the Tang monks did not take it for granted. After all, they came here just to come here to rest and stay. If there is nothing, they can leave directly. On the contrary, what they did is not good for them. It is the best thing for Tang Seng.

The two entered the side hall, and the prince was very angry at the moment.

"Who the **** are you? Why is my father's token in your hands? I have never seen you in the palace. Where did you get this token from?"

At this moment, the prince directly drew his sword and pressed his sword against the gate.

However, the next second he took the sword against the long door, the whole body of the long door burst out with a breath, but he directly dropped his sword to the ground.

"You don't need to know who I am, it's just that I want to tell you one thing, that's the king today. It's not your biological father at all. Your biological father died as early as a year ago."

"You demon are talking nonsense here."

Nagato didn't want to argue with him.


A priest came to the Wuji Kingdom a year ago, but it was a great conversation with your father and king. I'm afraid you know this matter, and you know where the priest went from the end. It's just that it wasn't the Taoist who was missing at that time, it was your father, and he had been in the well for more than half a year.

How could the prince believe that at this moment he took up the sword on the ground while Long Gate was not paying attention, and stabbed at Long Gate again.

"I don't believe you at all, you dare, even dare to come here to provoke our father-son relationship."

The long door waved, and the prince and the sword all fell directly to the ground.

He was very scared at the moment, and at this time he also fell out directly.

It ’s just that the voice of Nagato followed him all the time ...

"If you still don't believe it, you can go and ask your mother everything you know."

The prince returned directly to the palace, but how could he think that everything had not happened?

I don't know what caused him to walk to the queen's palace just like that.

"Baby, why did you come suddenly?"

The queen was asking there at the moment, while the prince hesitated there.

"My mother would like to ask you how you and your father have been in the relationship for the past year, so you can tell me sincerely."

This is a bit strange. The two of us are not as loving as before. In the past, we both had each other in our hearts, but your father has always been strange in the past year.

The prince was very shocked at the moment. Is it really ...

The prince flew straight out at the moment.

"Baby, where are you going?"

The Queen shook her head there at the moment, and she did not understand what the Prince was doing in a hurry.

In the Grand Palace ... "Yao Bao Wang, I followed the prince along the way. After the prince went to the royal monastery, he met a group of monks. The monk came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty. He talked to one of them for a long time, and when he came back, he went directly to the Queen's Palace. "

The king was sitting there in danger.

"I don't know what they said, do you know?"

The man was trembling there at the moment, and still shaking his head there.

"One waste, what's the use of I want you?"

At this moment the man knelt down directly.

Instead, the king directly left, and this man followed the king's butt, but he did not know where the king was going now?

Soon, they went to the Queen's Palace.

"The King"

The Queen was very surprised when she saw it, but she still paid a salute.

She really couldn't understand how the father and son were very strange now. The son had just left his forefoot, and the father and father immediately followed!


At this time, Nagato was there to think about it. He still remembered everything yesterday, and he could conclude one thing at the moment.

He went straight back, and at the moment they were direct and all in the room.

Pig Bajie was very happy to see Nagato coming back.

"Nagato, you have finally returned, and now you are back. At this time, we will leave quickly, otherwise we may have to stay here for another night."

At this time, Tang Seng shook his head there.

"It's absolutely necessary. We haven't met the king of the Wuji Country yet, and we don't have the customs clearance. Now it's too hasty to go like this.

This is Pig Bajie complaining there again.

"Every day you are incapable, and farts are more."

The long door at this moment shook his head there, not wanting to talk nonsense with them.

He stretched out his hand towards Zhu Bajie.

Pig Bajie will also come directly, at this moment he is directly taking Pig Bajie out ...

"Long door, long door, where are you taking me to?"

Pig Bajie is very suspicious, but he still follows the **** of the long door.

Nagato said nothing at the moment, and directly brought Pig Bajie to the well. At the moment, he waved his hand, and the big stone on the top flew away directly, and "a round" of the well was exposed.

Pig Bajie was dumbfounded. It turned out that it was a well.

Nagato nodded.

"There is this baby in this well, but you are the most proficient in water" **** ", so you can only go down and help me get it, but if you want to get it, I will reward you!"

Pig Bajie was very curious at the moment, so he asked the long door there to see if he could tell him what it was under the water.

Nagato said that there is no way to reveal "the truth", he said nothing ...

However, Pig Bajie was very curious and jumped directly into the well.

He rolled around, looking around now, and found nothing at all.

"Long door, long door, is there nothing at all?"

Nagato still did not answer. At this moment, Zhu Bajie could only go deep into the water, and then he suddenly saw a palace under water. This aroused the curiosity of Zhu Bajie .........

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